What did you do with your flock today?

Thanks! I concur, pox is a horrid thing. Especially since there’s nothing you can really do but cross your fingers and hope their immune systems and extra vitamins will be enough. The dry pox is hard to look at, but at least you know it’s there and can see it’s progression. The wet pox is just horrible!! I hate watching them struggle to breathe, and stop eating and drinking because they can’t keep stuff in their mouths due to the lesions. But I don’t want to give up on her cuz she’s fighting hard to live. I give her water thru a syringe and she ate almost 2/3rds of a can of wet cat food. It was the only thing I could think of that she could easily eat and she was so excited to eat it.

I sure hope I have your luck and don’t see it again ever :-( poor chickens :-(
Try hard boiled egg and dry meal worms mixed and mashed together; not the shells. If you can keep food in her she will likely survive unless it gets too bad with the respiratory system.
Thanks! I concur, pox is a horrid thing. Especially since there’s nothing you can really do but cross your fingers and hope their immune systems and extra vitamins will be enough. The dry pox is hard to look at, but at least you know it’s there and can see it’s progression. The wet pox is just horrible!! I hate watching them struggle to breathe, and stop eating and drinking because they can’t keep stuff in their mouths due to the lesions. But I don’t want to give up on her cuz she’s fighting hard to live. I give her water thru a syringe and she ate almost 2/3rds of a can of wet cat food. It was the only thing I could think of that she could easily eat and she was so excited to eat it.

I sure hope I have your luck and don’t see it again ever :-( poor chickens :-(
Try hard boiled egg and dry meal worms mixed and mashed together; not the shells. If you can keep food in her she will likely survive unless it gets too bad with the respiratory system.
Bravo @PJ way to show off the flock ♡♡♡ and their digs.

So, as the egg turns...
I opened up the boys coop and let them roam the garden today. Nice and drama free and I just loved it. I cleaned the fridge and tossed yums over the railing as the flock expects.
Come evening time I wanted to get some updated photos of Beebe. He really is a terrific beauty. Possibly the sweetest boy ever but may take another month to know forsure.
So, showing off my cute baby boys.View attachment 2943884View attachment 2943885View attachment 2943886
Like father like sonView attachment 2943887
And the dorksView attachment 2943888whith mommy whistling at them ♡View attachment 2943889
I’m in love!!! 🥰 I’m also changing Beebee’s name to Rasputin. 🤣😉
I cheated on my flock today and loved on a turkey at a local petting zoo....all animals there are rescues. This turkey was hilarious. Kept preening for me and following me around. He loved being petted and was just the sweetest.


And if I didnt already have 4 roos, I'd have ended up going home with these two beauties.


I was absolutely smitten with those two. Plus a cat that I had a very hard time leaving there. Knowing he loved his home and other 'friends' of various species...and that my two cats at home probably would've been upset about an interloper...was what kept me from adopting him. But he was such an utter sweetheart.

Alas, I just came home with the smells of about 20 different animals from a dozen different species. All spoiled animals at home were quick to let me know they were well aware of my cheating ways and not at all pleased about it.
Ugh! Usuing my phone and am having a hard time, so...

Nice birds @PJ. ♡

Congrats (I think right?) @FD , that is a long wonderful time. Well, I find you very inspiring, your set up and flock amazing and your care impeccable. You have done a lot and come far in the decade ++ with your FL ok ck and chicken palace. That does not happen overnight. Bravo! 🐓🎉. Not to mention chicken artist and photographer extraordinaire!!! ♡♡♡♡

Waiting on @nchls school to hopefully come back and share more about the pretty awesome and unusual coop. May have to go snoop around if not. Curious.

Well, with the flock... I'm a bit of a dork again. I've been moving the boys around thinking I can find some magic peaceful combo again and I do for about 2-3 days... again, then the hens start cowering in dark corners of the run or Spider ends up in overtime in the yard AGAIN. So yesterday, after Fosters vet check and picking up MIL along with a small quick shop, I put BeBe in the open roo coop out of frustration and then Bolt followed shortly after. Also, I have a FTT (failure to thrive) out of my last very failed hatch that I have been nursing along. That little dork just makes it under my feet more than most and gets picked on by everybody now... feel bad but was on limited time because of MIL, travel, dinner and we have weather coming so I need to have things buttoned down. To top it all off the Jan 1 and its God awful war zone are upon us and I always take critters up the mountain BUT we have MIL and she and DH will be flying out on the first to take her home... and I am driving the hour in the morning to take them to the airport.... SOOOOO. I got all snappy and sharply let the boys and runt know that they are all already on super thin ice and it has just gotten MUCH thinner for them. They really NEED to behave. 🤯🤯🤯 Did I mention I have 2 more buff and now 1 light Brahma cockerel up and coming. :th yes, another hatchery LB boy. That makes 5 out of 11 from that hatchery.

Other than that, dinner got done, kitty's had a good check up and the night, though stressful was ok.
I'm looking forward to spending time, even if it is just a little, with my flock today. ♡

*** on a very sad side note, my customer/ friend just lost her whole flock of 15-20. All that I had hatched and/or grown out for her. Beautiful, beautiful chickens. That breaks my heart. Stay well all 🌺🐓
Thank you! It feels like such a long time, while simultaneously only feeling like I’ve had them for a few years. Despite it all, I still find I learn something new about them everyday. XD

That’s so sad, I’m sorry for you and your friends loses. Losing that many birds is awful. : (
So took new photos in the coop today have my white girl View attachment 2943686View attachment 2943689
She’s so cute! I love her little black feathers.
Bravo @PJ way to show off the flock ♡♡♡ and their digs.

