What did you do with your flock today?

Yes! Courgettes and zucchini are the same thing. Although some we picked yesterday are approaching marrow-sized!
I've got a courgette and shallot relish to try and I'm going to make chocolate courgette cake later. I've also got some piccalilli on the go. I'm making a filo pie with grated courgette, feta and almonds later in the week. Mock apple pie sounds intriguing.
You and @PopoMyers both sound like amazing cooks ❤️
With all the rain, heat and humidity the grass (weeds) are knee deep to a tall dog. Cut the crew loose and it didn't take them long to fall in behind the mower. Bugs, bugs and zoomies. They're a happy busy bunch for the rest of the day, protein, protein and protein. Gotta love it.
My chickens want to come visit yours for a play day with treats 🤣
Ants fascinate me! We have loads on our allotment, black and red wood ants. I'm sure the red ants have formed a super-colony. I once spent an entertaining half hour watching them dismantle a corner of puff pastry and carry it off.
I might feel a bit different if it was fire ants or bullet ants I had to deal with!
We get fire ants here off and on. I love ants in general... especially the harvesters that feed the horny toads. But fire ants! Nasty buggers!
Gladys won't get in the coop at bedtime unless I give her back a shake and her floofly butt a pat. DH was mortified when he put them to bed once when I was too ill. He didn't believe me and thought he wouldn't need to. An hour and a half later he gave in and gave he what she wanted. He said he felt dirty afterwards...😂😂
That's Goosebumps! 🤣 At least with her it's a springtime behavior and the rest of the year she's content to just hang out with her honey.

Shes finally decided she's not afraid of the baby geese. Shes still spending most of her time with Spud, but she'll join the baby flock occasionally ands willing to eat with them now. There's hope for the old girl to make a goose friend yet!
The chickens had another fun romp in the wilds of my backyard last evening. And one of the cockerels was able to prove his worth as a protector of the flock!

After they'd been out for a while, the neighbor's cat was slowly moving down the hill of my lawn, heading towards the pasture and woods. My light colored pullet saw it and ran towards it, curiosity I guess. The cat didn't seem phased, and continued slowly walking.

The cockerel then ran over to cat, keeping close and clucking a warning, I guess. The cat wasn't afraid and kept on moving. Once it made it to the woods, the cockerel and two pullets stayed in the corner watching and clucking. Pretty cool to watch! Wish I had my camera with me.

This morning I found two pullets trying to lay in the single box at the same time. Later I saw that there was an egg in the box and one on the floor of the run. So I put together two more nest boxes. Now there are two side by side in the run, and one in the coop. I put a fake egg in each box so they know what to do.

Two eggs so far today. I'm expecting a four egg day any time now. I'm going to make a cheese omelot today out of the eight little eggs I've collected over the last three days. Might be a 9 egg omelot if I wait long enough. LOL

IMG_2337.JPG IMG_2340.JPG
The chickens had another fun romp in the wilds of my backyard last evening. And one of the cockerels was able to prove his worth as a protector of the flock!

After they'd been out for a while, the neighbor's cat was slowly moving down the hill of my lawn, heading towards the pasture and woods. My light colored pullet saw it and ran towards it, curiosity I guess. The cat didn't seem phased, and continued slowly walking.

The cockerel then ran over to cat, keeping close and clucking a warning, I guess. The cat wasn't afraid and kept on moving. Once it made it to the woods, the cockerel and two pullets stayed in the corner watching and clucking. Pretty cool to watch! Wish I had my camera with me.
All of my male chickens always cluck when a cat or a dog pass by. A few times one of my cats has gone by through the bushes at the edge of the chicken yard, and the hens believe it is a predator, so they go to the cat and start doing the repeated clucking that says "Come here, I found a predator and let's scare it off!"
All of my male chickens always cluck when a cat or a dog pass by. A few times one of my cats has gone by through the bushes at the edge of the chicken yard, and the hens believe it is a predator, so they go to the cat and start doing the repeated clucking that says "Come here, I found a predator and let's scare it off!"
My chickens beat up my cats 🤦‍♀️ The cats do kind of deserve it though.... 😸
It has rained solidly for 48 hours! I went outside at about 10a.m. to check on everyone and saw Stan outside the run, looking more like a drowned rat than a chicken. My first thought was that Ferdy had sent him to the naughty step again. I then went into the run. The girls were bone dry. Ferdy, however, was as soaked as Stan. Scooped them both up and put them straight in a warm bath, then towelled off and blow dried. When i watched my security camera footage, it appeared they had been taking turns to patrol the garden after the falcon returned and took a young starling. So proud of them for working together!

This is what they looked like:View attachment 3586010View attachment 3586015

And post bath:View attachment 3586012View attachment 3586013View attachment 3586014

Stanley did really well for his first bath and blow dry. Just a bit of anxious moaning while he was getting a pedicure.
Ferdy is an old hand with it, of course. I might as well be bathing a stuffed toy! Think he might have been a calming influence on Stan. Stan's nearly 9 moths now but no where near as chilled as his dad.
What good boys! Doing their important job and sharing the misery! ❤️❤️
It has rained solidly for 48 hours! I went outside at about 10a.m. to check on everyone and saw Stan outside the run, looking more like a drowned rat than a chicken. My first thought was that Ferdy had sent him to the naughty step again. I then went into the run. The girls were bone dry. Ferdy, however, was as soaked as Stan. Scooped them both up and put them straight in a warm bath, then towelled off and blow dried. When i watched my security camera footage, it appeared they had been taking turns to patrol the garden after the falcon returned and took a young starling. So proud of them for working together!

This is what they looked like:View attachment 3586010View attachment 3586015

And post bath:View attachment 3586012View attachment 3586013View attachment 3586014

Stanley did really well for his first bath and blow dry. Just a bit of anxious moaning while he was getting a pedicure.
Ferdy is an old hand with it, of course. I might as well be bathing a stuffed toy! Think he might have been a calming influence on Stan. Stan's nearly 9 moths now but no where near as chilled as his dad.
Roosters will do anything for their hens, I love them!

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