What did you do with your flock today?

I am going to be getting a blue quail Watermaal boy next weekend when I go to the show! I’m super excited to see if I can make some beebies! The Watermaal Club is trying to get blue quail accepted as an SOP variety by the ABA, so I figured I could help some with that by showing at some qualifying meets next year maybe! I’m not a huge fan of the quail pattern, but I needed to get some good quality birds to get the trifed comb introduced into my project birds :) I have black, white and cuckoo pullets that have bad combs…so I’m hoping to infuse some good genes eventually! I like their colors—especially the cuckoo! 😍 I’m guessing these new quail hens are from the Greenfire line, which is at least a decent start! :)

Yes, it’s been a bit of a whirlwind Fall…I have a ton of things to do but today is the first day in FOREVER that we have zero plans to be somewhere so I’m really enjoying just doing nothing 😌 Gonna do a bunch of winterizing the coops and runs tomorrow instead of today! So right now I’m sitting and watching football while Ruby’s Vaseline treatment soaks into his dry cracked feet!

I had to share my contribution to our Thanksgiving yesterday. Isn’t he a cute Turkey?? ☺️
Next year I'm dressing the cheese ball! 😂🥰😍

Tell us more about the crazy eyed chicken? Wow wow wow! I've never seen anything like it!

I'm super excited about your watermaals 😂... hoping to see and learn lots about them from you!
Well Hop is still hanging in there. I tried a sling today and it also put too much pressure on that inside foot. He naturally rolls away from it now and lays on his good foot side or stands when he can. At this point I'm not sure I did him any favors keeping him alive. 😕
But, the holidays are over, so on Monday I'll see if I can find the right person to ask at the vet department at the UoA. If I don't decide it'd be kinder to put him down before then. I think he has pain on that buried foot side now...think it started when I tried leaving him out of his bouncing bowl. He wasn't out of the bowl long but the flesh over that foot reddened and he changed how he supports himself. His appetites slowly decreasing since and his eyes are starting to look tired. He does start to look/eat better here and there though. I'll make up my mind to put him down and he'll lunge at the food suddenly, make eye contact and chirrup. He hasn't actually given up yet, but Im guessing he will if he is in pain.

He did so good for a while I was really hopeful. ☹️
Well Hop is still hanging in there. I tried a sling today and it also put too much pressure on that inside foot. He naturally rolls away from it now and lays on his good foot side or stands when he can. At this point I'm not sure I did him any favors keeping him alive. 😕
But, the holidays are over, so on Monday I'll see if I can find the right person to ask at the vet department at the UoA. If I don't decide it'd be kinder to put him down before then. I think he has pain on that buried foot side now...think it started when I tried leaving him out of his bouncing bowl. He wasn't out of the bowl long but the flesh over that foot reddened and he changed how he supports himself. His appetites slowly decreasing since and his eyes are starting to look tired. He does start to look/eat better here and there though. I'll make up my mind to put him down and he'll lunge at the food suddenly, make eye contact and chirrup. He hasn't actually given up yet, but Im guessing he will if he is in pain.

He did so good for a while I was really hopeful. ☹️
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If you wind up putting him down just remember that you both enjoyed your short time together.

And you discovered some therapies/remedies that you can probably use in the future.
I was beginning to get worried about one of my little ones that hatched today. I chicked on it a few minutes ago and finally it is standing upright instead of laying on its back paddling air with its feet. It just took him a little longer to get enough strength in his legs to stand on them. I thing I counted 9 hatched and 4 more pipped. It's been a slow process this time. Tomorrow I have to pull the first ones that hatched and place them in a brooder. They had had hatched when I got up yesterday morning and I want to get some feed and water in them before the yolk is all gone.
I've done some more digging into figuring out why I lost my chicken this morning and found an article that could explain how a shell membrane could end up inside the body cavity.


If I understand correctly the egg could move backwards and go into the body cavity. I feel sorry for the poor girl, but I blame the breeders for pushing the limits on egg production. The next chickens I get will be true heritage breed birds that lay fewer eggs.

Here's the article, quoted, with relevant parts highlighted in red.

In these hens, partially or fully formed eggs are found in the abdominal cavity. Such eggs reach the cavity by reverse peristalsis of the oviduct. If they have no shell, they are often misshapen because of partial or complete absorption of the contents. Frequently, only empty shell membranes are present. No control or treatment is known. This condition is related to erratic ovulation and defective egg syndrome. Internal ovulations can happen throughout the life of the hen. Some hens are chronic internal layers.
Thanks. I think I found it.
But according to their list, it looks like a non-commercial avian necropsy is $60 now. And they aren't doing them in Puyallup right now because they don't currently have a pathologist. They're being done in Pullman.

I don't think I'd spend that much, and would rather learn more and do what I can myself. But hopefully I won't have to do it again.
I'm behind the times. Inflation and staffing issues abound everywhere. I've had several chickens die naturally over the past 3 years, no necropsies. I believe mostly from reproductive issues, heat stroke, some gastrointestinal issues, maybe worms, sudden death syndrome. Always sad, but we recover and go forward.
If I understand correctly the egg could move backwards and go into the body cavity. I feel sorry for the poor girl, but I blame the breeders for pushing the limits on egg production. The next chickens I get will be true heritage breed birds that lay fewer eggs.
Same here. You still can get burned with a high production strain of a heritage breed. I'm going for old fashioned Barred Rocks. They may not lay until they die of a natural death after a long life but they will at least be giving that chance.
It's been a crazy few days getting the house ready for guests, and cooking for yesterday. Actually deboned and made a turkey roast.
Hope you all enjoyed your holiday. So sorry you couldn't join us, @Shetland lover . Do you have a similar holiday there?
Ginger, actually, her name is Olena (I have always had trouble telling my 2 Wellies apart :plbb) is slowly improving. Her name means turmeric in Hawaiian. A friend of my son was over, and she does parrot rescue, also other kinds of poultry. Her opinion is that she will fully recover in a few months. It was so sweet to see her checking on Olena the whole time she was here over 2 days. I was holding her today, and she was trying to take steps, but her legs still cross and go to the side a bit. It's only been 3 weeks. She got to have turkey, which she gobbled up yesterday and today. 😉 She must know that she needs the extra protein, and her molt is almost over. I feel bad every time she loses a new feather from being handled.
Gave the other girls a Thanksgiving treat today, leftovers of what people left behind. Have more for them in a few days. Nights are down to low 30's this week (around 0 C) so the extra carbs will keep them warm. Seems the rat has stopped going in the coop. Small win. DH repositioned the security camera to the inside of the fence, so we can see how the raccoons might be climbing over.

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