What did you do with your flock today?

Yes @kurby. The spider is real lol. We call them cane spiders. I love them ♡ all Spiders should be this cool. Spring must be in the air because I have seen more than usual around. This is the relaxed sleeping stance. Super handsome spider.View attachment 3000916
This is Forest's relaxed sleeping stance.View attachment 3000924View attachment 3000927
Mochi basically has a Forest blanket ♡
OMG, I love spiders but I don’t think I would love having that one in my vicinity! 😆 I’m guessing they are not poisonous since you’re okay with him hangin out! 😍

Forest and Mochi are adorable 🥰
This happens to me too with my husband! That’s why he has 4 power drills 😠😠 I’ve been on him for 6 YEARS to organize his tools and the garage and he just doesn’t want to! We now have a shed and it’s still mostly empty because he won’t take the initiative on it either! Sighhh. Some day when I have energy I will just start doing it myself and he will have to jump aboard and deal with it being my way 😏
I'm so sorry to say that I am super happy that I have someone who can empathize and commiserate with. :hugs
K. Cept my DH is a cheapo and would never have 6 of the same drills. We do have a combine 6 for different uses though. 🤔
Yesterday I needed a wire brush so went into shop and looked in the area (next to drill press makes 7?) Where I saw dh pick it up from the last time I needed one. Nope. So I looked on opposite counter at another stash of smaller wire brushes, maybe it was there...? but did not find the larger size I was looking for... so I had to ask for help. He walks in and says "it is right there where you can see it, can't believe you missed it" (I'm secretly feeling relieved it was in a semi sane location and I just did not see, probably because of spiders) and he goes to the wall... THE WALL 🙄🙄🙄 where there are a bunch of screws to hang things on. The wall with levels. .. like what the heck and why the heck would a body hang a wire brush up there?

When I clean our shop (🤞🤞🤞 soon) I am going to paint pegboard white and draw police lines around the tools. I am not that organized but MAYBE he will get it.
Anywho, got #1 coat on back lanai. Will light sand and clean and apply #2 coat this morning.
Gunna haft lock the kitties in again ♡♡
HD is running to town for me (thanks pal, I forgive you the shop tornado) to pick up some primer and a new color for furniture because HD is not restocking their behr spray color I started with but ran out of. So... 2 more days 3 max then pau 😉🌺 I'm sure we have 25 cans of primer hidden somewhere, I just could not find them in the hahaha garden closet.
That box is great. Kinda funny and cute that theyre afraid of it. Anytime I put anything new in the coop or run..or anywhere outdoors LOL...my entire flock has to come check it out. I put a small dog crate in the coop yesterday to see if it would be big enough for a grow out box. Before I could even get finished adding straw, I had 3 hens climbing over and through my arms to be the first one in there.
Thank you! I've never had chickens this consistently scared of everything. It's so weird! They were even scared of the mealworms when they first got some. Now that I think about it, the only thing that didn't immediately scare them was the ceramic cup I made for Iris. I've joked about making each chicken their own cup, but with how much they all love that thing and fight to be the first to drink out of it, I might actually have to. XD
perhaps! Usually they're fine though, I'm thinking maybe they heard something outside that spooked her!
They're aylesbury mixes, I believe mixed with Pekin 😊
I've never heard of an Aylesbury before! Do you have pictures?
Great job @Frankie D! That ot to do the trick (once they get over their fear of new things 😂) and I love how you made something out of found materials, all the better!! You have so many talents! Bravo!! ♡♡♡
Thank you!!
Oh my goodness, this thread has been busy while I’ve been away! I took my daughter on a road trip to visit her friend that moved away to Oregon last year. For some reason our school district has a week long “winter” break this coming week so no school. Her friends mom has become one of my closest friends since I left college and I was very sad when they moved. It was an 8.5 hour drive, so we left Friday morning. It’s been a nice vacation but a lot for Aria and every night has ended in tears for one reason or another. Poor kid! I decided to thin my number of quail down and offered to sell a few to someone on a local quail group page. First time selling my birds to someone and I cried as I drove away without them 😩 The kid seemed really nice and interested in them and is probably only 16 or so, so I feel good about that. Worked out that I was driving right thru his town on my way to Oregon, so I have a bird crate with me. Well a while back I put my name on a waitlist for some Olandsk Dwarf chickens from a breeder north of Sacramento and she just messaged me tonight that she has some hens and roos to sell and I’m next on her list. Since I have the vaccine now, I decided to get some! I’m really excited because they’re a landrace that almost went extinct and is slowly building up their populations again. They’re a bit smaller than a d’Uccle and so pretty! So I feel it was meant to be, because she happens to live on the route home from Oregon and I have a crate to put them in! 😆😁 My husband did not see the magic of this like me. Such a fuddy duddy! I’m getting three young hens and a roo! My husband is even less excited about another boy, but like @TropicalBabies i am choosing to do it anyway 😆 I told him we can sell their fertile eggs for quite a good price and that seemed to make him less grumpy about it haha.

