What did you do with your flock today?

I would love to see you purple eggs too @pennyJo1960 !!

These are the eggs that the breeder gets from her Marans...:love

After days and days of frozen water, bitterly cold days and nights, and just pure unadulterated misery....we had a gorgeous 64°F day today. I think my entire flock did cartwheels of joy.

Aaaaannnndddd... my new lady Orps have started roosting with the flock.


I know...I've got to figure out a different setup for these "hefty" gals than those super high roosts... and that will happen this spring/summer with our "square donut" enclosure. But for now, I'm just thrilled that the ladies have fit in so nicely with the littles.

I still coop the reds separately, but they're bullies, so deserve it. On a related note, one of my BL roos volunteered to roost with the reds 3 nights ago. The next morning, I swear he came out of the coop shouting "B*tches be CRAZY!"
I don’t remember when I was last on here, so I’m sure I missed a lot. I was planning on catching up yesterday, and updating the thread on my babies, but I forgot. They’ve been going outside for the past two days, and they’re loving it. I think their favorite part about being outside is sleeping on my shoulder. They’ve wanted on there since they first realized they were allowed to climb on my arms.

I lost Papa Smurf today. I don’t know what happened. She was completely fine all day, but suddenly she was just dead. From what I heard (I didn’t go out to look) she wasn’t attacked or anything, and there wasn’t a single feather out of place. Mom found a slight prolapse, but I’ve had a lot of birds prolapse before with no issues, so idk.
I thought it was rat poisoning at first, but after some research I don’t think that would be likely. She wasn’t a tiny bird (4lbs) so it would’ve had to be a larger dose, and I’d imagine I would’ve seen signs before hand.
She was about 2 1/2yo, so I guess she was right around the heart attack age. I hate that I’ll never know what happened. : (

That’s the third bird I’ve lost in a little less than two months. It’ll be four when I eventually have to rehome Sonny. This year sucks.
So sorry for your loss. :hugs

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