What did you do with your flock today?

Isn’t she fun? 🤩 I’m not at all sure what she is haha. Since Willie is a bobtail and no one knows what genetics hide under it…there’s a chance he was chocolate underneath? And the mom was a lemon blue…so if the charts are right…she could be mauve or chocolate? Was a total surprise 😍
She's going to be pretty I bet! I had the dun color with my alohas but I ended up rehoming all of them. Just too big for me. I'm so used to my little birds and they're perfect to me. 😂🥰

But...part of me keeps wishing I'd kept at least one 😁🤗
I let my big boy (teenager) Legs sit in my lap while the great grand kids fed him this morning. He was a perfect gentleman for them as he always is. Within about 2-3 months were he walks the other roosters will not go. Even if it is unintentional when he turns around quick and another rooster is there they give way quick now looking up to him.
With those legs, I bet they literally look up too 😂
Aloha gang, sorry so quiet for so long. Just doing my thing.
Forest disappeared 2.5 days ago. Not a lot of sleep for me. Doing everything to find him. Please keep us in your good thoughts.

Welcome to the newbies on this thread. Will catch up on posts bumbai. 🌤🌴🌈💙💙💙💙
O no! Forest is such a savvy boy... I'm hoping he'll turn up soon 🤞🤞🤞🤞. You must be wracked with worry. :hugs :hugs :hugs
Oh my goodness. Just caught up on 9 pages (phone), what fun and good for my heart. So many fun things going on with my chicken friends.

Been a little heavy here. Been battling an ear infection again. Docs approach was a bit different and more time consuming. Was sewing and cutting bags like a bandit. Then Forest disappeared. Keep thinking if I start cutting and sewing he will show up and plop in the middle of my project.

Chickens are great. Spider and ladies are still here with me, that is fine ♡♡♡. Flock gave me 18 eggs yesterday! Happy belated Easter everyone... and April fools 😁

I just bought a bag of meatbird crumble - for the bag - and my girls loved it.View attachment 3789376
Def going to go back and buy some more, lol.
Other things to be grateful for and to keep my heart distracted as it breaks.View attachment 3789383
Actually Mango Pieces was sleeping with Tally and Elliot too, but I was not fast enough with the camera.
And going to visit AJ yesterday, I spotted these 🕸 kinda cool cuz they are garden spidersView attachment 3789393

Please continue to keep Forests wellbeing in your hearts ♡♡♡ Im working hard to find him and bring him home. He has responsibilities.
View attachment 3789395
My hearts with you and Tally. I'm sure he's missing his friend too. :hugs
Oh no!!! I will be thinking alllll the good thoughts for Forest! 😩😢😢😢
Aloha gang, sorry so quiet for so long. Just doing my thing.
Forest disappeared 2.5 days ago. Not a lot of sleep for me. Doing everything to find him. Please keep us in your good thoughts.

Welcome to the newbies on this thread. Will catch up on posts bumbai. 🌤🌴🌈💙💙💙💙
I didn't let Legs stay in his coop outside tonight with a bad storm expected for several hours starting about 11pm. He is safely in a kennel in the sun room. He sat in my lap for about half an hour after eating a slice of bread and a boiled egg. That is his version of an egg sandwich. I'm amazed at how he just either sits or stands in my lap unrestrained and takes in the sights around the room. No other chicken would ever do that. I had to round him up tonight. He's found a Delaware girl friend in one of the coops that has taken a liking to him too. They date through the wire for now. She gets a close as she can to him and him to her. The big Delaware rooster with her isn't happy about the situation but not much he can do about it. :)
Oh my goodness. Just caught up on 9 pages (phone), what fun and good for my heart. So many fun things going on with my chicken friends.

Been a little heavy here. Been battling an ear infection again. Docs approach was a bit different and more time consuming. Was sewing and cutting bags like a bandit. Then Forest disappeared. Keep thinking if I start cutting and sewing he will show up and plop in the middle of my project.

Chickens are great. Spider and ladies are still here with me, that is fine ♡♡♡. Flock gave me 18 eggs yesterday! Happy belated Easter everyone... and April fools 😁

I just bought a bag of meatbird crumble - for the bag - and my girls loved it.View attachment 3789376
Def going to go back and buy some more, lol.
Other things to be grateful for and to keep my heart distracted as it breaks.View attachment 3789383
Actually Mango Pieces was sleeping with Tally and Elliot too, but I was not fast enough with the camera.
And going to visit AJ yesterday, I spotted these 🕸 kinda cool cuz they are garden spidersView attachment 3789393

Please continue to keep Forests wellbeing in your hearts ♡♡♡ Im working hard to find him and bring him home. He has responsibilities.
View attachment 3789395
Aww. How is Tally doing without the majestic Forest? I'm willing him to come home safe and sound ❤️ :fl:hugs
Those spiderlings are the sweetest little things! I love it when our Garden Orb spiderlings cluster like that before taking off into the unknown... Unfortunately, one year they were decimated by a hungry Penelope. She kept jumping up at the cluster and grabbing beakfuls. The poor little beasties would scurry for cover, she'd wait for them to re-assemble then jump up again. Kept her entertained for ages 🤣
No Forest monster yet. He is logged onto the KCCP & KHS & craigslist lost and found. I made and distributed about 75 fliers around a 1 mile radius. I'm having 30 more colored fliers printed out today and will print out another- what ever it takes in black and white and just keep growing my radius and do it till he is found. My town is 3.3 miles x 1/2 mile. I have hope!!!!
I got 2 leads last night! One still has potential, the other a dud. I will continue my bike rides while calling out morning and night.
Tally misses him. I have been locking Tally up with the fosters in the condo more. It seems where he wants to be and the girls really think he is big and strong. He comes around for more attention as do all the kitties. They have all been staying a little closer to home. I think that is because Forest, the boss, is on hiatus.
I'm sorry to say I am a bit lost right now. I did some sewing yesterday and hope to immerse myself into my project today. And care for the chooks ♡♡♡

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