What did you do with your flock today?

Good news! This morning Pepper had no odor or discharge, and her vent looked pretty normal. I think I'll treat her one more day with the antifungal. She turned her beak up at the cracked corn this morning, so later I got the regular feed, dampened it so she wouldn't flick it out of the bowl. She filled up her crop, pronto. Talking more as well. Will keep her separated for another week, and will give her exposure back with the flock if her vent stays normal for the next few days. So glad these past 2 weeks are done.
Awesome news bout Pepper improving!!!
I'd definitely reintroduce her slowly back to the flock.
Finished building the new coop for the yokos. It's smaller then the old but it's safe from goat teeth so I'm happy.

Still need to paint it...at least the osb that's exposed to weather. But the yokos were very excited to check out their new space.

It's been built almost 100% out of scraps from tearing apart the old coop that the old goats chewed on. So not a pretty thing ☹️...but I'm satisfied 😃. It might not look too bad with paint though.
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Absolutely LUV this!!! Can't wait to see the colors you go with to paint.
Scraps is definitely not easy to use...but sure does make ya feel better knowing ya used what ya had and didn't pay a fortune for it! The Yokos gotta be excited!!!
It looks great!! Well done! 😍 Paint always does wonders! I am especially fond of black trim…it hides a lot of errors in craftsmanship 😆😆 Or goat nibbles! 😉

So I decided if I was gonna sell quail chicks at the Expo, I needed a business card/logo. I know…NEEDED is probably a bit strong 😆 I wanted a business card hehe. So here’s what I mocked up! A nod to my favorite band, my love of lavender birds, and mixing in my love of nature and job studying plant ecology 😍

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I’m sooo annoyed with the weather! I need to finish the Cooplex and it supposed to rain for the next ten days straight 😩 @TropicalBabies they’re saying it’s another atmospheric river—probably coming up from Hawaii 😜 Your sharing is just way too generous! 😆 Mammoth Lakes has over 700 inches of snow 😳 They expect many more feet with these next storms. Water coming out our ears here! 🤯
Oh @kurby22 I luv this!!! It is perfect for your farm!!!
I'm so sorry yall got more rain comin! Saturated ground is frustrating and makes for such a nasty mess with all the babies.
How are all your babies now?

@TropicalBabies your stands are amazing!!! Absolutely LUV how you continue to do these bags for such a good cause!

I've missed yall and tried to quickly catch up...yall been busy!
My daughter gave me her instapot and ive used it a few times but not for meals...any recipes yall could send my way are greatly appreciated! I am intimated by it lol.

Things are slowly getting back to normal round here. Waiting on insurance estimates for the roof but they are going to cover the fence DH had just done and the new playground we had gotten grandkids for Christmas.
DH had a talk with the no-show crew bout the backporch...so we'll see what that does.
Our 2 daughters are getting "sprinkled" instead of a "baby shower" this Saturday. Hate the backporch isn't done especially when they've had over 3 good weeks they could have worked but didn't and he assured me it would be done.
Thankfully it's just family coming...but ive got roughly 100 tomato plants and peppers and flowers all under grow lights in the kitchen...so not gonna be such a great location for this "sprinkle" but it'll have to do.
Can't plant outside just yet...I would LUV for winter to be done but just don't think that's the case.
I went and got a fresh sack of feed today, gave them a little cracked corn for treat, fed them and watered them then let them out of the run to play in the yard for about the last hour of daylight and just sat on the back porch and watched them peck and scratch around. It was a good day, I enjoyed it. : )
Sounds like a delightful way to end the day!
Awesome news bout Pepper improving!!!
I'd definitely reintroduce her slowly back to the flock.

Absolutely LUV this!!! Can't wait to see the colors you go with to paint.
Scraps is definitely not easy to use...but sure does make ya feel better knowing ya used what ya had and didn't pay a fortune for it! The Yokos gotta be excited!!!

Oh @kurby22 I luv this!!! It is perfect for your farm!!!
I'm so sorry yall got more rain comin! Saturated ground is frustrating and makes for such a nasty mess with all the babies.
How are all your babies now?

@TropicalBabies your stands are amazing!!! Absolutely LUV how you continue to do these bags for such a good cause!

I've missed yall and tried to quickly catch up...yall been busy!
My daughter gave me her instapot and ive used it a few times but not for meals...any recipes yall could send my way are greatly appreciated! I am intimated by it lol.

Things are slowly getting back to normal round here. Waiting on insurance estimates for the roof but they are going to cover the fence DH had just done and the new playground we had gotten grandkids for Christmas.
DH had a talk with the no-show crew bout the backporch...so we'll see what that does.
Our 2 daughters are getting "sprinkled" instead of a "baby shower" this Saturday. Hate the backporch isn't done especially when they've had over 3 good weeks they could have worked but didn't and he assured me it would be done.
Thankfully it's just family coming...but ive got roughly 100 tomato plants and peppers and flowers all under grow lights in the kitchen...so not gonna be such a great location for this "sprinkle" but it'll have to do.
Can't plant outside just yet...I would LUV for winter to be done but just don't think that's the case.
So glad insurance is kicking in to help. That must've been upsetting having that much damage done. Hope those contractors get busy too!

