What would cause egg in incubator to crack


Free Ranging
Jan 29, 2021
I am hatching eggs for someone else. Some were very dirty so I cleaned as best as I could with a dry cloth then a couple I wiped with a cloth with water and hydrogen peroxide. Last night I noticed the room it was in smelled. One of the eggs cracked and leaked all over the bottom of the incubator. I set them on Sat. I noticed another shell cracked but that egg was still in the membrane fully. I have hatched before and never had this happen. What would cause this? Also where no egg got on the others should they be ok or do I need to get rid of them all? Long story short I noticed smell when going to bed and it is in my room and my husband was asleep so I couldn't clean it right away.
I am hatching eggs for someone else. Some were very dirty so I cleaned as best as I could with a dry cloth then a couple I wiped with a cloth with water and hydrogen peroxide. Last night I noticed the room it was in smelled. One of the eggs cracked and leaked all over the bottom of the incubator. I set them on Sat. I noticed another shell cracked but that egg was still in the membrane fully. I have hatched before and never had this happen. What would cause this? Also where no egg got on the others should they be ok or do I need to get rid of them all? Long story short I noticed smell when going to bed and it is in my room and my husband was asleep so I couldn't clean it right away.
What's the incubator's temp, humidity, the specific date they were put in, and what breed are they supposed to be? Some eggs crack because bacteria got inside them and they basically explode and can also harm other eggs if those bacteria get inside that egg. Is the incubator moving a lot where that might be causing them to crack? Are you touching the eggs? Are the eggs being turned by hand or by an egg-turner?
What's the incubator's temp, humidity, the specific date they were put in, and what breed are they supposed to be? Some eggs crack because bacteria got inside them and they basically explode and can also harm other eggs if those bacteria get inside that egg. Is the incubator moving a lot where that might be causing them to crack? Are you touching the eggs? Are the eggs being turned by hand or by an egg-turner?
I set them on 11/19 around 430pm. It is 11/21 730am now. Temp 99.5 humidity around 48-52. Not sure on breed. Haven't touch them since set. Incubator hasn't moved. Automatic turner in incubator
The egg cracked from bacteria that grows and builds pressure. It can contaminate the other eggs, but if they are removed for a short amount of time so the incubator can be cleaned thoroughly they have a chance. I have had an egg burst earlier on, I thoroughly disinfected the incubator and the rest of the eggs hatched just fine. That was the only time I've had it happened and since they were shipped eggs I didn't have much choice with how clean the eggs were. I would tell your neighbors that next time they want you to incubate eggs to only collect clean ones.
The egg cracked from bacteria that grows and builds pressure. It can contaminate the other eggs, but if they are removed for a short amount of time so the incubator can be cleaned thoroughly they have a chance. I have had an egg burst earlier on, I thoroughly disinfected the incubator and the rest of the eggs hatched just fine. That was the only time I've had it happened and since they were shipped eggs I didn't have much choice with how clean the eggs were. I would tell your neighbors that next time they want you to incubate eggs to only collect clean ones.
Yes I am going to say only clean ones next time. I had to work this morning so can't clean it till after. Ugh. But plan on taking them out and fully disinfecting the whole thing. Will check rest of the eggs too for any smell. Maybe candle them to see if anything looks off
I am hatching eggs for someone else. Some were very dirty so I cleaned as best as I could with a dry cloth then a couple I wiped with a cloth with water and hydrogen peroxide. Last night I noticed the room it was in smelled. One of the eggs cracked and leaked all over the bottom of the incubator. I set them on Sat. I noticed another shell cracked but that egg was still in the membrane fully. I have hatched before and never had this happen. What would cause this? Also where no egg got on the others should they be ok or do I need to get rid of them all? Long story short I noticed smell when going to bed and it is in my room and my husband was asleep so I couldn't clean it right away.
Rotten, bacteria probably got into the egg and caused it to "explode".
If you cleaned and wiped the eggs, you may have removed some of the bloom which protects eggs from bacteria, that may have conpromised them.
Rotten, bacteria probably got into the egg and caused it to "explode".
If you cleaned and wiped the eggs, you may have removed some of the bloom which protects eggs from bacteria, that may have conpromised them.
Compromised them in a day? Would think if it was from wiping them it would take longer than a day to get bacteria in and build up enough pressure to crack. I am not even sure if it was any I wiped since I only did a couple to try to get the main gunk off the shell. If they weren't bad I left them.
I set them on 11/19 around 430pm. It is 11/21 730am now. Temp 99.5 humidity around 48-52. Not sure on breed. Haven't touch them since set. Incubator hasn't moved. Automatic turner in incubator
ahh okay, I didnt realise they were set so recently. The week has gotten away from me, I immediately thought Saturday last week!
Yes, thats unlikely. Unless it may have already been going bad before setting

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