When to change from crumbs to starter pellets?


11 Years
Jun 9, 2008
Aberystwyth, Wales
My chicks hatched yesterday so this is a question in advance. How long are they fed chick crumbs before they go onto starter pellets? This is my first batch so it is new and exciting annd I want to get it right!!
I wonder if the terminology is different there from here.

Here, they start on starter feed, change to grower feed around 18 weeks, then to layer feed around 5 months or when they start laying. Or the first two are sold as a single formula called starter/grower. Crumbles and pellets are different forms of the same feed, crumbles being smaller or finer pieces, and pellets being like crumbles that have been formed into little, well, pellets. We don't actually see feed labeled "chick feed," only "starter," or "starter/grower." At my feed store, starter/grower is sold only as crumbs, or crumbles, but I can get layer feed in either crumbles or pellets.

Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for that. I think it is different here. I have bought chicks crumbs which are like crumbled pellets. I have starter pellets that I feed my young ducks and they will have that until they are laying. They were 7 weeks when we got them and were eating the starter at their other home. I was wondering when chicks can move from the crumbs to the pellet size food. Is it about 4 weeks?
Feed them chick crumble for the first 8 weeks. Sprinkle a bit of sand over the top when they first start so that they have some grit in their gizzard to grind the feed up.
At about 8 weeks you should change them onto pullet grower (crumble or pellet in Australia) until about 14 to 16 weeks.
Change to pullet finisher until point of lay when you change onto layer pellets.

The important things to look for are protein % and coccsidiostat.
Chick crumble contains around 20% protein and coccsidiostat.
Pullet grower contains around 16% protein and coccsidiostat.
Pullet finisher contains around 16% protein but no coccsidiostat.
Layer pellets contain around 16% protein and up to 3 times more calcium for egg production and no coccsidiostat.

It is important not to feed your birds with pellets containing drugs prior to the start of laying as the eggs may be contaminated.
The Chook Book may be of use and the poultry range section will provide more information about food.
I agree with the others. Here is what we do...

We feed medicated starter crumbles until they are 6-8 weeks old

Then we change them to un-medicated - grower crumbles from about 8-14 weeks (Sometimes our Australorps will start laying a 5.5 months)

At 14-16 weeks we change to laying crumbles and corn. Our chicks are free ranging so they eat a lot of greens and bugs! They also love mill-worms as treats.

We also provide oyster shell and crushed egg shells for laying chickens.

We follow the same basic outline for our bantams but the eat grower crumbles and free range their entire lives.
The meds in starter are just coccidiostats and not a problem if they begin laying while on feed containing Amprolium. It's just a thiamine blocker. The eggs are fine, and you can them switch them to layer.
Wow, thanks everyone that is so helpful. This place is fantastic!!

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