What did you do with your flock today?

Ok help me out. Why don’t I get all the notifications for this thread? I assumed no one was posting and came today to say hello and there’s a ton of new posts I hadn’t seen! Is there a way to get notified?

Also we are under freeze warning tonight. Mid to low 30s expected. Not too common here. Tell me my chickens will be fine please 😂
Tried to let our flock out for some stretching time from the run since they were stuck inside for a few days but the chickens didn't last long and returned to their coop and run. Meanwhile our two geese..
Morning gang! I was not getting notices and just figured all were busy so I stayed busy.
We have a kona low giving us delicious wet weather 😋. I had to do a town run with my son yesterday and thought of you all

Just some random building DS and I wandered into to stay out of the weather while we waited for his appointment. Seems this not-so-dumb cockerel had the same idea. Also, it looks like this is not his first venture into this casual meeting area 🐓♡♡♡.

I apologize in advance if I missed anyone's post. I was pages behind and sometimes catch up is tricky for me on my phone.

Today I wait and see if new bike makes it onto the barge. If so, Monday will be my pick up date!

*** small disruption from small curious kitty. 1/2 a roll of paper towels later, I now have a sparkling clean stove and a humble quiet house. But, I do need to order a new olive oil decanter, lol. Thank you kitty, i never liked the old one. Does remind me that I spend too much time disappearing on my phone. ***

Chooks are locked in their run for a bit longer. 5 eggs steady out of 14 girls. Long hiatus 🫤.

K. Better get after all my chores.
🌺Aloha Wednesday!!!!
Today was spa time for another batch of show chickens! This was a first bath for them and they were less than thrilled but mostly compliant ☺️ Cleaned cages and applied Vaseline to the high maintenance feather legged birds 😊
I think my birds would even refuse treats if I bathed them 🤣...you must have gentle hands to coax them through ❤️.

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