What to feed my roosters to build muscle


Apr 5, 2020
I was given an idea to feed my roosters “All Flock” to build muscle onto them so they gain weight, but I would like to see if anyone had some other thoughts on the subject or would like to praise the “All Flock” idea. I appreciate any advice or thoughts.👍
The increase in "muscle mass" I want for eating birds includes more fat and glycogen to make for juicier / less dry meat. I have been supplementing a higher protein grower feed with soaked oats. The latter appears to be tasty enough to promote more intake over what is realized with the grower feed alone. The grower feed I have been using is in my opinion richer in terms of protein compared to what the chickens need, and condiderably less expensive than the flock grower feeds I can get which range in protein level from 16% to 20% crude protein.

I go not like dry white meat.
Protein builds muscle, try a meatbird feed, 22% Protein.
TSC carries two Brands. 20200407_152223_resized.jpg
I've never grown Cockerels to butcher. GC
Meatbird feed will be easiest to obtain fresh. Gamebird feed is harder to find and sometimes is older bc it moves off the shelves a little slower, and is more expensive.

Are you growing cockerels for meat? If so, breed matters here. Some breeds, like New Hampshire, are known for being good meat birds (without being Cornish cross type). Others, like Leghorns,have less muscle mass overall.
If they are to be processed for consumption which I believe they are it is not just about the feed but also confinement. Any feed above 20% protein will do coupled with restricted movement. End result should be big fat juicy meals.
Meat is not just about protein. Quality flesh has a balance of protein, fat and glycogen that makes for tender and juicy portions. Limited exercise reduces muscle tone and draw down of energy stores.

Take a look at literature on how broiler producers and processors characterize meat products in regards to chemical composition.
These roosters are show roosters, and I wanted to give them a little more body mass since they are all a little younger. Sorry for the confusion that they were for consumption.

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