What kind of chicken is this?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 10, 2007
Is this a rooster?
also, what kind is it.
It is supposed to be araucana, but it looks nothing
like my sisters araucanas.

It is only 2 1/2 months old. I got it may 2 as a chick.






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i'm not sure what kind of chicken it is, sorry, but i know one thing! It pretty much looks like a rooster. . .

It all depnds on how old this bird is?? Could be a hen or a rooster, looks like maybe a Leghorn cross?? Not realy sure tho?? If it is an older chicken, definitely not a roo, as it has no spurs. But a younger bird, could be a rooster.
Most deffinately NOT an Araucana (as they are rumpless and have ear tufts and slate blue legs) or an Ameraucana (as they have beards and ear muffs and slate legs), and I even doubt its an Easter Egger because EEs are a cross between an Ameraucana and any other chicken, and they almost always still have the ear muffs and beards. Also, it couldn't be any of those because they all have peacombs, and your bird there deffinately does NOT have peacomb. Lovely bird, but unsure as to the breed it IS, only what it is NOT. Can't say its a roo for certain until we know the age, and figure out the breed. But I agree with the above posts, that if its a young bird, it could very well be a roo.

Edited to add: Almost looks like a cross between a White Leghorn and a Buff Orphington. Deffinately has a Leghorn face and comb/wattles, and has the more upright posture. But bulkier like a Buff Orp. Dont know, but I'm interested to find out!
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I agree it's head looks like a roo, especially at 2 1/2 months, but I don't see any saddle feathers or roo'ish tail feathers. If it had those, I'd say sexlink roo.
Your bird looks exactly like my white leghorn rooster. He was soooo mean when he got older. We finally had to get rid of him last nite. He wouldnt let me into the coup at all to get the eggs and he killed one of the hens. Hope yours doesn't get mean too.


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