What did you do with your flock today?

Wow would not try to move my hoard to a relatives.
It will be just the three of us here .. Met with the other Son gifts traded back and forth not seeing them soon.
No. Just the cabin, 1/2 hour slow mountain drive but lots of turns. Close to 30 chooks would be a hassle, plus dog, plus cats but can be done.
It gets firework intense here as the beach is a favorite place to light the big ones and it is only 300 yards away at best. I kid you not. War zone.
Birds and Fireworks are never a good mix .. We have a few neighbors that go to excess on that stuff too
Totally! My birds, especially the tiels, get all freaky when they hear firecrackers. We have some twits who fire them off for giggles sake on a regular basis in this neighborhood. Literally set them off at midnight or later in the middle of the street. Sigh. Thank the Gods I don't have an outdoor aviary!

As for what I did with my quail.... cleaned their habitat. I can't wait for their new enclosure to arrive on the 29th! They'll have so much more room!
Lock stock and Barrel in tiel cage_Dec 23 2021.jpeg
I'm sorry to say I'm comforted by you two having neighborhood twats. I just figure I was surrounded by idiots and well, still believe so... but just us that had to deal with the cant breath or hear 24/7 to surprise attack bombs at all hours. I am just not sure why they are allowed or not allowed but NEVER followed up on. The keystone cops would only bother if they were directly bothered and not related...
Well I wish I could say I was a stealthy ninja Mom haha, but it just happened to work out that I am pet sitting for a couple that said they were fine if my kids stayed with me too. So while this week has been one for the books…they’re only in the house for about 2 hours each day 😆 Our floor plan also puts our master bathroom in the far end of the house, so they can’t hear her when she starts complaining about being lonely ☺️ She’s just the cutest and I can’t WAIT till Saturday 😆 So with the pet sitting which includes two dogs walked separately twice a day, the chickens and quail, the sick chickens, my old lady dogs that are getting worse about peeing whenever wherever, wrapping presents, working my job, and taking care of the kids…I’m feeling a bit crazy 🤒🥴😣

Eevee seemed miserable this morning but got a bit better as the day progressed (first pic you can see how dark his comb was). It’s either worms or coccidiosis I think—given the rattling and the head shaking, so I’m going to treat for both and cross my fingers. I’m just worried I got to it too late and he’s slowly suffocating 😢😢 He won’t eat or drink either so I have been forcing Nutridrench and water down him periodically. I soo hope he’s better tomorrow. The other chickens are going crazy thanks to all the rain too. I’m reaching the mentally spent mode…where I just wanna quit all of it and drink in my jammies! Still have so many presents to wrap 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Tomorrow we are going to go bowling, make my family recipe Christmas sugar cookies, and then wrap presents like crazy while listening to the Amy Grant Christmas album till way too late—which is also a tradition 😆. Will be the longest my kids have been in the house since last Friday hehe.

Anywho, hope you all have a lovely Christmas Eve tomorrow! 🎄


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Well I wish I could say I was a stealthy ninja Mom haha, but it just happened to work out that I am pet sitting for a couple that said they were fine if my kids stayed with me too. So while this week has been one for the books…they’re only in the house for about 2 hours each day 😆 Our floor plan also puts our master bathroom in the far end of the house, so they can’t hear her when she starts complaining about being lonely ☺️ She’s just the cutest and I can’t WAIT till Saturday 😆 So with the pet sitting which includes two dogs walked separately twice a day, the chickens and quail, the sick chickens, my old lady dogs that are getting worse about peeing whenever wherever, wrapping presents, working my job, and taking care of the kids…I’m feeling a bit crazy 🤒🥴😣

Eevee seemed miserable this morning but got a bit better as the day progressed (first pic you can see how dark his comb was). It’s either worms or coccidiosis I think—given the rattling and the head shaking, so I’m going to treat for both and cross my fingers. I’m just worried I got to it too late and he’s slowly suffocating 😢😢 He won’t eat or drink either so I have been forcing Nutridrench and water down him periodically. I soo hope he’s better tomorrow. The other chickens are going crazy thanks to all the rain too. I’m reaching the mentally spent mode…where I just wanna quit all of it and drink in my jammies! Still have so many presents to wrap 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Tomorrow we are going to go bowling, make my family recipe Christmas sugar cookies, and then wrap presents like crazy while listening to the Amy Grant Christmas album till way too late—which is also a tradition 😆. Will be the longest my kids have been in the house since last Friday hehe.

Anywho, hope you all have a lovely Christmas Eve tomorrow! 🎄
I’m so sorry! I feel your pain. I think we’re jumping thru a lot of the same hoops (minus the Kitty in the bathroom & the bowling.) :hugs

Forget about wrapping your presents because once that cat is out of the bag the rest of the gifts will just be gravy.

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