What did you do with your flock today?

Changed waterers, added feed, threw starfruit and a tomato, scraped boards and collected eggs. Mostly I babysat Tally and dosed and combed Poppy for fleas. Poppy is responding quickly to the meds. Im stoked.
kind of exhausted from not enough sleep last night. Tally is doing great besides keeping me awake. He uses his litter box and has been a good eater.
So I'm taking this medication that can produce vivid dreams and nightmares and this morning I experience that at about 3am the time I normally get up. Bad dreams about losing my chickens.

The roosters start crowing and I think I hear the hens making a ruckus so I go out to check. Low and behold there is a coon in one of my coops! No one was dead or harmed. I was extremely lucky. Now after a 10hr day at work I'll be installing a skirt on the coop. It dug a hole under the coop right next to the door. I think I might have brought this on by feeding the group in that pen catfood as a treat to get them in earlier that evening.
Racoons are sneaky and eat just about anything. It's not your fault one showed up.

Glad nothing got hurt! Good luck with you skirt!
I also closed the door to their run so they have no access to layer feed.
Why would you block them from their food? I wouldn't do that. They probably wouldn't go in there for it when they can have so much fun outdoors, but I sure wouldn't keep a hungry chicken away from healthy food. Are you trying to change them into free ranging chickens? I do know someone who never feeds her chickens at all and they do just fine. but they free range every day all day. They have no pen at all. They sleep in the barn and leave it in the morning at will. Yes, she loses some to predators, but she keeps a lot of chickens and doesn't even really keep a head count. Different strokes I guess.
Why would you block them from their food? I wouldn't do that. They probably wouldn't go in there for it when they can have so much fun outdoors, but I sure wouldn't keep a hungry chicken away from healthy food. Are you trying to change them into free ranging chickens? I do know someone who never feeds her chickens at all and they do just fine. but they free range every day all day. They have no pen at all. They sleep in the barn and leave it in the morning at will. Yes, she loses some to predators, but she keeps a lot of chickens and doesn't even really keep a head count. Different strokes I guess.
If I had the kind of land that chickens can eat well off of, I'd definitely encourage them to learn to forage. Healthier birds that way I believe .... especially if every evening they can come home and eat all the processed food they want. Keeps them highly active which leads to less laying problems and longer lives.
So I'm taking this medication that can produce vivid dreams and nightmares and this morning I experience that at about 3am the time I normally get up. Bad dreams about losing my chickens.

The roosters start crowing and I think I hear the hens making a ruckus so I go out to check. Low and behold there is a coon in one of my coops! No one was dead or harmed. I was extremely lucky. Now after a 10hr day at work I'll be installing a skirt on the coop. It dug a hole under the coop right next to the door. I think I might have brought this on by feeding the group in that pen catfood as a treat to get them in earlier that evening.
I'm really glad you were able to catch that early b4 any damage. Yeah, meds and crazy dreams, and chicken alarms!!
We don't have raccoons and I know next to nothing about them, but I am sure it attracted to your chickens and would have shown up cat food or not ♡ Hope it is a smooth fix after your 10 hours and I'm sure this needed to be done no matter what. Sure you will sleep better... 😉👍
I'm taking a chance today. I let my chickens out to free range at 1:30 this afternoon, and I hope they stay in the backyard. I set up a waterer in the backyard for them, which might help keep them in the area. I also closed the door to their run so they have no access to layer feed. They'll be on their own until sundown to find their own food by foraging.
I think free ranging chickens is terrific, if a person can. Thinking your chooks are lucky. I am curious as to why you are locking them out of their run and away from food and security and nest boxes ....?
I personally leave my run doors open, so even though majority of flock is out and about they have choice to come back and lay, snack or if there is danger, they can go back to where they feel safe. I free range for their exercise and feed supplement. Big difference on my feed bill 👍. That, and the right feeders and feed.
Feed stores were out of the pellets I love so I bought crumble and watched my feed bill double. Had to quit using my main feeder 🙄. Used other, bigger pellets and that was better for me, but they don't seem to like it much and well, there was my savings.

It is nice when we find our happy ♡ Good on you for working on it.

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