What did you do with your flock today?

Took some photos this afternoon. 3 of 11 girls are laying. Caught Daisy, my 24 week old blue birchen Marans pullet checking out the nest boxes! I think she will be the 4th!😊
Here's Cati the Daddy, Acorn Overlord with his Crevecoeur hens. He's gentle and large, filling out nicely. He stands still if I need to pick him up but still puffs up when I first open the tractor door. 🤣

the Blue Creve is Marge with her always wet beard, and the others are Arti, Sofi, and Weesa.

He’s so handsome! You have a beautiful flock.
Here's Cati the Daddy, Acorn Overlord with his Crevecoeur hens. He's gentle and large, filling out nicely. He stands still if I need to pick him up but still puffs up when I first open the tractor door. 🤣

the Blue Creve is Marge with her always wet beard, and the others are Arti, Sofi, and Weesa.

Great clip! Music fits perfectly with his strut!☺
Hello! This is a place to post pictures/talk about what you and your flock have done today.

I was on a zoom call earlier and Iris, my rooster, decided to stand behind me and crow repeatedly. Thankfully I was on mute, but it was still annoying. They couldn’t see him, but they could see me trying to make him quiet, which was a little embarrassing. :lol:
Here’s a pic of my boy with some mini roses.
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What about you guys? Have you done anything interesting with your flock today?

Here are a few pictures of my birds.
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Today it was raining! It was the girls first heavy rain and they were not too happy about. 😆

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