What did you do with your flock today?

upside down and totally stuck.
OMGeeze! It's a wonder yall found em much less they are ok! That's carazy!
I hate u hadnt been feeling well!!! This heat is awful!
I love her. My kids thought it was hilarious and my husband thinks I’m loco. Haha, he’s mostly right!
Yeah same here...I was holding the cochin babies in living room and first time in a year got pooped on right on the chest! Ewwww! I said yuck get me something and he said "u r covered in chickens and wonder why u get crapped on!"
Men don't get it LOLOL
They my babies!!! Lololololololol
🌺Aloha kakahiaka gang!
Yesterday I had to go down the mountain to help schlep 3 tons of hay. It was a quick and sweaty job and feels good to be fully restocked (especially during hurricane season). I brought the teen pullets and Manono down along with Mochi San. I hear BettleJ is a little nervous about his new # of girls and also respectful. I had them between fences and all was great so had dh let them out together to free range then lock garden, so pullets would just follow the Lani's to roost after free ranging. Worked perfect.
Mochi can now wander freely in his fenced yard. Mango was happy to see him and I am sure they were out chasing geckos and patrolling the run well past midnight. I miss him but brought Elliott back up with me after giving him a good bath. He has managed to bark on the hour, every hour. No hippy dogs but a lost hunting dog who is very shy (as they usually are) but very respectful and kind and not interested in chickens as he was likely trained not to react to- even Forest chases after him ♡

I have reported him to KHS and the coconut wireless, am leaving him food off of our property so he does not starve and hope we can find his person soon. I should scoot and leave a description and local on the hunters station today too.
After the hay, dh rode his motorbike up and I jumped on my scooter as my bike is STILL being worked on. We went on a bike date ♡ and rode to the Kalalau lookout.

We got lightly rained on, had to duck under some trees for a bit but it was a great date! 💘 we made plans for more.

I have a broody down the mountain so had dh put 10 eggs under her. I will scoot down with some eggs for the incubator in a day or so. Then gotta worm the flock and then they will be in various stages of molt poor babies ♡♡♡ already my light B's look like heck. Flock is calmer with hippie dogs gone though I did not let them free range yesterday, tossed them meal worms instead.
🌺Aloha kakahiaka gang!
Yesterday I had to go down the mountain to help schlep 3 tons of hay. It was a quick and sweaty job and feels good to be fully restocked (especially during hurricane season). I brought the teen pullets and Manono down along with Mochi San. I hear BettleJ is a little nervous about his new # of girls and also respectful. I had them between fences and all was great so had dh let them out together to free range then lock garden, so pullets would just follow the Lani's to roost after free ranging. Worked perfect.
Mochi can now wander freely in his fenced yard. Mango was happy to see him and I am sure they were out chasing geckos and patrolling the run well past midnight. I miss him but brought Elliott back up with me after giving him a good bath. He has managed to bark on the hour, every hour. No hippy dogs but a lost hunting dog who is very shy (as they usually are) but very respectful and kind and not interested in chickens as he was likely trained not to react to- even Forest chases after him ♡ View attachment 3209993
I have reported him to KHS and the coconut wireless, am leaving him food off of our property so he does not starve and hope we can find his person soon. I should scoot and leave a description and local on the hunters station today too.
After the hay, dh rode his motorbike up and I jumped on my scooter as my bike is STILL being worked on. We went on a bike date ♡ and rode to the Kalalau lookout.View attachment 3210004View attachment 3210006
We got lightly rained on, had to duck under some trees for a bit but it was a great date! 💘 we made plans for more.

