What did you do with your flock today?

I know right?!! X2!! Well actually, it is 2 x 4' X2 and can house 30 baby chicks easy in each bin so 60 total. What do I need with 60 chicks?!! I have hatched 18, w/ a broody sitting on ?? and then paid my friend to hatch 30 but that was as close as I came to 60 and within a few days I had sold most all.
View attachment 2648584I grow out mine and long term in my mini coop that is right across the way, then main as they get close to POL. They naturally decide when it is time to go to the main coop unless I am juggling, then I nudge but never on the main roost till after they have reach POL or after. Main roost is like a rite of passage. I also have 2 XL, 1 L and 1 M dog cages too for grow out. So brooder is for 0-3 to 4 weeks, though the last 3- 3 month old cockerels loved it so the low brooder stayed their home base because I was not hatching. I just kept the door open for them during the day and they wander like the rest.
Right now I have Dusty in 1/2 of the mini and a roo in the other 1/2 lol. Beautiful juggle.View attachment 2648608
Papaya vita water snack as she is on lock down. Tic toc!
I hope the eggs hatch well!
Still waiting and checking... Dusty has not budged, no chirping:pop I just gave her some fresh vita water as she is looking pale. IDK.... maybe I marked my calendar correctly by accident?!! That would mean this eve or tomorrow and if not... something may have gone wrong other than my inability to mark a calendar correctly... or did I????!! I am worried she pooped again... and the eggs are old or young... I tell ya, I just don't trust mother nature... How does the world turn w/o my interference?!! :oops::smack:old:idunno I mean, I am so good at marking my calendar and all... :gig lol.
Still waiting and checking... Dusty has not budged, no chirping:pop I just gave her some fresh vita water as she is looking pale. IDK.... maybe I marked my calendar correctly by accident?!! That would mean this eve or tomorrow and if not... something may have gone wrong other than my inability to mark a calendar correctly... or did I????!! I am worried she pooped again... and the eggs are old or young... I tell ya, I just don't trust mother nature... How does the world turn w/o my interference?!! :oops::smack:old:idunno I mean, I am so good at marking my calendar and all... :gig lol.
broody hatches do not often follow the rules!
It’s been busy around here with the garden so I haven’t gotten to spend much time with the flock. The chicks are 2 weeks now and probably half feral lol. They don’t see me unless I’m feeding or watering them. The only reassurance I have is they like me far better than my dad who checked on them for me while I was gone this weekend. I think I’ll go sit with them in a few. We lost one of the main flock last week I suspect she might have been eggbound but she never showed any symptoms. Was happily free ranging with the rest and the next day she was dead under the roost. I also lost a few of the chicks to different uncontrollable things.
It’s been busy around here with the garden so I haven’t gotten to spend much time with the flock. The chicks are 2 weeks now and probably half feral lol. They don’t see me unless I’m feeding or watering them. The only reassurance I have is they like me far better than my dad who checked on them for me while I was gone this weekend. I think I’ll go sit with them in a few. We lost one of the main flock last week I suspect she might have been eggbound but she never showed any symptoms. Was happily free ranging with the rest and the next day she was dead under the roost. I also lost a few of the chicks to different uncontrollable things.View attachment 2649893
Oh my goodness! Beautiful littles :loveLook what a wonderful mom you are!!! Looks all toasty wonderful!!!
I am so sorry for your loss... it is so hard when that happens so sudden and mysteriously. I am glad she had a good life with you and her friends. :hugs
Oh I’m SO glad!!! :wee They are too cute & too bonded & too photogenic to let anyone else have them. 🥰
and entertaining! and therapeutic... and I have an excuse to have dirty floors and they get the dust bunnies in the corners.... all kinds of bonus's lol.
Yeah, that little Mango charmed the geezers out of DH. He is powerless

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