What did you do with your flock today?

Lots of good things to report. Velma is finally eating out of the treadle feeder, so no more separate feeding and shooing the others away. Houdini the escape artist was on the run roof this morning while I was out there. He tried to fly back down and was caught/ slung up in the netting. Finally could get to him easily, so while he was in there, I was able to clip his wings and then put him back into the yard. Good report and released from OT. Waterhose leaks fixed. Everything is blooming, growing well. I believe we all are happily busy this time of the year, or just trying to stay cool. Take care, everyone!
Sounds like all is well at your house! :) Yay for Velma! I haven't shored up the spots my escapees have found to wander the yard...this naughty one managed to get out of his run and the outer fence and came to visit me yesterday. :barnie

I thought that was what I was seeing... 🫤 Well, not completely surprising for your area right? Actually... so many areas have coyotes now.
How are your fences? Be nice if he was after the rats... right? And now little kitty can't be such an outside guy, well, not yet.
Speaking of rats. Look what one of my loves... probably Forest, brought me.View attachment 3589835
I almost stepped on it warming up kitty milk...
Yeah, if he was taking out the rats I’d be happy haha. But they seem to hide well as we still seem them all the time! Forest is a good boy!! 😍😍 I’m bummed that I now have a reason to worry or about Shadow 😫 I thought Koda wyd provide enough scent deterrent to keep coyotes away! Maybe I need a LGD too 😆😆
Well, I spoke too soon. Baby Pakala decided to quit eating at 3 am. At first, though I was not thrilled about it, he had been eating pretty good prior and his latch was good so I thought, ok. Give him a break. But 4 hours later and he is going downhill fast. He is not reacting much to stimulation. Think he is giving up.
Maybe care took too long to get to him, maybe wounds and blood loss, maybe underlying condition... I am sad. I wanted to know this little one.
Oh no! I really hope he will get better.

Well remember when I said we found evidence of raccoons in our yard? I was wrong…it’s not raccoons…

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View attachment 3589810
I have a pack of coyotes living nearby my house, and fortunately none have gone after the chickens. I hear they can wipe out a lot of chickens at once. I hope that your flock stays safe!

Good afternoon BYC!!

I just found my first egg! It's a long one! :wee

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Awesome job Peep! :love (Plymouth Rock Hen)

View attachment 3589837
That egg looks like it would have hurt, but I like its color! Congratulations!
Well, I spoke too soon. Baby Pakala decided to quit eating at 3 am. At first, though I was not thrilled about it, he had been eating pretty good prior and his latch was good so I thought, ok. Give him a break. But 4 hours later and he is going downhill fast. He is not reacting much to stimulation. Think he is giving up.
Maybe care took too long to get to him, maybe wounds and blood loss, maybe underlying condition... I am sad. I wanted to know this little one.
O I'm sad too. I have a soft spot for any baby, but baby kitties... :hugs

At least he had some warmth, comfort and tenderness. ❤️
Welllllll....piggies here for a bit. I went ahead and agreed to foster him. I've dealt with the pig sanctuary twice now and everytime I talk to the woman I'm impressed with her caring. And can't help but hear her stress and worry too. Sooo. I now have a cute little pig in my yard that's crazy scared of people. Hopefully not for too long, but while he's here I'll spend some quiet time just sitting out there with him in the hopes he calms. Would be even better if he learns to trust. 🤞

Hoping he's happily housed at the pig sanctuary with a fellow piggy before he becomes a giant piggy though. 🤞

But here's the cute baby.
Sounds like all is well at your house! :) Yay for Velma! I haven't shored up the spots my escapees have found to wander the yard...this naughty one managed to get out of his run and the outer fence and came to visit me yesterday. :barnie
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Yeah, if he was taking out the rats I’d be happy haha. But they seem to hide well as we still seem them all the time! Forest is a good boy!! 😍😍 I’m bummed that I now have a reason to worry or about Shadow 😫 I thought Koda wyd provide enough scent deterrent to keep coyotes away! Maybe I need a LGD too 😆😆
What a handsome boy!!! Your chickens are always so well kept.
Yep, pretty dumb of me. If he was after rats we would all have coyotes 😂😂😂.
It was early and I lacked sleep... plus I realized the cat, Forest, probably carried that rat right over me while I was sleeping. Lucky he did not put it on my pillow 🤣🤣🤣. *Note to self, close window next to bed, get coyote... no, don't get coyote 🗒✔️
Welllllll....piggies here for a bit. I went ahead and agreed to foster him. I've dealt with the pig sanctuary twice now and everytime I talk to the woman I'm impressed with her caring. And can't help but hear her stress and worry too. Sooo. I now have a cute little pig in my yard that's crazy scared of people. Hopefully not for too long, but while he's here I'll spend some quiet time just sitting out there with him in the hopes he calms. Would be even better if he learns to trust. 🤞

Hoping he's happily housed at the pig sanctuary with a fellow piggy before he becomes a giant piggy though. 🤞

But here's the cute baby.View attachment 3590167View attachment 3590168View attachment 3590169
Ahhh look at that sweet piggie!! I love that you are fostering him too! When do you find the time to care for all of them? You amaze me ❤️❤️ They’re all so lucky to have you 😍 I do hope it finds a home before he is a big piggie though! That’s a lot of animal to care for 😁

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