Your "sprinkle" for your girls sounds wonderful and I'm sure they're going to love it ❤️ When are your girls due and do they know gender?

Exciting to have that many plant babies going! My starting shelf is still covered with plants I brought in for the winter. Speaking of, I should move them outside today! Surely the colds done here this year. Moved them out once already and had to bring them back in. When is winter usually over where you are?
Well, one of my little dogs is driving me nuts. He used to do this routine of asking for 4 things. He starts pawing me and whimpering. First ask, I take him potty. Second ask, I wash and refill his water bowl. Third ask and I fill his food bowl. Fourth ask he goes outside again. Then he settles down and cuddles in my lap. He always did it in the evening when I sit down on the couch. Doesn't matter if he already has food and water...he's not happy til he asks and I give him something 4 times.

Now he's decided to do this in the morning too while I'm trying to drink my wake up coffee and read the news and here. He's also decided he wants his food in his little Kong only. He won't eat it from his bowl anymore and he just keeps pawing and crying until I fill his Kong and give it to him on the couch. Not one fill up, please and thank you...it now takes three refills before he's happy.

Then there's Tami's kitty Moon. After my surgery I was stuck laying down for a bit and was going nuts from boredom, so I'd lay there and throw treats for the pets. Little Moon got in on it and had so much fun chasing treats. So now every time my dog Tuck starts his fussing, she comes running too and demands I throw treats for her. Which makes Kimi's kitty Maggie come running wanting me to throw treats for her too. Then the other dogs of course want their share of fun and love too......

What happened to my peaceful mornings!? Can't wait for it to warm enough for me to go back to drinking my coffee peacefully with the chickens 🤣. Maybe by next winter he'll have forgotten this silliness!
Well, one of my little dogs is driving me nuts. He used to do this routine of asking for 4 things. He starts pawing me and whimpering. First ask, I take him potty. Second ask, I wash and refill his water bowl. Third ask and I fill his food bowl. Fourth ask he goes outside again. Then he settles down and cuddles in my lap. He always did it in the evening when I sit down on the couch. Doesn't matter if he already has food and water...he's not happy til he asks and I give him something 4 times.

Now he's decided to do this in the morning too while I'm trying to drink my wake up coffee and read the news and here. He's also decided he wants his food in his little Kong only. He won't eat it from his bowl anymore and he just keeps pawing and crying until I fill his Kong and give it to him on the couch. Not one fill up, please and thank you...it now takes three refills before he's happy.

Then there's Tami's kitty Moon. After my surgery I was stuck laying down for a bit and was going nuts from boredom, so I'd lay there and throw treats for the pets. Little Moon got in on it and had so much fun chasing treats. So now every time my dog Tuck starts his fussing, she comes running too and demands I throw treats for her. Which makes Kimi's kitty Maggie come running wanting me to throw treats for her too. Then the other dogs of course want their share of fun and love too......

What happened to my peaceful mornings!? Can't wait for it to warm enough for me to go back to drinking my coffee peacefully with the chickens 🤣. Maybe by next winter he'll have forgotten this silliness!
I soooo know what you are talking about. The monsters we create 🤦‍♀️
Well, one of my little dogs is driving me nuts. He used to do this routine of asking for 4 things. He starts pawing me and whimpering. First ask, I take him potty. Second ask, I wash and refill his water bowl. Third ask and I fill his food bowl. Fourth ask he goes outside again. Then he settles down and cuddles in my lap. He always did it in the evening when I sit down on the couch. Doesn't matter if he already has food and water...he's not happy til he asks and I give him something 4 times.

Now he's decided to do this in the morning too while I'm trying to drink my wake up coffee and read the news and here. He's also decided he wants his food in his little Kong only. He won't eat it from his bowl anymore and he just keeps pawing and crying until I fill his Kong and give it to him on the couch. Not one fill up, please and thank you...it now takes three refills before he's happy.

Then there's Tami's kitty Moon. After my surgery I was stuck laying down for a bit and was going nuts from boredom, so I'd lay there and throw treats for the pets. Little Moon got in on it and had so much fun chasing treats. So now every time my dog Tuck starts his fussing, she comes running too and demands I throw treats for her. Which makes Kimi's kitty Maggie come running wanting me to throw treats for her too. Then the other dogs of course want their share of fun and love too......

