What did you do with your flock today?

Didn’t do a lot with the fluffy butts
because I had my granddaughter, and the wind was brutal today. But I did come across this cute picture of a couple of my teenagers this week enjoying some mashed potatoes ❤️
Welp. Heilani went broody again after being out with the flock for a few days. I caught her back in the nest box last eve. I almost caved, she is wearing me down 🐣🐣🐣

Rescued another pup on my way up to Koke'e. I was on my motorcycle so had to call DH to come pick this sweet bug up. This is one of the many reasons i always keep granola bars with me.
took her to KHS yesterday while driving DH to airport. His mom is at the end and hospice has been called ☹️☹️☹️

A few more trips to the cabin but all is washed and sundried and put back. Smells clean. Just gotta make the beds and give floors a final wash.
Been greeted by the feral flock up there everytime. Such a joy to make their day with some tossed food as they make mine with their presence.

I go on my first solo colony feeding tomorrow @3am. Most exciting! 😸

Been busy with all of my extra stuff and then picking up DH's chores again. I'm tired.

Feral roo that I STILL have has found his voice and is fit enough to be released. So I will take him with me tomorrow morning and release him at the pasture. I need to trap the small tribe that is hanging out here and release them at the pasture too. It will be a good life for them.

Mo'o has been a terrific patient and healing well.
My flock is wonderful and gave me 16 eggs today.
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better brooder for people to see the babies an
Oh so good to know! Did u get pics of others setup for ideas ya can share?
Haha, if I could have I would have 😆 I brought home 2, 8 week old bobtail Cochin PULLETS…so fingers crossed they live! I sure hope I have happy customers!!
Must have pics! U post em on the cochin thread? I'm so happy you got some! 🤞 these do well!
Planted some hanging baskets this afternoon with the help of Mr. Vanilla Bean.
View attachment 3499542
OMGeeze need a better pic of this mister gorgeous!!!
Have you ever had a rooster who was making a nesting hole? Houdini has been making a depression in the dirt next to the outside of the coop, which is slightly protected from rain and sun He also seems like he was inspecting the tarp/cover above it. His call noise sounds different from food calls.
Yep several of mine have done that as well as sat with the girls when they would lay...like they were holding their hand lol!
Chicklets all put themselves to bed tonight with no help from me ❤. 6 1/2 weeks old, and this is only their 4th night out in the run. Prodigies, every last one of them LOL.
Well of course they are!!!
Have you ever had a rooster who was making a nesting hole? Houdini has been making a depression in the dirt next to the outside of the coop, which is slightly protected from rain and sun He also seems like he was inspecting the tarp/cover above it. His call noise sounds different from food calls.
Mine do that too ❤️ i have one roo that spends a lot of time in the nest boxes smooshing around like a hen and making soft calls. He wants to breed so bad and seems to be trying his best to convince the ladies he's worthy. The ladies don't seem to like him yet though.
The pheasants were an experiment, really. My husband has raised them before, and they do require special housing. I’m brooding them together at the moment, and will continue outside in another brooder, but will most likely rehome them.

I entertained raising them for a second, but we already have built three runs/coops over the last year for my chickens, and that is where I will focus my passion. There is really no market for pheasants here, they are very fragile, and ultimately, it just seems cruel to keep them caged up, to me. And I like chicken eggs, better ❤️ They are hilarious to watch, though 🤣
Sounds like fun ❤️. If I lived somewhere they could survive wild, I think I'd raise a batch to adulthood and let them loose on my property just to enjoy them.
I go on my first solo colony feeding tomorrow @3am. Most exciting! 😸
Tell us more!
Poor little dog looks hungry. So glad you found him and could help. ❤️
Having a quiet, lazy morning here. My little dog Tuck has been doing his "gimme four things" routine. So he got offered breakfast, then 3 drinks of water and then tucked under the blanket and cuddled til he stopped shaking from cold 😂

Thinking about how to get my roof coat done. Used to be I'd climb right on the roof and work easy but I don't trust my foot enough to feel comfortable on a roof anymore. Wondering how well I can do it from a ladder with a long pole? I'll figure something out. Kinda wishing I'd gone ahead and used metal over the wood instead of deciding to use roof coat 🫤 But with the roof coat it ends up a lot cheaper and almost 100% recycled coops which is nice.

Hung a bunch of beer can flowers yesterday...well, these are seltzer can flowers 😂. But pleased with them anyhow. The chickens couldn't care less but I enjoy them. 😂

My daughter has a fancy name for my building style but I can never remember it. Certainly makes it sound good though! Gotta love kids that can put a positive spin on things!
Welp. Heilani went broody again after being out with the flock for a few days. I caught her back in the nest box last eve. I almost caved, she is wearing me down 🐣🐣🐣

Rescued another pup on my way up to Koke'e. I was on my motorcycle so had to call DH to come pick this sweet bug up. This is one of the many reasons i always keep granola bars with me. View attachment 3501259took her to KHS yesterday while driving DH to airport. His mom is at the end and hospice has been called ☹️☹️☹️

A few more trips to the cabin but all is washed and sundried and put back. Smells clean. Just gotta make the beds and give floors a final wash.
Been greeted by the feral flock up there everytime. Such a joy to make their day with some tossed food as they make mine with their presence.

I go on my first solo colony feeding tomorrow @3am. Most exciting! 😸

Been busy with all of my extra stuff and then picking up DH's chores again. I'm tired.

Feral roo that I STILL have has found his voice and is fit enough to be released. So I will take him with me tomorrow morning and release him at the pasture. I need to trap the small tribe that is hanging out here and release them at the pasture too. It will be a good life for them.

Mo'o has been a terrific patient and healing well.
My flock is wonderful and gave me 16 eggs today.
Sending caring thoughts and prayers for DH and family.
You have your loving hands and heart full and busy. Please take time to rest.
Welp. Heilani went broody again after being out with the flock for a few days. I caught her back in the nest box last eve. I almost caved, she is wearing me down 🐣🐣🐣

Rescued another pup on my way up to Koke'e. I was on my motorcycle so had to call DH to come pick this sweet bug up. This is one of the many reasons i always keep granola bars with me. View attachment 3501259took her to KHS yesterday while driving DH to airport. His mom is at the end and hospice has been called ☹️☹️☹️

A few more trips to the cabin but all is washed and sundried and put back. Smells clean. Just gotta make the beds and give floors a final wash.
Been greeted by the feral flock up there everytime. Such a joy to make their day with some tossed food as they make mine with their presence.

I go on my first solo colony feeding tomorrow @3am. Most exciting! 😸

Been busy with all of my extra stuff and then picking up DH's chores again. I'm tired.

Feral roo that I STILL have has found his voice and is fit enough to be released. So I will take him with me tomorrow morning and release him at the pasture. I need to trap the small tribe that is hanging out here and release them at the pasture too. It will be a good life for them.

Mo'o has been a terrific patient and healing well.
My flock is wonderful and gave me 16 eggs today.
I hope her passing is peaceful and kind to her. :hugs

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