whats the worst that will happen if goats eat chicken feed?

no its not medicated i dont no how often they eat it but they have alfalfa pellits and livestock feed and bermuda but what could happin if they were goarging on it?
Cara is correct. I almost lost my wether a year ago because he ate some chicken food. I don't allow my goats in with the chickens anymore. Letting them eat any amount of chicken feed is just asking for trouble.
Chicken feed can be deadly to goats. I lost the best doe I ever owned, an outstanding milker and beautiful show doe, because she got into the chicken feed and I didn't find out until it was too late.
Goats can die from eating too much of any grain.
Aside from that there is nothing in my chicken feed that will hurt my goats. Our little rescue goat has been gobbling chicken feed with the chickens for months now.
I would find any way possible to stop the goats. They are crafty things though aren't they. Have you tried using metal garbage cans to hold your chicken feed away from the goats?
When I got my two little LaManchas I was told to give them grass/hay and about one cup of Allgrain per goat/per day. I give them a little bit more of grain on these bitter sub-zero days but now after reading this I won't anymore. We put a large round bale of grass/hay inside their enclosure so they can have access to the middle of the bale during all this weather. I hope we are doing the right thing by them. I also carry fresh water to them daily since everything stays frozen.

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