What did you do with your flock today?

Yeah I’m trying hard to focus on its value to the Earth…I would be slightly more patient if I wasn’t building coops 😆 But our farmers are desperate for water so this should be helpful! They’re expecting another 80-100 inches of snow in the Sierras through Sunday. Sooo much water. So thank you for the reminder to see the positives ❤️😁
Yes, that water is desperately needed to bring the water table back up. I was watching the news last night on tv and they were predicting an El Nino to start this summer.
Yeah I’m trying hard to focus on its value to the Earth…I would be slightly more patient if I wasn’t building coops 😆 But our farmers are desperate for water so this should be helpful! They’re expecting another 80-100 inches of snow in the Sierras through Sunday. Sooo much water. So thank you for the reminder to see the positives ❤️😁
Positives are great aren't they...still hard in the moment though. It's been a long winter this year.
🤞that it hurrys up and sunshines there so we can see your sweet coop all done! We want lots of pics of happy chickens checking out their new digs 😍
Ya all I’m so far behind I can’t keep up. I have so much going on right now I don’t have a lot of time to get on here. I have my first set of Call ducks going into lockdown tonight. A little early but Im hoping that by putting the in lockdown less than 24 hours before the actual lockdown won’t be a bad idea. Especially since they are hard to hatch. Maybe the extra time will be better for them. 🤷‍♀️

I also cleaned my coop today. Scrubbed everything down and new bedding. I had already started this process a couple days ago by starting to take out some of the old bedding but this morning there was a bigger push. I seen some blood in their droppings not a lot but enough was there that I’m a little worried. I started them on Corid. None of them seem to be sick. They are all eating and acting normal. Their poop was a little loose but I wouldn’t say diarrhea or anything. But I would rather stay on the safe side than not. I didn’t see any bloody stools in the coop so I think that just started this morning. There was only like 3 poops like this. I’m not sure who did it or what is really causing it. Everyone is laying normal too.

I hope everyone’s birds are doing great and getting better. Im gonna try to read some of this and catch up.
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:eek:Yup, found this today while getting Pepper's coop and run ready. 21. So glad it's been refrigerator temps, so these should be ok. Will probably do a float test, but I think they are going to be ok. Now that there's no access for them, I should have an easier time collecting them from the main coop, as long as they don't lay them in their dirt bath holes. Pepper was very happy to have a dirt bath again.
Oh wow!!! That is crazy cool though! My Call ducks have been hiding theirs. Little “turkeys” keep throwing their bedding over it. I haven’t come across anything like this yet!
Can you imagine trying to brood 21 eggs?!?! Maybe 2 Brahmas could do it together. :lau
Did you happen to check for fertility? I seen this video where a lady came across a bunch of turkey eggs and collected them. She seen her turkey around here and there so didn’t think anything of it and when she cracked an egg…there was a baby.

I'm not sure why but I somehow feel directly responsible for this. Kinda in between "I'm sorry" and "your welcome!". Feel free to remind me I am not that powerful 😆😖🤦‍♀️
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I'm not sure why but I somehow feel directly responsible for this. Kinda in between "I'm sorry" and "your welcome!". Feel free to remind me I am not that powerful 😆😖🤦‍♀️
The west coast over here has been in a drought, and much of the water table has been down. Don't worry about it, as no one can tell the weather what to do. If you do, it won't listen to you anyways.
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I'm not sure why but I somehow feel directly responsible for this. Kinda in between "I'm sorry" and "your welcome!". Feel free to remind me I am not that powerful 😆😖🤦‍♀️
I accept both, thank you! 😆 But for real…we just tried to do a few things since we had no rain today and it’s SO muddy!! I slipped several times and came close to landing in it. It’s supposed to continue thru Wednesday 😩😩
So I can’t recall who, but someone was saying they enjoyed seeing all the recycled materials coops…so I have another one to share! This coop is primarily going to be used as a “love shack” and/or grow out/baby brooder. Used a bunch of my paint, left over boards, and bought a roof. I’m happy with its sturdiness :)

So with the break in the weather—we put 2/3rds of it together. I’m beat! We will build the second run tomorrow that comes off the other side!



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