What did you do with your flock today?

No name for the bike yet.

Pretzel kitties go for their first vet travel check this weekend 😭😭😭😭
Somehow hit the wrong button...😂.

Previous reply was to this!

I totally blame Goose puppy. Goofball weighs almost 80 lbs and still thinks he fits in my lap...where of course he likes to flop and twist about if I stop petting him. He was quite offended that I tried to use both hands to type 🤣❤️
Spent the morning working on cleaning Spud and the geese area. Wow Spuds a tank! I built a pallet fence along the chain link fence there to discourage Spud from trying to go through the chain link. Hes managed to tear part of it up so going to have to repair it while we have this beautiful weather. But I built it back when my youngest was just out of diapers, so think I'll just replace the broken pallets with fresh ones. They last an amazing time and I don't get grumpy when Spud does his thing.

I really enjoyed watching the geese together. Goosebump is still sleeping with Spud! But I'm happy to see her hanging out with Rowan and an unnamed girl that hasn't found a home yet. Goosebump alternated between being timid of or bullying the young geese for a bit...but now they're friendly and enjoying each other. The young geese sleep together in the open, and Goosebumps still follows Spud into his house every night. So after I finish repairing the fence stuff, think I'll repair the unused goose house, refresh the nest in there and hope they like it.
Good morning all! Welp, the holidays are pretty much here. Hoping to get AJ's tree and house lights up after I mow all lawns. Chickens just gotta be patient today as I will keep them in the run untill I have finished those chores.

My bike came in on Monday, so that filled much of my day. She is a sweetie.View attachment 3699328
Though this photo reminds me of something out of a Kong movie 🤔
Have my first 50 break-in miles on her and itching for many more.

Kittens... Tally Ho had his surgery this weekend ♡ View attachment 3699332I have Tally and the 3 fosters inside our little home mostly. They are holy terrors and my house is a mess but, it's extremely entertaining and they are becoming more trusting and sweet every day. Just like regular kitties ♡View attachment 3699330View attachment 3699331
K. Gotta get my wiggle on. Have a terrific day all! 😁🤙
Do let us know what your bike's name is. Awww, kitties in such fun poses. Hurray!
So sorry to hear this. I've lost a couple that are still a mystery. It does happen. I think they got loose some way and wandered off to far for their own good. I finally gave up on them returning after a few weeks of mourning for them.
Same here, but they were free ranging at the time. Once I had forgotten to let them out of the fenced garden and back into the coop one evening after the tress were done being pruned. Most of them had hidden under bushes and plants. Once a pile of feathers from a coyote daytime snatch. So sorry. Such a mystery.
Yesterday, Olena didn't eat as much as she had been. Tried both mash and dry. Of course, she ate the sunflower seeds and corn mixed in the grit/shell container. Figured out this morning, that the fermented mash from the day before she had finished, then stopped when it was the freshly wetted feed. The mash made yesterday had nicely fermented overnight, and she is back to eating more today. Goofy girl. Do your chickens "chew"? She seems to do this clicking chewing noise and action. Had to do a little beak trim yesterday. She's doing a lot more moving, trying to get her legs under her, more alert to motions outside and around her, raising her head higher, able to reach her oil gland, preening more. It is gloomy, rainy and quite dark today. She doesn't eat if it's too dim, so I try to keep her where it's more light, like by the glass door, window, or just turn the lights on. Ya, kinda sad when we have to do that.
Finished putting up outside lights yesterday, getting rained on toward the end, and finished inside decor as well. Who else only decorates the parts of the tree (if you have one) that shows?
That is really so sweet. And what a nice rooster you had to cover Bianca with his wing. That's a picture I would have liked to see. ❤️

I know! I don't have a picture of that, but I have a picture of -perhaps- a more important moment. When Bianca got sick, she was isolated in this "laundry room" and slept in a dog house.

One evening, I turned on the lights to give her medication and I saw Mabelo on top of the dog house where she was sleeping. He had forced his way out of the coop to be with her.

I was so moved. It is hard to believe that he's gone before her, given that he had perfect health and she still hasn't.

Hello! This is a place to post pictures/talk about what you and your flock have done today.

I was on a zoom call earlier and Iris, my rooster, decided to stand behind me and crow repeatedly. Thankfully I was on mute, but it was still annoying. They couldn’t see him, but they could see me trying to make him quiet, which was a little embarrassing. :lol:
Here’s a pic of my boy with some mini roses.
View attachment 2128202

What about you guys? Have you done anything interesting with your flock today?

Here are a few pictures of my birds.
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View attachment 2128894
I was on a call with my professor and the same thing happened! It turned out he just got chickens and lives in Utah and was wondering how to handle the colder weather approaching!
Yesterday, Olena didn't eat as much as she had been. Tried both mash and dry. Of course, she ate the sunflower seeds and corn mixed in the grit/shell container. Figured out this morning, that the fermented mash from the day before she had finished, then stopped when it was the freshly wetted feed. The mash made yesterday had nicely fermented overnight, and she is back to eating more today. Goofy girl. Do your chickens "chew"? She seems to do this clicking chewing noise and action. Had to do a little beak trim yesterday. She's doing a lot more moving, trying to get her legs under her, more alert to motions outside and around her, raising her head higher, able to reach her oil gland, preening more. It is gloomy, rainy and quite dark today. She doesn't eat if it's too dim, so I try to keep her where it's more light, like by the glass door, window, or just turn the lights on. Ya, kinda sad when we have to do that.
Finished putting up outside lights yesterday, getting rained on toward the end, and finished inside decor as well. Who else only decorates the parts of the tree (if you have one) that shows?
Maybe the view outside while she's getting her light time will help motivate Olena? I have a neighbor with an old old dove who's partner died. She moved him near a window and put a bird feeder right outside. He coos and dances for the birds that visit him every day.
We put are tree in the window so end up decorating all around. But skipping the sides that don't show sounds awfully smart to me ❤️

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