What did you do with your flock today?

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Ma says I can't go trick or treating without my cane. :( I did gather eggs today and got 14 eggs out of the pullet coop with 15 pullets in it. I seen where it is recommended not to set eggs from pullets. A year old hens is the time to start. I don't believe it now. Those pullets of mine never laid pullet eggs. I've never seen that before and the thing is there mothers didn't lay very many. There mothers were just starting to lay good when I set the eggs they were hatched from. It was cool enough to night I didn't have to lecture any one about the dumpling pot to get them on the roost. We are under a freeze and fire warning.
I locked the girls up in their secure run a little before 6PM. Since it's been cold at night I started giving them a good sized cup of grain scratch late in the evening so there's plenty of food in their crops to help them keep warm through the night.

Tonight I also crushed up a bunch of eggshells and tossed them on the woodchips. They ate them up pretty fast.

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