What did you do with your flock today?

⚡⚡⚡Hubby gave me some shocking news. The fence is hot. Zippity zap for those nasty raccoons.
I need to hire him to fence about 3 acres. Coons and coyotes and mongrel dogs. I can't drive the posts anymore and help like that is impossible to find. People who can would rather go hungry than drive a post. That's work. :(
I did a my Christmas photo shoot 😍


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I brought our beloved Easter Egger Shuster in for a treatment with No Pick'n spray. Where his new tail and back feathers were coming in was thought of by the pullets he runs with as a treat for them. They may look for a treat elsewhere tomorrow morning when they try to peck him again. While he was in with us he downed a treat of his own in the way of a pair of boiled eggs. I hope between his eggs and 27% game bird feed he at least feathers out on his back with cold weather arriving.
I have three moulting, this is the latest mine have ever done that, and we are just lucky it’s been a bit mild, if it were a normal -20C they would be really suffering I am sure….. and don’t get me started on my Henny Penny and her two baby chicks 😁

At least they can hide under her when they get chilly! Or hide in the pumpkin hahaha…

I need to hire him to fence about 3 acres. Coons and coyotes and mongrel dogs. I can't drive the posts anymore and help like that is impossible to find. People who can would rather go hungry than drive a post. That's work. :(
Well that’s so sad! Well I would help if I was closer, it’s not rocket science or all that hard.

I use 6’ rebar and put them in about 2’ so I have about 4’ above ground; then use the ‘screw on’ insulators about three strands and ZAP! Gosh I love electric fencing 😁 I have done this for the horses in the past and it’s super easy to put up and take down.

For coons and canines I would go with the strands about 10” apart.

Mwahahaha 😆 zap!
I did a my Christmas photo shoot 😍
Love this!!! These pics make my day😍
I have three moulting, this is the latest mine have ever done that, and we are just lucky it’s been a bit mild, if it were a normal -20C they would be really suffering I am sure….. and don’t get me started on my Henny Penny and her two baby chicks 😁

At least they can hide under her when they get chilly! Or hide in the pumpkin hahaha…

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It seems we will have a couple of nearly sunny days Monday and Tuesday. Wouldn't you know I'll be in the house baking cookies those two days. My timing is impeccable. But, I need to ship about 30 dozen cookies out by Wednesday, so a-baking I will go.
Do you need my mailing address?
The weather here is terrific, not quite making it up to the mid 80's at the highest temp today. Everything is green as can be and growing gangbusters. Including Seymore. I can barely make it through the run door after a major trim a few weeks back.
Seymore seen here with feral hen ☝️

👇 Broody feral won't quit being broody so I now just check for eggs and let her go. She will give up on the fake eggs eventually.... 🫤 i hope. She has a heck of a bite, but mostly just lets me move her around. Silly girl.

I kind of blew it and forgot to pick up feed yesterday... so chickens are on rations till Monday noon. I made them pancakes out of the extra batter this morning, so they have escaped the danger of starvation for the moment. Whew!

And kitties passed their last exam and will be leaving me on the 20th of Dec.

This one is going to sting. But I won't hesitate to do it again ♡.

Did our maiden voyage on motorcycle to Koke'e last eve. My son's first ride up and me on new bike. Thinking Honey may be her new name.... anywho, happy to report all was flawless. It was a major accomplishment but more major will be my son riding his bike down the hill, and then back up. The downhill twisties can be a bit unnerving at first.

@kurby22 😂💕 Bravo!!!! 🐔🌲🎁

Well, that's all I got on this perfect Aloha Sunday. Stay well all!

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