What did you do with your flock today?

Well... too smart to take the time to come by and let me give her a rundown on the dos and donts, though I had asked several times. I got a "oh my friend has horses, I'm totally comfortable". Yes, that is all great but she did not put medicine on his sarcoid and the flies go to it so when I got home it was screaming red, swollen and scary. The heal went the wrong way. Like fly strike.
As far as the chickens went... I had the list and the rundown for that too but once again too busy, knew how etc. Well, she did not know the coop from the run or how many chickens I actually had. She did not lock the run and when I asked by phone she finally did but locked 3 chickens out of the run and found them a day later. One wounded, 2 dead. 🤬🤬🤬
Ahhhh Crap .. I am sorry of that ...
I did something right mine gave me 13 bakers dozen eggs today :celebrate
Somewhere close to 18 in the main coop.
7 in banty, 2 being full size growing up and one cockerel silkie
That sounds about right ♡
Nice they gave you 13! Mine made it up to 7 then dropped off again. Have not found any secret nest. Did crawl under the house looking (and cleaning) for and hour but nothing. Still have 2 dark B's going through their molt, 2 pullets looking close to POL but still no baby eggs. A few are 4yo, Peaches gets a hall pass because she is cute... guess I have to wait for the littles to get big b4 I get a bakers 13.
Welp, if it is, she has been bitten a few times :-/ I found three more bumps without the center scab behind her ears on both sides. I don’t know what to make of it! Maybe impacted feather follicles? Maybe some other more benign response to something? I’m only panicking cuz I’m leaving for a week and chicken health can turn on a dime 😩 Gonna rinse it with antifungal antiseptic and see what she looks like again tomorrow. She’s otherwise fine…no discharge in eyes or nose, no sores in her mouth, no sneezing…blah! Silly chickens are stressing me out man.
fowl pox? It is in Sacramento. It is normally a fall issue so maybe a bit late.
Yeah I hope it’s just mosquitoes, although I read that they are the carriers of fowl pox so I guess we shall see. 😣 the main scab and bump looks the same and hasn’t grown or changed at all, so I feel that’s maybe a good sign? Gonna leave out a waterer with vitamins while we are gone. Gotta work on Brads crop today too sighhh. Vacation came at the wrong time! 🤪
If it is fowl pox, there has to be a flock with it fairly close to you.
Well... too smart to take the time to come by and let me give her a rundown on the dos and donts, though I had asked several times. I got a "oh my friend has horses, I'm totally comfortable". Yes, that is all great but she did not put medicine on his sarcoid and the flies go to it so when I got home it was screaming red, swollen and scary. The heal went the wrong way. Like fly strike.
As far as the chickens went... I had the list and the rundown for that too but once again too busy, knew how etc. Well, she did not know the coop from the run or how many chickens I actually had. She did not lock the run and when I asked by phone she finally did but locked 3 chickens out of the run and found them a day later. One wounded, 2 dead. 🤬🤬🤬
That’s awful, I’m sorry. Did the horse end up being ok?
I love orchard grass! It is kinda pricey here.
Not sure how much Spider weighs. He feels lighter than my other two probably because he gives everything to the girls. Cept his piñata scratch 😉😉😉 he wolf's that down pretty good. But my guess would be 9ish. I have to weigh him...
He’s huge! :O He’s just a liiiiitle bit bigger than Iris. It makes me wonder how big the other two are. XD
That’s awful, I’m sorry. Did the horse end up being ok?

He’s huge! :O He’s just a liiiiitle bit bigger than Iris. It makes me wonder how big the other two are. XD
Yeah, I had to double dose him with... I think fenbendazole?? Ivermectin maybe.... then the site got injected with cortisone and something else. I then reapplied another medicine and then the topical. It was an ugly mess..
I was really surprised the vet was so cheap. If that did not work we would have had to operate and then that would have been another 500+ ???
Yeah, not a big fan of this gal anymore. I felt very let down during a very stressful time. I'm sure that did not help at all.

Now I am curious and will have to weigh my boys. 😉😋 good fun!
Yeah, I had to double dose him with... I think fenbendazole?? Ivermectin maybe.... then the site got injected with cortisone and something else. I then reapplied another medicine and then the topical. It was an ugly mess..
I was really surprised the vet was so cheap. If that did not work we would have had to operate and then that would have been another 500+ ???
Yeah, not a big fan of this gal anymore. I felt very let down during a very stressful time. I'm sure that did not help at all.

Now I am curious and will have to weigh my boys. 😉😋 good fun!
Ugh, that sounds exhausting. :th I don’t blame you for feeling let down. Was she an actual pet sitter, or just someone that came to watch your animas for you?

I’ll be interested to see how much they weigh!

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