What did you do with your flock today?

I've got a brain storm this morning. While I'm out with the tiller I'm going to till up a small patch or two that I can cover with a tarp for rain protection that the kids can bathe in.
That sounds like a good idea
I have a dog cage with an old shower curtain over it so the birds can still dust bathe when it rains, they really like it
They're here! After staying up too late, Post Office called at 6 am. Headed down to pick up the girls, in freezing temp of 30. Had trouble getting the brooder up to temp. While I was gone DH changed the bulb, which has solved the heating problem. Got the car heated up, and the ride home was mostly quiet, as they were warmer than in the post office. All in good health, eating like pigs. Some are napping 😴, which doesn't last long because they get run over by the ones spastically racing around. 🤣
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O too funny...bet playing with your freshly planted spuds made their day 😂. I use branches from trimming my trees to keep them off. I stick them upright in the dirt to discourage the birds and it works a treat. I have raised round beds... I've never tried it with row planting since that's impractical here. But maybe it'd work for you too.
You must have a lot of branches! Or maybe a smaller garden?
Everytime I open the garage, my roosters come running because I tend to toss them their food while I grind more of it....

... I now toss them their food because I feel guilty otherwise.

It's amazing how well I've been trained. Lol
My DH has been trained very well, as well. I told him that their name for him is Treat Dispenser.
Good morning gangie and happy 🌺🐔Wednesday! Inbetween all my crazy busy, I was able to scrape boards and compost, scrub waterers and fill feeders.
I captured the last 4 chicks from feral momma #1. She lost 10 chicks and then lost interest in her motherly duties. The last 4 were huddled together last eve, outside the kitty condo, chirping and trying to stay warm. Now they are in my outside brooder with plants, perches, water and snacks, and close to the flock so they can still hear safety.
My son said his cat brought in a few inside his house the last few nights. Still alive, but I'm not sure what happened after. I just know her tribe had been getting whittled down and all were gonners unless I stepped in.

I hurt my knee the other day so had to lay a bit low for a few.
Yesterday I rode with my son 1 hour in the pouring rain, soaked to the bone as it was not expected and i did not pack my rain gear 🙄 Then had to ride home in lighter rain, only to turn around and ride back for another appointment 😂 2 hours later. What a great day!!! I am enjoying the heck outta my big kids ♡♡♡ Monday, he turned 35yo. How lucky am I to still be able to have such adventures with him. Time of my life ♡♡♡

AJ has been a mess, so extra helper duties along with doc calls and pharmacy runs. Glad my husband is home and can lend a hand. With my knee, it was a painful challenge to be of service 😑 Still more groundwork to do for her. It is not picnic being 91. Especially if you have eaten badly and not exercised your entire life. Hard to turn that ship around, but easy to take the lesson.

I'll be on extra cat trapping and feeding and doc intake for the foster kitties duty this next week. Don't think there's an end in sight to the things that need doing.

My chooks are well ♡♡♡ grounded to the run till the eves, now that dh is back home. They did give me a beautiful basket of eggs yesterday.

This never gets old ♡♡♡
Is this the most you've seen at one time ?
Eh, maybe. Hard to keep track. We have had a few banner years. I try not to disturb and they eat, grown and move on. If i disturb, i have orphans chirping and dying.
This year, so far, a total of 5 moms. #1 just turned her brood over to me. So, 4 broody moms with chicks... at this mornings count.
They're here! After staying up too late, Post Office called at 6 am. Headed down to pick up the girls, in freezing temp of 30. Had trouble getting the brooder up to temp. While I was gone DH changed the bulb, which has solved the heating problem. Got the car heated up, and the ride home was mostly quiet, as they were warmer than in the post office. All in good health, eating like pigs. Some are napping 😴, which doesn't last long because they get run over by the ones spastically racing around. 🤣
Oh my gosh @PopoMyers !!!! Soooo many beautiful and healthy beeeeebies!!! What a treat ♡ You gals are going to have so much fun

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