What did you do with your flock today?

Aloha gang!
Flock is out and about. They got craisens and papaya chunks already as Spider was being very vocal while I was watching the news and I wanted to quiet him down. 😖🐓 Smart roo, love when bribes work.
The blending of the young ones is spot on perfect. Pullets again put themselves happily into the mini coop last eve.
A little more breeze today yippee!
Gotta Scrub coops and clean and freshen nest boxes.
Pretty sunset!! Interesting juxtaposition with the dry Acacias?

I've never thought about doing something like that bee pond buckets! We have a pool and so many bees die in it every summer. I am sad every time...maybe this would help!! Thanks for the awesome idea!

Hahaha, Ze bus is pretty funny :D My husband keeps calling them Zebras...he's annoying :D

View attachment 3150640

This is a zebu! :D They are native to India and naturally mini in size! This means they have more natural calving (less assisted and vet required birthing), they are heat tolerant, disease resistant, and only produce A2 milk proteins. They are highly efficient eaters and very docile and easy going, so you can keep them with any other animals without worrying. They have been used as therapy animals and are considered sacred in India and are only used for their milk. My BS degree is from U of Idaho in Rangeland Management, so I have always wanted to someday be able to use all the pasture management, beef cattle science and animal nutrition knowledge but I don't have the fortitude for big cows and the business of normal livestock management, so these little ones are perfect for me! :D The cows only reach 300-400 lbs. I was actually looking up breeders and there is one in AZ that has nice ones! :) I think my husband is even on board! I am thinking they would be fun to breed and show, and perhaps dabble in making some milk and other stuff! I am having trouble not wanting to do it right now! But I guess I will have to live with only chickens and daydreaming for now!
Palo Verde is the foreground tree!

The zubu is adorable! I have seen those at the fair here...but it was before the pandemic and I'd forgotten their name. I can see why you want them though... they're enchanting and useful all in one package.

What a wonderful degree you got! I did nursing but found it depressing after a few years of working, so went back for graphic design. Your degree sounds like something a person could spend a lifetime enjoying.

Today I did morning chores and told the gals to behave til I get home for m work.

Working seriously impacts my quality time with my critters!!
Isn't it awful how the best parts of life are sometimes hard to make time for?

Aloha gang!
Flock is out and about. They got craisens and papaya chunks already as Spider was being very vocal while I was watching the news and I wanted to quiet him down. 😖🐓 Smart roo, love when bribes work.
The blending of the young ones is spot on perfect. Pullets again put themselves happily into the mini coop last eve.
A little more breeze today yippee!
Gotta Scrub coops and clean and freshen nest boxes.
Very smart roo 🤣

A friend brought me an Ayam Cemani last night. He's a pretty boy. She bought 6 roosters and one hen. 😳 I guess all the boys get along except for the one she brought me. She said she'll bring me a hen when she gets babies...so I'm trying to decide if I want to keep him or not. For now he's in quarantine just to be safe. I really don't need another coop to care for. And he has no spots! 😂 But he is a beautiful bird! I must be crazy 😅🤣
Here's the new boy.
Palo Verde is the foreground tree!

The zubu is adorable! I have seen those at the fair here...but it was before the pandemic and I'd forgotten their name. I can see why you want them though... they're enchanting and useful all in one package.

What a wonderful degree you got! I did nursing but found it depressing after a few years of working, so went back for graphic design. Your degree sounds like something a person could spend a lifetime enjoying.

Isn't it awful how the best parts of life are sometimes hard to make time for?

Very smart roo 🤣

A friend brought me an Ayam Cemani last night. He's a pretty boy. She bought 6 roosters and one hen. 😳 I guess all the boys get along except for the one she brought me. She said she'll bring me a hen when she gets babies...so I'm trying to decide if I want to keep him or not. For now he's in quarantine just to be safe. I really don't need another coop to care for. And he has no spots! 😂 But he is a beautiful bird! I must be crazy 😅🤣
Here's the new boy.View attachment 3151738
Lovely Roo 💖

Palo Verde trees are lovely, my parents spent many years wintering in AZ and those trees were always a favourite of mine 🤗
Palo Verde is the foreground tree!

The zubu is adorable! I have seen those at the fair here...but it was before the pandemic and I'd forgotten their name. I can see why you want them though... they're enchanting and useful all in one package.

What a wonderful degree you got! I did nursing but found it depressing after a few years of working, so went back for graphic design. Your degree sounds like something a person could spend a lifetime enjoying.

Isn't it awful how the best parts of life are sometimes hard to make time for?

Very smart roo 🤣

A friend brought me an Ayam Cemani last night. He's a pretty boy. She bought 6 roosters and one hen. 😳 I guess all the boys get along except for the one she brought me. She said she'll bring me a hen when she gets babies...so I'm trying to decide if I want to keep him or not. For now he's in quarantine just to be safe. I really don't need another coop to care for. And he has no spots! 😂 But he is a beautiful bird! I must be crazy 😅🤣
Here's the new boy.View attachment 3151738
Ahhh! I love palo verdes! Such a unique plant! 😍

Yeah, I have enjoyed working in fields I find I have a solid passion for and got lucky to find a good paying job doing some of it! I focused the past 18 years on the land itself in conservation and ecology, but I’m finding myself drawn back to the animals again. Chickens are definitely enough for now! But someday…🐮🐐🤠 hehe.

That is a really nice looking Cemani! What a fun new addition! You can tell yourself he has black spots? 😆😁 I’ve heard they are pretty nice roosters, so I’m interested in hearing what you think of him in a few weeks! 😍

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