What happened to my peaceful mornings!? Can't wait for it to warm enough for me to go back to drinking my coffee peacefully with the chickens 🤣. Maybe by next winter he'll have forgotten this silliness!
It looks like they are vying for your attention.
@Gammas Bearded Babies ! You surfaced!! Well, it sounds like it has been pretty stressful with the weather and those lazy or lousy construction workers. Shame on them and you can tell them I said so! Wag of the finger!! And here I was sticking up for them! Well always darkest b4 the dawn ♡
I hope hosting the double sprinkle helps to keep you moving forward ♡♡ Those pregnant gals sound like they still have some humor ♡ Lots of fun times ahead!
15 times! Wow, lucky you ❤️. I haven't been to a concert since my 20's. Only been to two ever in fact...Lover Boy and INXS 🤣. That was forever ago! But I'll always have Indigo Girls on my play list...no Lover Boy at all ever anymore 😂
I know, living in CA has its perks! They come to this area a lot, but I have also traveled to see them in Portland when they played with a symphony. Got to even see them twice in college, once in a big concert venue at WSU and once in the U of I Student Union Building on their Honor the Earth Tour...I got to be in the third row...could almost touch them! Was the best--I was just soooo happy that day ❤️ They also introduced me to Brandi Carlile way back in 2008 and I had found my second obsession--I even have her autograph haha. I absolutely LOVE her and have seen her at least 10 times haha. She's getting too big to afford seeing anymore, but there is something in her music that speaks to me deep in my soul--I'm not really a concert and live music person...but I will spend it on them! :)

I went and got a fresh sack of feed today, gave them a little cracked corn for treat, fed them and watered them then let them out of the run to play in the yard for about the last hour of daylight and just sat on the back porch and watched them peck and scratch around. It was a good day, I enjoyed it. : )
That sounds live a very lovely and relaxing way to end the day! I wish the rain would stop so I could sit out with mine after work...they always lower my blood pressure and bring me joy.

Oh @kurby22 I luv this!!! It is perfect for your farm!!!
I'm so sorry yall got more rain comin! Saturated ground is frustrating and makes for such a nasty mess with all the babies.
How are all your babies now?
Thank you! I can't wait to see how the logo turns out as a watercolor and a more professional artist! :) Yes, the mess is my least favorite part...muddy feet, muddy coops, muddy waterers, slippery ground to manage in...and 8 more days in a row of it before a small break and then MORE rain. :hit

All the chickies seem to be managing the rain pretty well. I am getting MUCH better at diligently adding probiotics and acidifiers and vitamins and it seems to be helping! Everyone is laying now too, so we are already drowning in eggs haha. I need to make a huge batch and feed the chickens some, might be a nice warm treat this afternoon in the rain. Chance to add some vitamins to their eggs too. Hehe.

I think it's so nice of you to host sprinkles!! It's always nice to acknowledge each baby coming into the family. I mean OBVIOUSLY first borns are most special...hehehe :p but the other babies still wanna feel special! :D

I'm so bummed for you that you have been dealing with unreliable contractors and insurance companies! That is sooo not fun. Part of our fence came down in one of the last windstorms and our neighbor already fixed it! I wanna just hire him to redo all our bad fence sections haha. He was fast, cheap, and clearly very capable! But he's very busy at the moment finishing up the addition they are adding to their house. Most of the bad fence left is shared with him so I'm happy about that :D I really hope you are able to get the contractors back on track ASAP!
Well, one of my little dogs is driving me nuts. He used to do this routine of asking for 4 things. He starts pawing me and whimpering. First ask, I take him potty. Second ask, I wash and refill his water bowl. Third ask and I fill his food bowl. Fourth ask he goes outside again. Then he settles down and cuddles in my lap. He always did it in the evening when I sit down on the couch. Doesn't matter if he already has food and water...he's not happy til he asks and I give him something 4 times.

Now he's decided to do this in the morning too while I'm trying to drink my wake up coffee and read the news and here. He's also decided he wants his food in his little Kong only. He won't eat it from his bowl anymore and he just keeps pawing and crying until I fill his Kong and give it to him on the couch. Not one fill up, please and thank you...it now takes three refills before he's happy.

Then there's Tami's kitty Moon. After my surgery I was stuck laying down for a bit and was going nuts from boredom, so I'd lay there and throw treats for the pets. Little Moon got in on it and had so much fun chasing treats. So now every time my dog Tuck starts his fussing, she comes running too and demands I throw treats for her. Which makes Kimi's kitty Maggie come running wanting me to throw treats for her too. Then the other dogs of course want their share of fun and love too......

What happened to my peaceful mornings!? Can't wait for it to warm enough for me to go back to drinking my coffee peacefully with the chickens 🤣. Maybe by next winter he'll have forgotten this silliness!
Sounds like they have you trained quite well! :lau
Speaking of non-peaceful mornings...the weather delays on the coops has us keeping my newly acquired d'Anver breeding trio indoors and I am about to strangle the one hen :lau She is NOT happy being indoors and clearly wants everyone within earshot to know...and both my husband and I are trying to WORK. HOLY loud and whiny--even the rooster is less loud and screechy! Lord help us :barnie
Speaking of pets.... Mo'o Mele went from being grateful to get a meal to a cat attacking dish troll. He jumps on my cats backs much like dominant lion behavior. Soooo. Texted my KCCP pal for some advice and she said she has a plane ticket for him to get a terrific home in Seattle! How easy is that?!! I take him in for another physical Saturaday and he travels on Wednesday. So relieved ♡♡♡♡ will miss him but he has only been getting worse.

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