What did you do with your flock today?

I get frustrated with soon to be full fledged roosters ganging up on a pullet. They actually wait their turn on one hen instead of courting another. I turn the water hose on them when 5 or 6 are caught in the act. They don't bother to fight each other for breeding rights at all. 5 roosters and 45 hens should work out in a free range environment but it is failing here with Delawares so far. They turn one year old in mid September and maybe some maturity will help. If not The Delaware roosters are being named Dumpling Guy (1-5) and some white giant boys will be assigned their duties.
Are they young roos and no old roos around? The youngsters often get like that... they haven't learned how to get the hens to cooperate yet and free range makes the hens harder to force. So they're looking for opportunity. ☹️

Most will learn over time though. Fun fact...hens can eject sperm if they don't like the roo...so it really does pay for the roos to please them 😉
Happy baby Java ❤️
Hello! This is a place to post pictures/talk about what you and your flock have done today.

I was on a zoom call earlier and Iris, my rooster, decided to stand behind me and crow repeatedly. Thankfully I was on mute, but it was still annoying. They couldn’t see him, but they could see me trying to make him quiet, which was a little embarrassing. :lol:
Here’s a pic of my boy with some mini roses.
View attachment 2128202

What about you guys? Have you done anything interesting with your flock today?

Here are a few pictures of my birds.
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What did I do with my flock today?

It has rained so much here since last week that low areas are ponding, so I let the whole gang out to play in n the water - they had a blast!

I get frustrated with soon to be full fledged roosters ganging up on a pullet. They actually wait their turn on one hen instead of courting another. I turn the water hose on them when 5 or 6 are caught in the act. They don't bother to fight each other for breeding rights at all. 5 roosters and 45 hens should work out in a free range environment but it is failing here with Delawares so far. They turn one year old in mid September and maybe some maturity will help. If not The Delaware roosters are being named Dumpling Guy (1-5) and some white giant boys will be assigned their duties.
Lock em up for a few months, unless you need fertilized eggs. Had to do that with my two!
Long day today. Neighbor showed up with an injured baby pig. It was a stray that his dogs caught. He was hoping I could nurse it. But I decided it needs more then I could give so I called a pig sanctuary here and took it to their vet for some doctoring. Looked to me like his dog might have bitten down from above the spine and it had a deep gash on its head that might need stitches. It was moving well so think it's easily savable...but just in case there's internal injuries it should see a vet.

That's the second stray pig in this neighborhood in 2 years...both unnuetered males...so feeling grumpy. Either some breeders dumping pigs out here or there's a negligent breeder somewhere not too far. Last pig was scrawny, extremely hungry and had an ear torn off. Anyhow...grumpy making kinda day.

But babies in good hands now and thank God for the hard working, kind and overused pig sanctuary! ❤️

Hopefully I did the graphic pictures right so only seen if you choose.
injured baby

Baby covered with a towel for comfort, calm and warmth

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