What did you do with your flock today?

I've done some more digging into figuring out why I lost my chicken this morning and found an article that could explain how a shell membrane could end up inside the body cavity.


If I understand correctly the egg could move backwards and go into the body cavity. I feel sorry for the poor girl, but I blame the breeders for pushing the limits on egg production. The next chickens I get will be true heritage breed birds that lay fewer eggs.

Here's the article, quoted, with relevant parts highlighted in red.
There's a lot of good heritage breeds out there. I'm hoping my hamburgs will be that for me. Good layers but not production level, and smaller eggs so easier on the hens.

My landrace dwarfs might end up my forever breed. They'd be excellent layers if only they didn't go broody all the time 😂.

The dwarfs are crazy broodys and the hamburgs aren't supposed to go broody. I'm not sure which breed I'll settle on, but broody tendencies might matter to you too down the road.
It's been a crazy few days getting the house ready for guests, and cooking for yesterday. Actually deboned and made a turkey roast.
View attachment 3690975 Hope you all enjoyed your holiday. So sorry you couldn't join us, @Shetland lover . Do you have a similar holiday there?
Ginger, actually, her name is Olena (I have always had trouble telling my 2 Wellies apart :plbb) is slowly improving. Her name means turmeric in Hawaiian. A friend of my son was over, and she does parrot rescue, also other kinds of poultry. Her opinion is that she will fully recover in a few months. It was so sweet to see her checking on Olena the whole time she was here over 2 days. I was holding her today, and she was trying to take steps, but her legs still cross and go to the side a bit. It's only been 3 weeks. She got to have turkey, which she gobbled up yesterday and today. 😉 She must know that she needs the extra protein, and her molt is almost over. I feel bad every time she loses a new feather from being handled.
Gave the other girls a Thanksgiving treat today, leftovers of what people left behind. Have more for them in a few days. Nights are down to low 30's this week (around 0 C) so the extra carbs will keep them warm. Seems the rat has stopped going in the coop. Small win. DH repositioned the security camera to the inside of the fence, so we can see how the raccoons might be climbing over.
I'm so glad for Olena! ❤️ Beautiful roast too 😋
Hi everyone! I was off for awhile but I still check in here and there. Life has not been the smoothest road lately. Almost puts a Pennsylvania backroad to shame.
I did want to share that I wrote a short story based on the story I tell my flocks when it's their first time with Santa. It's more fun and sweet and I can read it back to them to. I have so many funny sweet stories just because they are who they are.
Does anyone know a place I could share them in case others want to read them or let their kids read them?
Not seeing to get paid but just want to share my tiny velociraptors with everyone.
Well Hop is still hanging in there. I tried a sling today and it also put too much pressure on that inside foot. He naturally rolls away from it now and lays on his good foot side or stands when he can. At this point I'm not sure I did him any favors keeping him alive. 😕
But, the holidays are over, so on Monday I'll see if I can find the right person to ask at the vet department at the UoA. If I don't decide it'd be kinder to put him down before then. I think he has pain on that buried foot side now...think it started when I tried leaving him out of his bouncing bowl. He wasn't out of the bowl long but the flesh over that foot reddened and he changed how he supports himself. His appetites slowly decreasing since and his eyes are starting to look tired. He does start to look/eat better here and there though. I'll make up my mind to put him down and he'll lunge at the food suddenly, make eye contact and chirrup. He hasn't actually given up yet, but Im guessing he will if he is in pain.

He did so good for a while I was really hopeful. ☹️
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I think you have tried very hard to help Hop along. Unless a vet can surgically get that leg out, I don't know what else you can do for him. What a heartbreaking decision you are trying to make. I know you'll make the best one for him. :hugs
Thanks. I think I found it.
But according to their list, it looks like a non-commercial avian necropsy is $60 now. And they aren't doing them in Puyallup right now because they don't currently have a pathologist. They're being done in Pullman.

