What did you do with your flock today?

Youngest is working on turning the dirt for me in the yokos run and I spent the morning working on her harp. Got the last coat of varnish on the body and stained the sound box. Wish the sound box was wood instead of cardboard! She bought an unfinished kit harp and wanted me to wood burn it and finish it for her. My parts all done now and the assembly is all up to her. Her sister offered to help her put it together but she's visiting a friend in Kansas right now. Curious to see if Tami will wait for her sister or be brave and try doing it on her own.View attachment 3426637
Wow! Id love to see it all put together.
Peaceful mornings...what is that?!
Both buff boys are crowing now...not to mention refusing to come back to the run like the others do when it's time to be put up to protect them from hawks circling! It took me 1 ½ hours this morning to catch the two turds!

They told DH to unlock gates so I did...not sure why I did cuz they have yet to show still again. Just frustrating beyond belief!

My oldest and middle daughters are both pregnant with girls! They both have only boys so this will be the first granddaughters in the family on both sides...can u say spoiled!!! They are due 3 weeks apart so gonna be really busy in April and May which is another reason I'm sure God wanted me to wait bout hatching! 😅
I do have 1 wall up and ¾ of the floor in using all scraps!!! But man is it the funniest jigsaw of a coop you have ever seen!
It must be pretty sound though cuz it even survived the wind storm and some of it was only being held on with clamps! Lolol
Congratulations on the 2 little girl blessings coming soon! They will have the world wrapped around their pinkies. 👩‍👧‍👧
Can there be an RRR (Reduce, reuse, recycle) coop contest? You and others would be in the running. There are really pretty coops as we've seen in feature articles, but y'alls would be more unique and fun.
Guess you got your exercise in for the week, huh? They can be little turds. 🏁🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

:eek:Yup, found this today while getting Pepper's coop and run ready. 21. So glad it's been refrigerator temps, so these should be ok. Will probably do a float test, but I think they are going to be ok. Now that there's no access for them, I should have an easier time collecting them from the main coop, as long as they don't lay them in their dirt bath holes. Pepper was very happy to have a dirt bath again.
View attachment 3426796
:eek:Yup, found this today while getting Pepper's coop and run ready. 21. So glad it's been refrigerator temps, so these should be ok. Will probably do a float test, but I think they are going to be ok. Now that there's no access for them, I should have an easier time collecting them from the main coop, as long as they don't lay them in their dirt bath holes. Pepper was very happy to have a dirt bath again.
It looks like the case of the missing eggs has been solved!
We had a Hail and fairwell event at our little Ranch.
We brought 8 new lives to live with us, affectionately known as the Regulators. They ate all named after women rappers from the 90s.
We have 3 black copper marans named Salt, Pepa, and Spindarella.
3 buff orphingtons named T-Boz, Left-Eye, and Chili.
2 Brahmas named Mary J and Aaliyah.
They already have the gangsta look for the album cover. It is on.
The OGs are curious and ready to teach them to Walk this Way.
Then we had a sad goodbye.
My first baby duck I ever held and hand picked went to a new flock today.
I tried so hard to keep him, hoping he would calm down but he was going to hurt or kill one of the other birds. Since out swedish passed and he got edged out for alpha by the female, he took his anger out on the chickens. Trying to mate with one, and chasing and actually snatching up 3 other hens.
It was rehome or have him live in a dog cage. I don't have the means or physical ability to make another area separate right now and I don't want him caged up. A family down the road lost their male and came by and got him.
The saddest part was 1 of the girls laid behind the pool sad for a bit. But my boy quackers, so sweet and reserved stood in the yard and called to him as they loaded him up. I cried. Im still crying.
I keep asking why didn't he stop?, Why didn't he learn. Do they hate me now?
This is hard and it sucks.
We had a Hail and fairwell event at our little Ranch.
We brought 8 new lives to live with us, affectionately known as the Regulators. They ate all named after women rappers from the 90s.
We have 3 black copper marans named Salt, Pepa, and Spindarella.
3 buff orphingtons named T-Boz, Left-Eye, and Chili.
2 Brahmas named Mary J and Aaliyah.
They already have the gangsta look for the album cover. It is on.
The OGs are curious and ready to teach them to Walk this Way.
Then we had a sad goodbye.
My first baby duck I ever held and hand picked went to a new flock today.
I tried so hard to keep him, hoping he would calm down but he was going to hurt or kill one of the other birds. Since out swedish passed and he got edged out for alpha by the female, he took his anger out on the chickens. Trying to mate with one, and chasing and actually snatching up 3 other hens.
It was rehome or have him live in a dog cage. I don't have the means or physical ability to make another area separate right now and I don't want him caged up. A family down the road lost their male and came by and got him.
The saddest part was 1 of the girls laid behind the pool sad for a bit. But my boy quackers, so sweet and reserved stood in the yard and called to him as they loaded him up. I cried. Im still crying.
I keep asking why didn't he stop?, Why didn't he learn. Do they hate me now?
This is hard and it sucks.
Love the chicken names!!! 😍
We had a Hail and fairwell event at our little Ranch.
We brought 8 new lives to live with us, affectionately known as the Regulators. They ate all named after women rappers from the 90s.
We have 3 black copper marans named Salt, Pepa, and Spindarella.
3 buff orphingtons named T-Boz, Left-Eye, and Chili.
2 Brahmas named Mary J and Aaliyah.
They already have the gangsta look for the album cover. It is on.
The OGs are curious and ready to teach them to Walk this Way.
Then we had a sad goodbye.
My first baby duck I ever held and hand picked went to a new flock today.
I tried so hard to keep him, hoping he would calm down but he was going to hurt or kill one of the other birds. Since out swedish passed and he got edged out for alpha by the female, he took his anger out on the chickens. Trying to mate with one, and chasing and actually snatching up 3 other hens.
It was rehome or have him live in a dog cage. I don't have the means or physical ability to make another area separate right now and I don't want him caged up. A family down the road lost their male and came by and got him.
The saddest part was 1 of the girls laid behind the pool sad for a bit. But my boy quackers, so sweet and reserved stood in the yard and called to him as they loaded him up. I cried. Im still crying.
I keep asking why didn't he stop?, Why didn't he learn. Do they hate me now?
This is hard and it sucks.
I'm so sorry :hugs 💕 I know it is sad but I also think you did the right thing for the health and happiness of your flock even though it was hard.
He is just down the street and has a flock of his own. I mean, that is perfect and it makes you an awesome mom. I think you deserve a pat on the back or a song written for you.

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