So, as the egg turns...
I opened up the boys coop and let them roam the garden today. Nice and drama free and I just loved it. I cleaned the fridge and tossed yums over the railing as the flock expects.
Come evening time I wanted to get some updated photos of Beebe. He really is a terrific beauty. Possibly the sweetest boy ever but may take another month to know forsure.
So, showing off my cute baby boys.View attachment 2943884View attachment 2943885View attachment 2943886
Like father like sonView attachment 2943887
And the dorksView attachment 2943888whith mommy whistling at them ♡View attachment 2943889
:eek: He’s gorgeous! I love his feather patterns.
Happy new year everyone!
I got an updated picture of Sonny, my mystery chick, on Tuesday. They’re both feathering in fast, but so far Sonny is the only one with a noticeable comb. I expect his odds of being a boy are pretty high. : (

He went through a really short phase of acting like I was going to kill him whenever I reached in their cage, but once he realized standing on my arms will get him closer to the heat lamp, and therefore he can sunbathe, neither of them will leave my arms. Cher cries whenever I’m gone for too long, so clearly I’ve made a bunch of soiled little monsters. :rolleyes:

Iris has been acting so much better recently. Not only has his eye almost completely opened, but he’s been actively walking around, jumping on things he shouldn’t jump on, and he’s no longer relying on us to give him food and water, though I’ve still been making sure to move his special cup to him wherever he is. It’s meant he’s been a lot quieter now, as he really only crows to get food, water, or company. Since I technically can’t have roosters where I am, the silence has been pretty nice. XD

Also, I should not be allowed on the HS website. A few weeks ago I found some pigeons I really wanted to adopt (though, thankfully for them and my family, they all got adopted before I could get my hands on them), then I saw two young silkies (who once again got adopted), and now there’s a 1yo bantam hen. She’s only been in there for a few days, so I expect she’ll be snatched up pretty soon, but I’m tempted. I think if I brought in anymore chickens, my dad would kick me out. XD But what can I say, chicken math is a very serious problem. XD
I cheated on my flock today and loved on a turkey at a local petting zoo....all animals there are rescues. This turkey was hilarious. Kept preening for me and following me around. He loved being petted and was just the sweetest.

View attachment 2945976

And if I didnt already have 4 roos, I'd have ended up going home with these two beauties.

View attachment 2945977

I was absolutely smitten with those two. Plus a cat that I had a very hard time leaving there. Knowing he loved his home and other 'friends' of various species...and that my two cats at home probably would've been upset about an interloper...was what kept me from adopting him. But he was such an utter sweetheart.

Alas, I just came home with the smells of about 20 different animals from a dozen different species. All spoiled animals at home were quick to let me know they were well aware of my cheating ways and not at all pleased about it.
Oh my! Those boys are quite pretty!! I had a bad experience with wild turkeys in high school when I worked at the zoo so I have always been wary of them—but this boy sounds quite lovely! 😍 I would have had a tough time leaving them there too! Sounds like a really neat place to visit!! ❤️

Happy New Year! Hope 2022 brings you health and happiness!
Happy new year everyone!
I got an updated picture of Sonny, my mystery chick, on Tuesday. They’re both feathering in fast, but so far Sonny is the only one with a noticeable comb. I expect his odds of being a boy are pretty high. : (
View attachment 2946370
He went through a really short phase of acting like I was going to kill him whenever I reached in their cage, but once he realized standing on my arms will get him closer to the heat lamp, and therefore he can sunbathe, neither of them will leave my arms. Cher cries whenever I’m gone for too long, so clearly I’ve made a bunch of soiled little monsters. :rolleyes:

Iris has been acting so much better recently. Not only has his eye almost completely opened, but he’s been actively walking around, jumping on things he shouldn’t jump on, and he’s no longer relying on us to give him food and water, though I’ve still been making sure to move his special cup to him wherever he is. It’s meant he’s been a lot quieter now, as he really only crows to get food, water, or company. Since I technically can’t have roosters where I am, the silence has been pretty nice. XD

Also, I should not be allowed on the HS website. A few weeks ago I found some pigeons I really wanted to adopt (though, thankfully for them and my family, they all got adopted before I could get my hands on them), then I saw two young silkies (who once again got adopted), and now there’s a 1yo bantam hen. She’s only been in there for a few days, so I expect she’ll be snatched up pretty soon, but I’m tempted. I think if I brought in anymore chickens, my dad would kick me out. XD But what can I say, chicken math is a very serious problem. XD
Haha, sounds like me! I was told as a kid that I wasn’t allowed to go to the HS for the same reasons 😆 It’s good there was no internet at the time, helped them be more out of sight out of mind! We already had plenty of rescues we found without going to the HS!

Sonny is a pretty little thing! Sorry it seems that he will be a he!

Happy New Year to you as well! Hope 2022 brings you health and happiness and maybe some pigeons?? 🙃
Happy New Years all. My New Years didn’t start off well…Marianne sadly took her last breath sometime during the night. :-( I tried all the things and nothing was working. I’m glad her suffering is over though, she’s in a better place with Eevee, Ms Pretty, and Brad now. She was such a pretty girl. :-(

And the dog decided to pour salt in the wound by eating my BRAND NEW muck boots :he So he is currently pouting and I am crying while watching crappy football games. I think now that it’s warmed up I will go sit with them outside. I need to be around my healthy ones for a bit and the sun will feel good.

Hope you are all having a lovely first day of 2022. 🥂🎉❤️


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