What did you do with your flock today?

Those look amazing! What an awesome project and great way to remember all your birdies! I’m trying to come up with a good way to remember Brad and Ms. Pretty. My daughter wants a plaque like they give you when your dog dies at the vet, with a paw print and their name. I’m not sure there are any like that for chickens! Little clay versions would be neat! I’ll have to look around for something! ❤️❤️

I took some time today to get some chicken snuggles to help me feel less sad about my girls. Puff Puff may have made me a sad panda by crowing, but he knows how to make me happy too! He even laid his head down on my neck and let me snuggle him. He’s just the best boy ❤️
Thank you! They were really fun to make, but now I’m going to need a bigger shelf. XD I’m hoping next semester I’ll be able to make my quail, too, but we’ll see.

A plaque would be great! If you or your kids like to paint, you could always paint a rock with the bird and their name on it, or any other special thing. You could then use it as a grave marker, or would it in a special part of the yard, such as a favorite place they liked to hang out.

Puff Puff sounds like such a sweet boy! 😍 I love his fluffy face.
Why are we all up so late on a school night?
Good question. XD
Thank you! They were really fun to make, but now I’m going to need a bigger shelf. XD I’m hoping next semester I’ll be able to make my quail, too, but we’ll see.

A plaque would be great! If you or your kids like to paint, you could always paint a rock with the bird and their name on it, or any other special thing. You could then use it as a grave marker, or would it in a special part of the yard, such as a favorite place they liked to hang out.

Puff Puff sounds like such a sweet boy! 😍 I love his fluffy face.

Good question. XD
Haha, if I did all of my quail, I would need a whole bookshelf! :D

Yeah we have a small area in the fenced off part of our lawn (where dog can't reach haha) that we might make into our little chicken graveyard. I am hopeful this will help her move forward without obsessing over them. She really struggles with death of any kind.

I love Puff Puff's fluffy face too! It's just so cute! :love

No hanging with the chickens while drinking my coffee today! It is raining pretty hard and super windy! I know we need this rain and it's snowing a bunch in the mountains, but it's a bummer when the chickens can't be out enjoying the day. All I want to do is watch movies, sit under a cozy warm blanket and have some warm soup!
Haha, if I did all of my quail, I would need a whole bookshelf! :D

Yeah we have a small area in the fenced off part of our lawn (where dog can't reach haha) that we might make into our little chicken graveyard. I am hopeful this will help her move forward without obsessing over them. She really struggles with death of any kind.

I love Puff Puff's fluffy face too! It's just so cute! :love

No hanging with the chickens while drinking my coffee today! It is raining pretty hard and super windy! I know we need this rain and it's snowing a bunch in the mountains, but it's a bummer when the chickens can't be out enjoying the day. All I want to do is watch movies, sit under a cozy warm blanket and have some warm soup!
After 23-24yrs in this house we are starting to seriously lack graveyard space. We might have to start building up. Is backyard mausoleums a thing? 🤔

Your weather is headed our way. Should be here tonight or tomorrow.

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