What did you do with your flock today?

O that's hard! Don't beat yourself up... you're wonderful and I'm willing to bet if that ever happens again, there'll be good reason that you got distracted and forgot. Bet it doesn't happen again though :hugs

We don't have racoon problems here but we have ringtail cats (polecats) instead. Relatives of racoons. I don't think they're as bad as racoons, but the worst trouble I've ever had with chicken predators was from one of them. Sneaky and bold all at once... the little bugger.

You already have chicks ordered for the spring if I remember right? Gives you something to look forward to and time to deal with the racoons if you can. ❤️
Yes, I'm looking forward to them arriving. After I had them ordered, seems like I see that some folks have lots of pullets and hens for sale. DH even asked if we could buy some locally. Too late, and I would be wary of biosecurity issues as well, not that it didn't stop me the couple times I did buy some POL pullets and hens. Did I mention that DH is on a mission to install the electric fence? So far he has the grounding rods in, and one set of insulators installed. I would love to see what kind of shocking experience those raccoons get. I purchased 2 more cameras for that reason 🤭
Oh, your gang is a riot! So much for the recommended limiting of treats, right? He's one lucky roo, as is the rest of your bunch. Do you keep a journal? All your anecdotes would make a fine, entertaining reading collection.
Limiting treats? What does that mean? :gig
Seriously though, I try not to give unhealthy treats or anything else with lots of salt, sugar or fat. Unfortunately, Ferdy is more than capable of helping himself so his diet is much less controlled. I'm liberal with treats because, with my first hens being ex-batts, I was of the opinion that they only live short, hard lives so they deserved spoiling! Never got out of the habit. And as long as my birds remain healthy and happy, I'm not really concerned about egg production or anything else.
Ferdy is very good at telling me exactly what he wants for snacks. He sits on my shoulder whilst we look in the fridge. He will then crane his neck towards the food he wants, grunt and do a happy dance if I pick up the right thing. We often have a disagreement over him wanting cheese or butter though!
He loves the pantry too. In there, he will tap on the canisters he wants to investigate. If he's not interested in the contents, he makes a dismissive noise so we move on. He absolutely recognises his nut tin - a miniature amaretti cookie tin - and he's usually in agonies of impatience to get to that! 🤣

I don't keep a journal. I tried when I was 8 or 9 and concluded my life was way too boring.
Maybe it's heading toward

Maybe it's heading toward Calculus!
I'm taking Quantative Analytics this term in school so this could sky rocket into something I may need an intervention from
I was looking on Farmish today to see if there were any that needed homes.

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