What did you do with your flock today?

The thing is, Jasper was among one of the friendliest and eager to learn new things when he was young! I guess cockerel hormones have taken a toll on him, which is technically not his fault.

And the cockerel you are perfectly describing would be Slate. He is my Blue Cochin Bantam, and I hatched him from Cackle Hatchery's bantam egg surprise package. He is a mix of both totally hilarious and totally annoying at the same time! A lot different than his sweet, calm hatchmate April, who is a Blue Easter Egger Bantam. When he and his flockmates are let out to have fun outside for a bit, he never stops doing the feed call. He always wants to be the center of attention and he acts so tough, but when he sees so much as a shadow or a falling leaf he will scream. He screams a lot. Despite not even being able to run because of how feathered his feet are (he does hops instead), Slate is surprisingly fast and hard to catch, and when you do manage to grab him he growls and screams at you!
Slate sounds like a very amusing cockerel :D I could sit and watch chicken antics all day! Haha. Maybe Jasper will come around after his hormones mellow some too!
Something I forgot to mention about yesterday evening's chicken outing...

I have two cockerels. I can identify the dominant one because he's growing spurs, which are about 1/2 inch long now.

Anyway, the subordinate cockerel mounted one of the pullets and as he was in the act, the dominant one ran over and chased him off. I guess the sub cockerel will have to be more sneaky in the future. LOL
I get frustrated with soon to be full fledged roosters ganging up on a pullet. They actually wait their turn on one hen instead of courting another. I turn the water hose on them when 5 or 6 are caught in the act. They don't bother to fight each other for breeding rights at all. 5 roosters and 45 hens should work out in a free range environment but it is failing here with Delawares so far. They turn one year old in mid September and maybe some maturity will help. If not The Delaware roosters are being named Dumpling Guy (1-5) and some white giant boys will be assigned their duties.
I get frustrated with soon to be full fledged roosters ganging up on a pullet. They actually wait their turn on one hen instead of courting another. I turn the water hose on them when 5 or 6 are caught in the act. They don't bother to fight each other for breeding rights at all. 5 roosters and 45 hens should work out in a free range environment but it is failing here with Delawares so far. They turn one year old in mid September and maybe some maturity will help. If not The Delaware roosters are being named Dumpling Guy (1-5) and some white giant boys will be assigned their duties.
Sounds like those men need some manners! And to be a bit less lazy! I don’t blame you for thinking Dumplings…45 ladies should be PLENTY. 😑
I get frustrated with soon to be full fledged roosters ganging up on a pullet. They actually wait their turn on one hen instead of courting another. I turn the water hose on them when 5 or 6 are caught in the act. They don't bother to fight each other for breeding rights at all. 5 roosters and 45 hens should work out in a free range environment but it is failing here with Delawares so far. They turn one year old in mid September and maybe some maturity will help. If not The Delaware roosters are being named Dumpling Guy (1-5) and some white giant boys will be assigned their duties.
When the dominant cockerel chased off its brother last evening he didn't mount the hen. I think he just wanted to let the sub know that the hen was his. He just kind of knocked him off, then they all went on their merry ways.
When the dominant cockerel chased off its brother last evening he didn't mount the hen. I think he just wanted to let the sub know that the hen was his. He just kind of knocked him off, then they all went on their merry ways.
I think the dominant got the first round and they went on down the line in order of rank.
I get frustrated with soon to be full fledged roosters ganging up on a pullet. They actually wait their turn on one hen instead of courting another. I turn the water hose on them when 5 or 6 are caught in the act. They don't bother to fight each other for breeding rights at all. 5 roosters and 45 hens should work out in a free range environment but it is failing here with Delawares so far. They turn one year old in mid September and maybe some maturity will help. If not The Delaware roosters are being named Dumpling Guy (1-5) and some white giant boys will be assigned their duties.
It sounds like those roosters need to learn a thing or two about how to be a real rooster!
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