I don't think I'd spend that much, and would rather learn more and do what I can myself. But hopefully I won't have to do it again.
And that’s before the shipping cost 🥺 UC Davis only charges us $25 but if shipped it’s another $65. Wish I had the guts to do my own necropsy!
Next year I'm dressing the cheese ball! 😂🥰😍

Tell us more about the crazy eyed chicken? Wow wow wow! I've never seen anything like it!

I'm super excited about your watermaals 😂... hoping to see and learn lots about them from you!
Which one was the crazy eyed one? Ruby or the cheese ball? 😆😆😆

I’m happy to share my Watermaal adventures! 😊 They are just the tiniest little ones! 🥰 Here are a couple new pics! Wish I could sleep as soundly as Monica does! 😆


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Well Hop is still hanging in there. I tried a sling today and it also put too much pressure on that inside foot. He naturally rolls away from it now and lays on his good foot side or stands when he can. At this point I'm not sure I did him any favors keeping him alive. 😕
But, the holidays are over, so on Monday I'll see if I can find the right person to ask at the vet department at the UoA. If I don't decide it'd be kinder to put him down before then. I think he has pain on that buried foot side now...think it started when I tried leaving him out of his bouncing bowl. He wasn't out of the bowl long but the flesh over that foot reddened and he changed how he supports himself. His appetites slowly decreasing since and his eyes are starting to look tired. He does start to look/eat better here and there though. I'll make up my mind to put him down and he'll lunge at the food suddenly, make eye contact and chirrup. He hasn't actually given up yet, but Im guessing he will if he is in pain.

He did so good for a while I was really hopeful. ☹️
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You are giving Hops every chance possible and he knows nothing but love 💕 I hope you are able to find a good solution for him! He’s so pretty and has such a will to live! ❤️ I’m sending good vibes his way!!
It's been a crazy few days getting the house ready for guests, and cooking for yesterday. Actually deboned and made a turkey roast.
View attachment 3690975 Hope you all enjoyed your holiday. So sorry you couldn't join us, @Shetland lover . Do you have a similar holiday there?
Ginger, actually, her name is Olena (I have always had trouble telling my 2 Wellies apart :plbb) is slowly improving. Her name means turmeric in Hawaiian. A friend of my son was over, and she does parrot rescue, also other kinds of poultry. Her opinion is that she will fully recover in a few months. It was so sweet to see her checking on Olena the whole time she was here over 2 days. I was holding her today, and she was trying to take steps, but her legs still cross and go to the side a bit. It's only been 3 weeks. She got to have turkey, which she gobbled up yesterday and today. 😉 She must know that she needs the extra protein, and her molt is almost over. I feel bad every time she loses a new feather from being handled.
Gave the other girls a Thanksgiving treat today, leftovers of what people left behind. Have more for them in a few days. Nights are down to low 30's this week (around 0 C) so the extra carbs will keep them warm. Seems the rat has stopped going in the coop. Small win. DH repositioned the security camera to the inside of the fence, so we can see how the raccoons might be climbing over.
Yay for Ginger!! I’m so hopeful she fully recovers 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 she’s a fighter just like Hops! Sounds like she won’t want to rejoin the flock after all the pampering though! 😍 Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving, your Turkey looks delicious 🤤 We made Turkey noodle soup with some leftovers today and it was so tasty. Wish we’d made more! It’s getting quite chilly at night here too—I have several birds baths today for the show next weekend and had to add a heat lamp to their cages tonight to make sure they stayed warm enough! Supposed to hit 36 sometime early morning…not ideal if they’re still sort of damp! 🥺
There's a lot of good heritage breeds out there. I'm hoping my hamburgs will be that for me. Good layers but not production level, and smaller eggs so easier on the hens.

My landrace dwarfs might end up my forever breed. They'd be excellent layers if only they didn't go broody all the time 😂.

The dwarfs are crazy broodys and the hamburgs aren't supposed to go broody. I'm not sure which breed I'll settle on, but broody tendencies might matter to you too down the road.
It’s so interesting that your ODs are crazy broody! Mine ladies have zero interest in babies! They’re quite content laying and going about their days 😆

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