What did you do with your flock today?

Hello! This is a place to post pictures/talk about what you and your flock have done today.

I was on a zoom call earlier and Iris, my rooster, decided to stand behind me and crow repeatedly. Thankfully I was on mute, but it was still annoying. They couldn’t see him, but they could see me trying to make him quiet, which was a little embarrassing. :lol:
Here’s a pic of my boy with some mini roses.
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What about you guys? Have you done anything interesting with your flock today?

Here are a few pictures of my birds.
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Well my silkie jumped up on my office desk here in the barn during a Teams meeting, our Safety lady also has chickens so she didn’t even bat an eyelash, and asked oh who’s your silkie? 🤭 (of course 6 guys just groaned and rolled their eyes at the crazy chicken ladies 💕).

Curly McNugget the culprit up on my office chair this time.
I felt like such an a-hole for calling the pound! But luckily it worked with no harm to the dog.

The OD's I have sell high...which I don't do. I sell them for the same price as any other chicken. Maybe I didn't learn to value them properly because I got them free :idunno . Anyway, I think I had trouble selling them at first because they're my link to my passed friend. Drove me nuts trying to figure out why selling them was so hard for me...lol. But I'm sure she'd completely approve of selling them for normal prices. The more people who own them, the safer the breed.
It’s better to call the pound than anything happening to it. I know around here my dog would have been shot and we honestly may not have even been notified. Some people around here are brutal. As a dog owner and former Husky owner, I would have been grateful if someone had called the pound instead of just putting a bullet in her head. And as sad as it is, I know that is what would have happened to her.

I can see how selling those babies could be hard. And I think honestly it is one thing to sell them for their “value” but I’m sure that isn’t even why your hatching them. It makes a big difference in my eyes. I’m sure that your friend would approve too…though you know her and if that is what you believe I do to. I kinda see though as the same as our dog. We aren’t breeding her to make money off her babies. We don’t know we will even sell them. And the guy that we paid for the stud was so insistent on the price being worth it. His thinking was to get our money back and it’s just like, no you can’t get it. And another friend of mine breeds her dog and sells puppies yearly. She wanted one of our puppies and I’m not gonna sell them to her either. I don’t want them to be breed every year so she can make a profit. That isn’t what it should be about. Same with chickens. Kind of not the same but there is enjoyment in hatching chicks (though I haven’t done it, I watched everyone else on here for know) and knowing they are going to a beautiful place to live a beautiful life.
Good morning and happy Sunday!
Hang in there @Gammas and yeah, a mask, vitamins & lots of water and hope you have time to take care of yourself ♡♡♡. Your mom is in my good thoughts 🙏, hope she feels better soon and gets additional help if needed. Lots of mucky viruses out and about now.

Not sure why you think your baby has cocci but normally a little corid can't hurt. In my experience w/ severe coccidiosis in chicks- they get puffy and quiet, isolate and go pretty quick if not caught or treated- like days.
Your baby sound digestive like many ftt's. Try crop massage, keep up on vitamins via dropping or syringe. I wear my noisy solo babies in a neck scarf as they mostly need company &/or warmth, it works VERY well.View attachment 3321517View attachment 3321518
Not sure anyone on earth has life figured. All we can do is get rid of the things that don't work and enjoy the things that do. Weed our gardens if you will and don't forget to breath and laugh ♡♡
I love this idea!!! Yup, I have went from silly chicken lady to crazy chicken lady. May have to do this with one (if they let me) when I get ones in the spring. ❤️❤️
Well, here in the land of too many chickens (did I say that out loud again?! 🤦‍♀️) I need to finish painting 2 stands- chalkboard black. How "farmy" right? But stay with me here. Young gal has a pretty trendy ranch style restaurant so hoping it works a bit better than the big raw wood stand I dropped earlier.

Then I can take that stand to the other feed store. AND Koke'e Lodge called and wants to carry our bags!
I'm have about 10 more sewn but if I give trendy restaurant a smaller stand I can take some surplus right?
Ouch right? We had some more distant neighbors get in big tiff. One fellow went and bought some $500 each chickens and another lady got a husky....who promptly escaped and killed those expensive chickens. He could prove what he paid and wanted compensation, but the huskies owner claimed he was crazy because he paid that much to begin with and it was his fault for not locking them up safely...though they were all killed on his fenced property. No idea who won on that.

I only found out about it because that same husky showed up on our property and I caught it and called her to come get it. What an earful I got!
Of course, she had to shower before she could come get her dog....leaving me to figure out how to contain it for an hour or so.

There was so much wrong in that whole little moment 🤣

Next time that poor dog showed up, I called the pound instead of the owners. She did get her dog back and did start keeping it to her property after it's third trip to the pound.

Ya...I kinda cringe at expensive birds too.
Had my neighbour 2 golden retriever dogs get stuck in the paddock with my horses who of course were doing a good job of trying to kill them!

I spent $1000’s of dollars putting up dog proof fencing (keystone mesh) as I had foals and show horses. Silly dogs got under two gates to get into that paddock ! Well I rescued the dogs and put them in one of my not yet mucked out stalls 😁 and continued with my day ( yes I gave them water I had a golden also), once I finished mucking stalls etc I drove up to my neighbour a kilometre up the road and told her she could come get the dogs.

By then they were very pungent - what is it with dogs wanting roll in horse doodoo? !! They moved away soon after that!

Other dogs I was not so kind with - they all went to the SPCA, if an owner came looking I would tell them where the dog was. Otherwise I would not be driving all over the place trying to find owners. Farmers here are allowed to kill loose dogs if they are harassing their livestock - nothing like a herd of 20 beef cattle running through a fence and getting on the road and hit by a car… I don’t think citiots know that their dogs can cause some serious issues !
Well my silkie jumped up on my office desk here in the barn during a Teams meeting, our Safety lady also has chickens so she didn’t even bat an eyelash, and asked oh who’s your silkie? 🤭 (of course 6 guys just groaned and rolled their eyes at the crazy chicken ladies 💕).

Curly McNugget the culprit up on my office chair this time.
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I want an office like that! :love
Well, here in the land of too many chickens (did I say that out loud again?! 🤦‍♀️) I need to finish painting 2 stands- chalkboard black. How "farmy" right? But stay with me here. Young gal has a pretty trendy ranch style restaurant so hoping it works a bit better than the big raw wood stand I dropped earlier.View attachment 3321638
Then I can take that stand to the other feed store. AND Koke'e Lodge called and wants to carry our bags!
I'm have about 10 more sewn but if I give trendy restaurant a smaller stand I can take some surplus right?
Oh I love the look of that one!!! That is awesome that you have more people interested in your awesome bags!!!

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