What did you do with your flock today?

Yes! I love them :) I have three d'Uccle hens and had two others last year. They are very similar to d'Anvers and Watermaals. Personality wise I find them to be very sweet, very sassy broodies, and very easy flockmates. I find that when hand raised they are super friendly but when you buy them as pullets from breeders they are a bit more skittish. I heard a breeder describe d'Uccles as sweet and compliant versus d'Anvers that are busy and bossy haha. I have not found my d'Anvers to be super bossy, but they are a lot busier, whereas the d'Uccles are more content to chill and hang out. The very best part is the long leg/foot feathers and watching them run like they have scuba flippers on their feet :D It is way more noticable than on the cochin because there's a lot less fluff before the feet! Hehe.
Oh wow! I have to get me some of those! 😁
This is what happens when you don't pay attention to your garden. Squash fries are definitely what's for dinner tonight for me.
View attachment 3618455
I feel ya! We're practically living on squash and runner beans right now - DH is making Sri Lankan runner bean and squash for dinner tonight.
Poor Penelope! I'm so glad you noticed and could help. Love the image of a chicken loving a blow dry 😂. I used to have a parakeet that did, but I'm afraid all of my chickens would panic at the first sound. What a good boy Stanley is! ❤️
The blow dry thing must be hereditary! Her dad loved a bath and blow dry. He used to turn around and lift a wing once one side was done and lay on his back in my arms like baby to have his belly dried 🤣
Ferdy is very amenable to a spa treatment too.
Ahhh poor Penelope! Good thing you have a keen eye for changes in their activity! ❤️ I love that Stanley had to follow and oversee! That’s so sweet 😍😍
Penelope seemed back to normal just a few minutes after her bruiser of an egg but I'm watching her closely until I've seen her lay the next couple.

I'm amazed and not a little proud of Stan, especially since he voluntarily got in the water with her.
I think his hormones are settling and Ferdy has finally got through to him that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, as he doesn't try to rape the girls as soon as he sets eyes on them. He genuinely seems to have formed a close emotional bond with Penelope and Gladys.
Put an add out for 2 cockerels.View attachment 3618824 Also, put an add out for a 6mo cockerel that someone dropped up Koke'e, and that my son is fostering for me. Sweet boy, wish him luck.View attachment 3618823
Filled waters, filled feeders, treated the gang to chopped papaya & put out sprinklers. View attachment 3618820
It is warm for us, but we do have some breeze.
Was on kitty colony feed duty at 2:30am this morning. Im tired, though I have stayed busy. Back to sewing feed bags. Got 16 started and 3 finished. Feels good to be back at it, been away too long. Need to get a good stash so I can move on and tile my roo coop and continue with its conversion for a bit.
They're both beautiful boys! 😍😍😍
I'm sure you'll have takers soon.
If I had loads of space and no near neighbours, I'd happily rescue roos.
Put an add out for 2 cockerels.View attachment 3618824 Also, put an add out for a 6mo cockerel that someone dropped up Koke'e, and that my son is fostering for me. Sweet boy, wish him luck.View attachment 3618823
Filled waters, filled feeders, treated the gang to chopped papaya & put out sprinklers. View attachment 3618820
It is warm for us, but we do have some breeze.
Was on kitty colony feed duty at 2:30am this morning. Im tired, though I have stayed busy. Back to sewing feed bags. Got 16 started and 3 finished. Feels good to be back at it, been away too long. Need to get a good stash so I can move on and tile my roo coop and continue with its conversion for a bit.
That Koke'e boy looks so big! I'm so used to my skinny little breeds now that he looks like a bruiser to me... 😂
My first birds I tried multiple roos with were the Yokohama's and the oegbs. It went so well with both and the boys act like family. All of my coops have multiple roost options and I see them all choosing to roost together with boys sleeping side by side. Then I got the dwarfs and they're exactly the same. More than happy together and very much a unit. But the silver hamburgs! They're not at pol yet but their flock dynamics are changing. They've split into two flocks, each centered around a different boy. There's no fighting yet but I think I'm going to have to keep a close eye on them for it because at bedtime each group has chosen separate roosting areas, with one lady who's choosing to sleep all by herself each night. During the day they're all mixing and mingling and not fighting...but I'm worried they're going to once the hormones kick in.
So I'm not going to split my dwarfs up into color groups for now. I'll just watch the hamburgs as they mature and see if I need one of the empty coops to separate the two groups. Up until recently they were all sleeping together on one perch!
That Koke'e boy looks so big! I'm so used to my skinny little breeds now that he looks like a bruiser to me... 😂
I think I may bring him down. He has a leg injury that may not be as superficial as i origionally thought. I have a few girls here for him to stare at while in iso/rehab. 👍 He is a sweetheart boy that is iinterestedin and follows people around. I don't know if because of his abandonment or just 100% temperament. A real gentleman and worthy of more than being dropped to beg for scraps at any rate.

50% of my mountain flock is in some stage of a molt. Everyone looks pretty mild though. None of the 5 girls I brought down are going through a molt 🤔 interesting.

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