I have a broody down the mountain so had dh put 10 eggs under her. I will scoot down with some eggs for the incubator in a day or so. Then gotta worm the flock and then they will be in various stages of molt poor babies ♡♡♡ already my light B's look like heck. Flock is calmer with hippie dogs gone though I did not let them free range yesterday, tossed them meal worms instead.
Absolutely beautiful pictures!!! It is going to be 92 here today and our humidity is terrible. I had to put my big Muscovy Duck in Drake jail with my other two as he would not leave my Rouen ducks alone and one is almost bald under her wings. She looked so bad and I did not realize it until he flapped her wings up. Bad Oscar!!! I think someone is slipping them viagra when I am not looking, lol.
🌺Aloha kakahiaka gang!
Yesterday I had to go down the mountain to help schlep 3 tons of hay. It was a quick and sweaty job and feels good to be fully restocked (especially during hurricane season). I brought the teen pullets and Manono down along with Mochi San. I hear BettleJ is a little nervous about his new # of girls and also respectful. I had them between fences and all was great so had dh let them out together to free range then lock garden, so pullets would just follow the Lani's to roost after free ranging. Worked perfect.
Mochi can now wander freely in his fenced yard. Mango was happy to see him and I am sure they were out chasing geckos and patrolling the run well past midnight. I miss him but brought Elliott back up with me after giving him a good bath. He has managed to bark on the hour, every hour. No hippy dogs but a lost hunting dog who is very shy (as they usually are) but very respectful and kind and not interested in chickens as he was likely trained not to react to- even Forest chases after him ♡ View attachment 3209993
I have reported him to KHS and the coconut wireless, am leaving him food off of our property so he does not starve and hope we can find his person soon. I should scoot and leave a description and local on the hunters station today too.
After the hay, dh rode his motorbike up and I jumped on my scooter as my bike is STILL being worked on. We went on a bike date ♡ and rode to the Kalalau lookout.View attachment 3210004View attachment 3210006
We got lightly rained on, had to duck under some trees for a bit but it was a great date! 💘 we made plans for more.

I have a broody down the mountain so had dh put 10 eggs under her. I will scoot down with some eggs for the incubator in a day or so. Then gotta worm the flock and then they will be in various stages of molt poor babies ♡♡♡ already my light B's look like heck. Flock is calmer with hippie dogs gone though I did not let them free range yesterday, tossed them meal worms instead.
I'm still laughing about the poor doggy getting chased by Forrest! 🤣

It looks like you guys are getting kissed by the gods at that lookout! Just beautiful 😍

We have cloudy skies again today...so far most of the storms have been passing over us without sharing their rain...but I still love it. Fingers crossed for rain today...I emptied one of our rain harvesting tanks this morning to water the garden...some of my plants said they couldn't wait on the chance of rain. All but two of our tanks are empty again, so a refill sure would be nice!

I've been making plans with my kids to go visit all the grandparents this year and that's coming up in September or October. We've been talking about a three week road trip with just me and the girls. The girls get to plan the route and where we stop to sightsee on the drive. Me and hubbies parents are all in their 80's. All still very very healthy and strong...but Jim's mom's memory is starting to slip enough to worry people, and I haven't gotten to see my mom in person in three years now. Hubby says he's done with road trips so this one's a girls only one.

So I stopped adding eggs to my incubator on the 31st. Was going to stop at the end of June but had a lady call wanting babies in August. I need to work hard if I'm going to get everything done and ready for my absence though.
After this ladies picked up her babies and chickens, I'll have to see if I can sell the rest of the roosters I'm not keeping and a few of the call ducks. If not, then I'll call around and see if anyone wants them...if not they have to go in the freezer. I try not to get attached until I'm sure we're keeping them...but I find that hard. It's like the two drake's I know I don't want to keep... they've never been handled or cuddled and they follow me around and nibble on my feet. I think they're actually trying to be punks and attack me...but they're so damn cute about it that I rather adore them! Their version of attacking feels like kisses 😂😍

If I'm lucky, the fellow from the White mountains will be able to swing down and pick up any unsold birds. He has a couple amazing bird aviaries. Can't call them pens because my whole house would fit in them...lol. He's in love with my chickens and ducks and so far always wants more. He sends me videos of the birds playing that I really enjoy.
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@ChicksnMore I love your little ducky coop ♡ I'm just all about the charm of this whole adventure and that coop about sums it up. Obvious there are artists in your ohana ♡♡♡
I level my coops the same way, I did not do foundations so after the chickens find hot spot for bugs I have to re-level or doors don't work. Chickens always seemed to be a temporary- wait and see how it goes‐ kind of thing... obviously staying. I do have to use a big ol Hawaiian O'o to do the lifting as my coops have expanded.

@kurbh22 OMG! Cockerels do the dumbest stuff. I'm sure they were escaping some imagined danger to get themselves hidden and wedged like that. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🙄🙄 I hope they recover... I'm sure they will with some extra basics and comfort and calm. ♡
With the flakey person. Sorry. I log people in my phone with reminders, so if I choose to engage again I know what I am dealing with. Mostly I found that there are just people like that and they don't change, they will do exact same thing if you give them another chance... it's like insane making lol. Your chickens have someone better around the corner I'm sure. Lots of pressure when you have too many boys but breathe ♡♡♡ It will happen.

@Luv Ducks what I this red light?! Ohio has a fairly big predator load yes- Amazon view or not... ? Sounds pretty amazing.

@FBMcrazy too fun. Good man.

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