What did you do with your flock today?

I drove down to the grocery store to check for discarded produce and found two banana boxes full, mostly big leaves trimmed from romaine and curly leaf lettuce. My chickens will be eating lots of greens for the next few days!

I've been throwing whole lettuce leaves in their run and they have to kind of fight it to pull off bites. So I think I'm going to try chopping their veggies up into small pieces and see how that works for them.
We did our quarterly big cleaning of the coop. The poop boards are cleaned daily, and the straw on the floor is added to as needed, in deep litter fashion. But once every few months we take out all the old straw and start over with a half a bale of fresh straw.

So, we tossed the other half of the bale into the run on a few muddy spots and the chickens had a blast. But poor Cooper. This was his first straw day and he didn't know what to think of that stuff. He walked the whole perimeter, keeping plenty of distance between it and himself, and watched the girls scratch and peck and have a good old time. After several minutes, he finally made his way around the straw, only stepping on it briefly in front of the coop door, and watched them from inside. :lau

I wish I had my phone with me to get pictures of him.

DH just went out to hang a fresh cabbage for them and said they were all in already. Half an hour early. It seems that if Cooper was in, it must be time to go to bed. :lol:
Today is the 28th so I am buttoning up a few deferred chores and then will get ready for the great New Years Eve mountain escape. Little trickier this year... but gotta do it. Hate leaving my chickens behind but mostly hate all of the illegal fireworks. Hawaii has the honor of being dubbed the worst state for illegal fireworks and I can attest to the truth in that. Especially being a block from the beach where people like to set them off... and a block from the park where other people to set them off. Sure wish we had police who enforced our illegal firework laws... sure wish I had more thoughtful neighbors. 😡😡😡 So much noise an ddisruption for days. So much and cost in vet visits and animal welfare.:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie:barnie just foolish. Not happy about NY at all, lol 😆

Picked Waihona up a friend from another foster mom View attachment 3713878
Meet Flo. I think Waihona will be worth the efforts ♡View attachment 3713879

Chooks are awesome 🐔💕 They are giving me (on average) a dozen eggs a day. So, egg drought is over for a bit. Flock dynamics are terrific, poop is plentiful. Spider, is a bada** keeping out the ferals. He has attracted the locals roos for challenge and then reasserted his rule, all without a bruise or blood. Just love watching that boy do his magic. Spider does not mate all of the girls, just his select few. Beetle is mating the rest, though most all girls seek Spider's approval and protection. Spider and Beetle quickly started working as a team again. Beetle knows he is #2 and it works beautifully. My girls seem as happy as can be.

Love my morning view of the complaining captives.View attachment 3713906
Loving the cool workable weather. Lots to do today. Be good, stay well all.
Such beautiful babies all over there!

I'm so sorry you have to deal with all that fireworks wise. It does sound awful. Hope it's not too cold on the mountain this time of year.
My lovely birds kept me sane today so I thanked them in treats. Can you tell the girls rule the world at treat time? 😂🥰 All of my boys are so very deferential to the girls when it comes to food. They do eat some...but they spend more time making offerings and keeping an alert eye out even when they're locked up in the runs. Such good boys.

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