What did you do with your flock today?

Well my four peas I advertised are gone to new homes. Very happy that the people that got them are experienced bird owners. They raise peas, turkeys, guineas, ducks, chickens and emus! I went ahead and told the lady that wanted Magic that my birds are sold and just didn't mention that Magic wasn't one of those. So she's still here and very happy to have been let out of the baby pen to rejoin her pea family. ❤️

Next will be rehoming geese but waiting til they're sexable so my friend can have a breeding pair.
I got back from feeding the chickens and hanging out with my four bantams in their pen. If you don't know, I have four bantams that are almost of laying age and they live in a pen that is in the chicken yard, though separated. There is Jasper (Black Breasted Red Old English Game Bantam), Ruby (Rhode Island Red Bantam), Topaz (Golden Sebright Bantam), and Quartz (Silver Sebright Bantam).

While I was in the four bantam's pen, I had an amusing time watching Jasper dance for the hens on the other side of the wire fence, and Phoenix getting immediately mad at him and running (to the best of his feather-footed abilities) to the rescue to put himself between Jasper and the hen.

I sometimes attempt to grab Jasper when he is in a corner, but he flies about and acts like he would die if I managed to grab him. Phoenix runs up to the fence when he sees that happening and raises his hackles at Jasper. I assume Phoenix believes that Jasper is trying to be more dominant or something when he takes off flying to get away from me.
I spent some time trying to count the number of RIR pullets that I hatched this spring that I have to sell with a rooster if needed but gave up as they ran around like they were headless. I think they sensed the impending storm more than I did and were finding that one last bug before taking cover in their coop.
I'm curious since I hopped on this thread later than most, why would you possibly need to sell them?
I got back from feeding the chickens and hanging out with my four bantams in their pen. If you don't know, I have four bantams that are almost of laying age and they live in a pen that is in the chicken yard, though separated. There is Jasper (Black Breasted Red Old English Game Bantam), Ruby (Rhode Island Red Bantam), Topaz (Golden Sebright Bantam), and Quartz (Silver Sebright Bantam).

While I was in the four bantam's pen, I had an amusing time watching Jasper dance for the hens on the other side of the wire fence, and Phoenix getting immediately mad at him and running (to the best of his feather-footed abilities) to the rescue to put himself between Jasper and the hen.

I sometimes attempt to grab Jasper when he is in a corner, but he flies about and acts like he would die if I managed to grab him. Phoenix runs up to the fence when he sees that happening and raises his hackles at Jasper. I assume Phoenix believes that Jasper is trying to be more dominant or something when he takes off flying to get away from me.
Isn’t that so annoying? You’d think they’d been horribly mistreated like they’re sure you have plans for the stew pot every day 😆 I especially love the ones that continue to complain after you’ve got them and are loving on them. It makes me giggle more than anything 😆


Here’s my daughter loving on one of the boys that’s surely going to be murdered every day 😍

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