What did you do with your flock today?

O what a cutie.. is she dun? I'm so glad Aria has part of Willie still with her ❤️
Isn’t she fun? 🤩 I’m not at all sure what she is haha. Since Willie is a bobtail and no one knows what genetics hide under it…there’s a chance he was chocolate underneath? And the mom was a lemon blue…so if the charts are right…she could be mauve or chocolate? Was a total surprise 😍
I let my big boy (teenager) Legs sit in my lap while the great grand kids fed him this morning. He was a perfect gentleman for them as he always is. Within about 2-3 months were he walks the other roosters will not go. Even if it is unintentional when he turns around quick and another rooster is there they give way quick now looking up to him.
Aloha gang, sorry so quiet for so long. Just doing my thing.
Forest disappeared 2.5 days ago. Not a lot of sleep for me. Doing everything to find him. Please keep us in your good thoughts.

Welcome to the newbies on this thread. Will catch up on posts bumbai. 🌤🌴🌈💙💙💙💙
Hope you find him soon. I'm missing a beloved pet rooster from a couple of weeks back. I think a fox was waiting for him when he came down off of his night in a high up coop. Now I shut the door on Legs to protect him at all costs. He stays in his coop if we have to be gone. I just can't cope with the thought of losing him.
That is weird! George lost a toe nail while we were prepping him at a show in January. My husband was cleaning his feet and got to the toe nail and it just came right off! He was like Uhhhh I swear I was being careful! 😆

How are you doing since you lost Penelope? We finally said our final goodbyes to Willie last weekend and Aria has been distraught and crying about him almost every night 😢 All the new babies are helping though. And she’s really happy we have a baby that’s half Willie. Did I tell you all about her? I popped a couple eggs in the incubator from the Modern Game bantams and one came out a weird color with feathered legs 🤦🏼‍♀️ We called her weird baby haha, but now she’s Willa (part Willie part Zilla). She’s really pretty! 😍 It helps having a part of him still here ❤️
How strange! And on show day of all times! Did it affect his chances in the judging?

I'm so, so sorry you lost Willie. And my heart goes out to Aria, I can empathise totally. Some of us have hearts that will always feel too deeply and, while it's a curse at times, it's also a blessing - a beautiful thing to own.
Willa is quite beautiful! I wonder how she'll feather out?
It helped me enormously when Sylv was poisoned to have Ferdy and Penelope, knowing a part of him was still here. As Ferdy grew up, his personality was so like his dad. My friend was convinced Sylv had possessed Ferdy in the egg, She was wrong about that, if anything his spirit is stronger in Stan, they really are two peas in a pod.
I'm doing O.K. Still missing her every day though 😢
Aloha gang, sorry so quiet for so long. Just doing my thing.
Forest disappeared 2.5 days ago. Not a lot of sleep for me. Doing everything to find him. Please keep us in your good thoughts.

Welcome to the newbies on this thread. Will catch up on posts bumbai. 🌤🌴🌈💙💙💙💙
Oh no! I'm so sorry your wonderful Forest has gone missing. I'll definitely keep him in my thoughts. I hope you find him soon :hugs
I fed them their favorite organic mealworms this evening. It was a gorgeous day but EXTREMELY windy! 20 to 30 mph winds with 50 mph gusts. 😳 My face feels wind burned.
.... Heh. Haha. Hahahahaha.

I live in the panhandle of Texas, this is my every couple of days.

I remember thinking it was super windy, but now I'm used to it. ... I have started to only think it's windy if I get sandblasted and dust in my teeth. 🤣🤣
Oh my goodness. Just caught up on 9 pages (phone), what fun and good for my heart. So many fun things going on with my chicken friends.

Been a little heavy here. Been battling an ear infection again. Docs approach was a bit different and more time consuming. Was sewing and cutting bags like a bandit. Then Forest disappeared. Keep thinking if I start cutting and sewing he will show up and plop in the middle of my project.

Chickens are great. Spider and ladies are still here with me, that is fine ♡♡♡. Flock gave me 18 eggs yesterday! Happy belated Easter everyone... and April fools 😁

I just bought a bag of meatbird crumble - for the bag - and my girls loved it.

Def going to go back and buy some more, lol.
Other things to be grateful for and to keep my heart distracted as it breaks.

Actually Mango Pieces was sleeping with Tally and Elliot too, but I was not fast enough with the camera.
And going to visit AJ yesterday, I spotted these 🕸 kinda cool cuz they are garden spiders

Please continue to keep Forests wellbeing in your hearts ♡♡♡ Im working hard to find him and bring him home. He has responsibilities.


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