What did you do with your flock today?

Some of you may know I've been struggling with my laying hens not roosting in their coop. We have two coops, both already here decades before we bought this property a year ago. One was originally built for chickens, the other seems more geared to guineas as the roosts are much higher. Both are seriously ugly henhouses, but we got them into usable shape and they'll do until I win the lottery and can build fabulous henhouses. 🤪 I got the 16 laying hens (RIRs) from a lady who got them from a guy who was going to cull them ... because, ya know, after a year of laying, they weren't any use to him anymore. 🤦‍♀️ Half of these ladies "roost" on the frozen ground. I've tried everything to get them to at least sleep somewhere out of the elements. Lately I've been successful trapping several of them in with the younger flock in the enclosed run (the one attached to the "guinea" coop) in the evening. Half of those are actually sleeping IN the attached coop with the young ones. The others might still be out in the elements, but at least they're in the fully-enclosed run...slightly safer. But there's still been this group of stubborn holdouts that I hadnt been able to wrangle. Mind you, of the 16 of them 5 had always slept in their coop...3 on the floor and two on the actual roosting bars. Well, tonight, I'd had it. We're supposed to have thunderstorms all night...wrath of God level storms. So I got 9 of the 16 in with the young ones and after realizing they weren't getting back out again, they all started heading into the cover of the coop or at least near it. Then I made a decision. The remaining ladies were sleeping in the other house tonight come hell or high water. So I cussed and stormed and eventually got them all inside. And aside from some minor grumbling, there wasnt too much chaos once they were all actually IN the coop with the door shut. Tonight, they can all sleep on the floor...in the nesting boxes...I dont care. What matters is that these ladies are going to be dry in the morning.
Somewhere in between love and laugh! I would have done the same.
Do you have enough roost room for all? Try, at night putting them on the roosts they need to be on over and over and eventually they will get it. Poor girls probably did not have a roost so therefor have no learned experience.
I'd also have small logs in the run for them to hop on and get used to and strengthen their feet and legs. I know you have asked for photos of my set up and can see the ones I put in there. The swing adds get away space and extra room.
Would love to see what you were left with. Like DIY coop renovation!!
During the daylight hours, the hens ALL hop up on the chain length fence, on the branches of bushes, chair arms, etc. I think they may have been bullied out of the best roosting spots each evening in their old life. So they got used to spending the night on the ground. The lady I got them from took in 300 chickens that day. She basically gave most of them away to people like me who'd take care of them and give them a better life.

I've measured the houses and roosts in each. Each house is 12×6, but with walls and all the roosts are shorter. In the chicken house, there are two roosts at different heights. Each is 5.5 feet long wall to wall. The roosts in the "guinea" house are 11.5 feet long, both at 4 foot height, but usable length shortened due to the makeshift nesting boxes I put in. They look a lot smaller than their real dimensions in photos, but below is pretty much the set up we have currently have.

First is the "chicken" house

Next is the "guinea" house


Next, the central chicken yard, enclosed with chain link around, but not covered. The tree stump is THE place to be, day and night, by all 35 chickens (older and younger).


Finally, the enclosed run with junk added for interest. I have idea for adding more, but this is what I have so far.


The chickens all get let out of the run and yard first thing in the morning and are shooed back in each evening. In between, they're free to roam anywhere they want in the enclosed 1 acre area surrounding our house. In the summer, they're allowed out further during the day, but right now, there are far too many hungry predators, so they get the one acre.
I've taken all their food and water out of their coops because of the attraction to rodents. We haven't had any problems with other birds getting into the enclosed run. Plus our birds free range our property....no way to keep sparrows, cardinals, woodpeckers, etc away. Nor would I want to. I prefer the birds have a life free to roam where they will. Risk of predators exists, of course. But for me, it's important that the time they spend on this earth is lived to the fullest.
Oh wow @GoatsandGuineas that is terrific!! All the hard work is done and now you get to do a little shearing up and make it your own. Fabulous :love !!!
Is that 2 full runs I see? I'm fricken jealous. Your set up is awesome!
I know nothing about ex bats just glad you got them and you have a terrific philosophy. Poor girls, so glad they are home.

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