What did you do with your flock today?

This morning, I looked out and saw our big girl, HeadHen running and being pecked. I was like, whoa, nuhu... Went out and she had a frog they were all chasing her for . Poor little dude. Then our biggest girl, ShyGirl(aka mini dino) got it and they chased her for ever trying to get it back. Lol even the 7-8 week olds were trying to get in on the fun lol
The inspiration for football....it was really invented by chickens 😂
They've grown so much! It never ceases to amaze me.
I'm so relieved your little one that was pecked is doing so much better. She’s looking good and clearly a smart baby - ensconced behind the feeder like that she can get right back to eating when she wakes up 😂
Ferdy and Penelope had a sibling who hatched nearly a week later than them. They pecked it to death within 8 hours of hatching so it always pulls on my heartstrings when I hear a similar story.
Is Martha a first time mom?
Yes, this is her first brood, and she's doing a great job. She launches herself at any hen that gets close. LC ("Little Chick") sometimes cries when she loses track of Momma Martha, but Martha goes back to where LC can see her and clucks until LC runs over. She's almost tender with her.

Samuel attacked the chicks today. He was removed, permanently. The coop is quieter.
I didn't do much with the hens today. I collected eggs, gave them a couple each of tomatoes and apples to share, then cleaned and refilled their 2 gallon water bucket.

I locked them up for the night in the secure run about 3 hours earlier than normal, just because I was already out there and didn't feel like going back out later.

The sunny, 70 degree morning quickly devolved into a cloudy, windy, rainy afternoon in the 50's.
Thanks! The hiding places were made from raised bed inserts that never worked properly. I have a stash of odds and ends of things like those, items that didn't work out as planned but that l might be able to "repurpose" in the future.
Oh, really?
That's awesome! I should probably do better repurposing things myself.
I would save a lot of money. Lol

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