What did you do with your flock today?

Wow, you’re cutting a lot of hair off! I bet it feels really nice. :3
Well, she cut about an inch plus more than I wanted so it looks a little trying but i think in 2 weeks I will be ok. Yes, I love short hair, just don't think I look great in it but tired of the knot on top my head. Change is good (usually)

I know that Lavender and Mauve Orp. I'm dying of cuteness over here. I can not get here yet unless I risk eggs... maybe one day. So beautiful. Love to admire anywho.
So Ema has at least 1 more chick under her and that would mean 4 more eggs? I have the other brooder set up for her to mother her chicks and the incubator fired up too. Was thinking... I may move her to the brooder, give her the chicks she has hatched and pop what is left in the incubator. I'll sleep on that. She is on day 24 and surely has to go potty. Poor baby
Great your teaching as possible in them not everyone can or should
It made both of us more comfortable about it (I haven't left my birds long enough to require a babysitter in almost 10 years. It's already starting to stress me out a bit.

Plus then she knows exactly what to do and that if a bird does die (I have say olds and a trio that are almost 10. I won't be too too surprised honestly if she does have one just not make it), it's not her fault. I'm going to walk her through reporting any deaths as well just in case.

Doesn't mean I don't trust her, wouldn't have asked her to watch them if I didnt, especially since it's a small fortune in just gas money
Wow Tropical I had the Son lop off my hair.
It was past my Bra lean back had it pulled back all the time .. Wanted to clean it up get it healthy
He took a bit more than I realized :frow
Yeah, my bun was so heavy it would not stay up and if it did it would catch on every branch I walked by and pick up hitch hikers 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I would be at the computer with ants walking across my glasses from the orange tree. 🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜
Short hair is freeing. I like it better today and don't miss my scrunchie yet.
I use plastic clips claw like things but take out if I go outside put it out the back of my ballcap. Use to do that as kid but head a much fuller head of hair back then

Time to go clean the nest boxes!
I have 4 eggs in the bator. So far, was a good juggle.
Thank you!! I clearly love the diluted colors :-D The one in the third picture is actually the Mauve Orpington and she is such a pretty color! It’s like a light brown purple. She’s also super sweet and one of the friendlier chicks. We named her Coco :) The only lavender Orpington I have is my boy Eevee (daughter named him) and he is getting quite handsome! 😍
Theyre so cute! I’d love to have birds in that color. I have two sapphire gems. They’re not the same shade as yours are, but they’re my first solid gray birds.
Theyre so cute! I’d love to have birds in that color. I have two sapphire gems. They’re not the same shade as yours are, but they’re my first solid gray birds.
Thank you! I do love all their diluted shades. Although I do have one black girl that is just amazing when the sun shines on her feathers. Iridescent greens and purples that cameras just don’t capture well. So I’m coming around to other colors haha. Sapphire Gems are so pretty! I have a friend with a couple and they’re super sweet birds!

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