What did you do with your flock today?

My youngest has her car in the shop so I'm playing taxi for her. Went to pick her up and saw the Dairy Queen had a customer 😂View attachment 3661978
My neighbour did that at the Tim Hortons (coffee and donut franchise here in Canada) here in town many many years ago.

Imagine my surprise at seeing my Appaloosa trotting across the road with my neighbour up on her, riding from the Fair Grounds to the Tim’s across the busy road. I just happened to be driving by at that time.

So I followed him into the drive through, where he ordered a bunch of coffee and donuts for the kids showing their horses at the Fair.

He didn’t see me until I went up and asked him ‘Rod just how are you getting all that back to the stalls without spilling it all?’

Always the quick one he said ‘your here now you can take it back’ hahahaha

That was way back before we had cell phone cameras in the 90s.

Today I am chillaxing with the kiddos sitting in my lawn chair, won’t be able to do that much longer - snow will be here soon enough.
I bought them 300lbs of feed that will time them over until the ton of feed comes in and can be delivered. They are now getting 27% game bird starter grower along with free choice oyster shell. Now I don't have to be concerned with the roosters getting to much calcium from the feed. One coop that is for pets that free range from sunup until sundown got a new roof today of shiny new metal that will not rust. No more rain drops on their heads.
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Last year I had put leaves in the run, and they were damp and got wet further in the rain. By the time a few months had gone by, and with the rainy and cold weather, and poop, it had packed down into quite a muddy, smelly mess. I think this year the leaves will get put around the trees so they can scratch at them outside, then they'll get raked and transferred to the garden, or used for flower bed mulch.
I never add wet material to the run. Not ever!
Love watching Henny with her babies. She's always happy to see me and calls the babies to me every time I come by. I put the babies wet mash treats in a little peanut butter lid and Henny always sends it flying from one side to the other as she tries to scratch at it and the babies chase after...they definitely get their cardio work out in 😂. Occasionally she'll send a baby flying too but they never mind. So cute 🥰
I don't blame Ferdy. Toasted almond, fresh pesto (from the garden?!!), broccoli spaghetti!!! Sounds worth the risk of getting ones head bit off 😬 Totally die happy if you could get just one bite in... one pesto dripping noodle... 😋😋😋
It was fresh from the garden, trying to use the last of the basil before the frosts start! We use almonds if we don't have pine nuts (I prefer the almonds anyway). I should have been more on point guarding my food from Ferdy since he adores almonds and broccoli - silly me!

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