What did you do with your flock today?

You could let some fruit ferment...:pop.Is the 30 ml food, or water? A broody can go weeks without eating, right? More watery poo this morning, with some solids. She ate a little oatmeal liquid, and had her electrolytes. Trying about every 2 hours for hydration. Does that sound ok?
I think a broody is apples and oranges. One, not sick and trying to heal. Two, They do get off the nest to gorge till lock down. They loose a ton of weight, get mites a d molt after. So. Meh.

The 30 mils was shared with me and I have had great success using it as a guideline. If my chook is slightly off food I syringe feed 30mils. I mix a protein powder, vits, electrolytes and meds into a shake like consistent slurry a d suck up 10 mils into a syringe with a 1/8 × 2.5" tube fastened to the tip- I also burn the tip to get rid of any sharp edges. This I insert down the throat.
You'd have to be careful with your gal as she may have sustained an unknown injury... but I gently lift beak up giving me a clear shot to get 10mils down their throat.
It has helped me help my chooks overcome some pretty fatal stuff ♡

Today I "cooked" some dinner for Bianca. She is skinny 😔. I think it's because she is molting (she has bald patches) and, as a chronically ill hen, she is at the bottom of the pecking order and I'm not sure the others are letting her eat as much as she should.

So these days, I'm feeding her inside the house at least once a day. I make sure that she eats at least one full plate of scrambled eggs and high protein feed. As a dessert, she got banana today.

Any other ideas?

I will most likely talk to her vet anyway, and I'm thinking about separating her from the flock permanently. The other hens are bigger than her, and they are not being nice to her.
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Today I "cooked" some dinner for Bianca. She is skinny 😔. I think it's because she is molting (she has bald patches) and, as a chronically ill hen, she is at the bottom of the pecking order and I'm not sure the others are letting her eat as much as she should.

So these days, I'm feeding her inside the house at least once a day. I make sure that she eats at least one full plate of scrambled eggs and high protein feed. As a dessert, she got banana today.

Any other ideas?

I will most likely talk to her vet anyway, and I'm thinking about separating her from the flock permanently. The other hens are bigger than her, and they are not being nice to her.
I would add some Greek yogurt to her eggs so she’s also getting some good healthy probiotics and something else that was a @Shetland lover suggestion, I add hemp hearts to the eggs for the omegas. Any chance you can add a gentle friend to the flock to keep her company? So she’s not lonely and has a bit of a buffer. My mostly blind EE was friends with a Silkie and it seemed to help ❤️ You’re being a great chicken momma!
Oh my goodness! It's a good job I'm on a different continent - they are so lovely I might be forced into kidnapping a few! Your splash boy reminds me so much of my Ferdy, even down to the gold leakage 😍😍😍😍
They’d live a nice life at your place so that would be okay now and then haha 😆 Ariana Sushi is so funny—he will come up in the chair and want the attention but then gets all out of sorts when he gets the attention 😆

Did I tell you guys Aria talked me into bringing home another Cochin?? I like them, don’t get me wrong…but I don’t have any more roooooom 😆😆 I wasn’t going to show Cochins! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ The lady who helps me with my Poultry Project asked me to sell her bird at the show in December so I brought him home and Aria just couldn’t stand leaving his girlfriend alone sooo now I have two more Cochins. 🤪🤪🤪🤪



I would add some Greek yogurt to her eggs so she’s also getting some good healthy probiotics and something else that was a @Shetland lover suggestion, I add hemp hearts to the eggs for the omegas. Any chance you can add a gentle friend to the flock to keep her company? So she’s not lonely and has a bit of a buffer. My mostly blind EE was friends with a Silkie and it seemed to help ❤️ You’re being a great chicken momma!

She used to have a friend, Ruby, who is the same breed and roughly the same size, but I recently had to isolate her due to prolapse + lash egg + salpingitis.

Now that she is recovering, I let Ruby free roam with the other girls and I noticed that she is being mean to Bianca, too 😔. It looks like she sold her soul to the devil after her illness.

And Bianca is looking for my company more than ever, which is cute and sad at the same time 😢



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She used to have a friend, Ruby, who is the same breed and roughly the same size, but I recently had to isolate her due to prolapse + lash egg + salpingitis.

Now that she is recovering, I let Ruby free roam with the other girls and I noticed that she is being mean to Bianca, too 😔. It looks like she sold her soul to the devil after her illness.

And Bianca is looking for my company more than ever, which is cute and sad at the same time 😢

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Sad Bianca :( You can give her a friend so she can have another bird to talk to
Most likely raccoons. I don't have the facilities to have a friend with her. She drinks with me holding up her head and giving her the electrolytes. How long do I wait, or what do I look for as signs that she may need to be euthanized? I don't like this. :hit She had a very large amount of watery poop on the towels this morning. I have a sinking feeling that some nerves in her neck/head? were damaged, which is why she cannot balance, or hold up herself. No real neck control. Her head just falls slowly down after I hold it up. She does and can kick her legs to sort of reposition, but that's all. When I tried to get her to put weight on her feet, one foot crosses over on top of the other, and her toes are a little curled.
I'd get her to a vet asap.
It does sound like there's nerve damage. Maybe spinal? It could just be inflammation or something more sinister, unfortunately. Really, only time will tell you which. You could try giving her an anti-inflammatory pain killer like meloxicam if you have it/can get it. I'd also give her some extra B vits, turmeric and hemp seeds or something else containing lots of gamma linolenoic acid as it's been proven to support the health of nerve sheaths and halt deterioration of them. If it is only swelling it will go down in a couple of weeks and she should regain more normal movement. If it's spinal or other nerve damage, it won't heal and then it's going to be your decision if euthanasia is required. I'd try to see a vet if you can as obviously they can make a hands-on diagnosis and advise accordingly.
Is she eating solid food o.k? If she's only eating soft food and drinking lots of water, that might be the cause of the watery poop?
Do you feel she is deteriorating or is much the same?
I'm so sorry this has happened and you're both going through this. Big hugs and you're both in my thoughts and prayers ❤❤❤
I wonder. If there's swelling, would ibuprofen or aspirin be helpful to reduce the inflammation? I don't even know if it can be given to chickens. Plus, it's a blood thinner, so if there are any internal bleeds it might cause more of a problem. Just thinking out loud.

@PopoMyers , I'm really sorry about your chicken. I hope she has a complete recovery.
Aspirin can be given to chickens in low doses. I've used it for pain relief if I've been unable to get meloxicam straight away. I've kept the dose as low as possible e.g. half a 75mg aspirin for a standard size bird once or twice a day, a quarter 75mg aspirin for a bantam and I'd give even less to a serama sized bird. I'm not recommending this as a safe dose, just that I've used it with no obvious issues at this dose. I definitely wouldn't use it if I suspected internal bleeding.

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