@GoatsandGuineas I’m so sorry your favorite girl got hurt! Some chickens are just so curious and have no idea what trouble they can get into! 😢 I really hope she recovers, poor girl!

@TropicalBabies i love the chicken bell! How fun! I did notice you were without DH on your venture to obtain your incubator! Is it all set up and ready for babies now? Has he relented and accepted the incubator and it’s future workload? 😁

@FrankieDoodle I love your nest you built! I wish I was as handy and artsy as you are! TB is right, you are so talented! How are the new babies? Besides afraid of things? :) How are the pigeons?? I think we need more pics of them.

@BelovedPoultry your ducks sound just adorable! ❤️The longer I’m on here the more I think ducks sound fun! Good thing I don’t have the set up for them haha!

Missing my chickens but enjoying some time away too!
Thank you! The babies are still scared of the nest/coop. It's going to be cold and wet here for a few days, so the original date to move them out has been delayed to next week. I've tried putting them in the coop to get them used to it, but last time I did, Cher almost cried herself hoarse and they're not closer to being any less scared. In the past I've been able to put them in the coop a couple times and they get used to it, so this is so weird to me.
All these COVID chicks. :old

The pigeons are doing good! I'm in the process of making expansion plans, since the aviary they're in now is just barely big enough for two. And I might've found a few more pigeons that need to be adopted, but shhh. XD
This is my first major building project, so it's not going as smoothly as I would've liked. It's also in kind of a difficult location, but thankfully it's not as bad as the first place I wanted to build it. The time it's actually on flat ground. XD

I can't wait to see pics of your new birds!
Goldie is feisty and angry and not at all pleased about being locked up in chicken jail. She bit me again this morning, but as soon as I get her cradled on my lap, she doesn't fuss about me applying the neosporin. She's such a good girl. We have great weather until Wednesday afternoon. Then we'll have 24 hours of cold followed by great weather again. So I'm letting her chicken as long as possible and then I'll have to being her inside Wednesday for about 24 hours until it warms up again. She's gonna be so mad.
I'm so glad to hear it sounds like she'll pull through! How's she doing today?
This kitty is one of a kind for sure. Just love, love, love. So glad he rescued me us ♡♡♡View attachment 3001000View attachment 3001002
They're so cute! I love all your cat pics. ❤️
I'm so sorry to say that I am super happy that I have someone who can empathize and commiserate with. :hugs
K. Cept my DH is a cheapo and would never have 6 of the same drills. We do have a combine 6 for different uses though. 🤔
Yesterday I needed a wire brush so went into shop and looked in the area (next to drill press makes 7?) Where I saw dh pick it up from the last time I needed one. Nope. So I looked on opposite counter at another stash of smaller wire brushes, maybe it was there...? but did not find the larger size I was looking for... so I had to ask for help. He walks in and says "it is right there where you can see it, can't believe you missed it" (I'm secretly feeling relieved it was in a semi sane location and I just did not see, probably because of spiders) and he goes to the wall... THE WALL 🙄🙄🙄 where there are a bunch of screws to hang things on. The wall with levels. .. like what the heck and why the heck would a body hang a wire brush up there?

When I clean our shop (🤞🤞🤞 soon) I am going to paint pegboard white and draw police lines around the tools. I am not that organized but MAYBE he will get it.
Anywho, got #1 coat on back lanai. Will light sand and clean and apply #2 coat this morning.
Gunna haft lock the kitties in again ♡♡
View attachment 3001645View attachment 3001644
HD is running to town for me (thanks pal, I forgive you the shop tornado) to pick up some primer and a new color for furniture because HD is not restocking their behr spray color I started with but ran out of. So... 2 more days 3 max then pau 😉🌺 I'm sure we have 25 cans of primer hidden somewhere, I just could not find them in the hahaha garden closet.
The deck is looking awesome!
Goldie is doing well today. Still feisty and mad. Last night we had absolutely legendarily torrential rains all night. I'm not sure I've ever heard that much rain coming down at once. This morning everything was wet. Even inside the littles' coop was a bit damp. It must've been raining sideways and in every direction for rain to get in through the vents (top of the walls where walls and roof meet...I'm not in construction, so I don't know the term for that space on a building LOL). Goldie's crate was SOAKED. I am soooo glad I thought to swap out the egg crate nest so she'd have the "cat cave" to snuggle in. That was the only thing in the crate that was still dry. So this morning she hopped out of the nest once I uncovered it and was dry and completely unphased by the deluge. I added a bunch of new straw to the floor of her crate though so she wouldn't be standing in mush.

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