Which chicken breed makes a good indoor bedroom pet?

All living beings poop and it is unrealistic to think other wise.
True, but some poop more often than others. Chickens poop many more times each day than a dog or cat, which is one reason dogs and cats are more popular indoor pets than chickens.

There is a new “chicken” breed that is even smaller than bantams. They are called Rutin Chickens even though they are now technically chickens. They are a cross between a pheasant and a quail I believe. But fully grown they are about the size of a baby chick and they lay little eggs about the size of jelly beans.
They are not really chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus), even if they look like chickens.

But they definitely are cute!
I’m looking for a breed of chicken that doesn’t poop a lot and will stay on my lap for a long time. Would buff orpingtons be a good candidate? This will be an indoor pet.
They all poop a lot and can carry salmonella as well as other germs, worms. I guess you could try a diaper (they sell on Etsy and probably Amazon, ) but personally I wouldn’t try it. Also they wouldn’t do well if you switch indoor then outdoor abruptly since they have trouble changing temps too fast. Perhaps make a coup where you can have a chair to sit near and hold on your lap? Just remember to wash your hands after.
I’m looking for a breed of chicken that doesn’t poop a lot and will stay on my lap for a long time. Would buff orpingtons be a good candidate? This will be an indoor pet.
Explore your zoning laws, most coops need to be a specified distance from your dwelling and shared property line and do not allow fowl inside. There are many docile breeds that enjoy human contact and being held but as far as low pooping? If you can train your hen to go in a litter box and if you live away from neighbors, maybe no one notice the inside hen!
I have two indoor silkie roosters. One loves to be held and carried around like a puppy. He melts into your arms and makes cute sounds, and will let you pet him for hours, but he poops. The other is like the sour patch kid. Sometimes he nips me, other times he falls asleep in my arms. He poops stinky poops but only when I put him down. They are both spoiled rotten. They get jealous when I’m on the phone, get impatient when I sleep in, but do the tippytap feet when I come home from work. The best puppydogchickens ever!!!!!
True, but some poop more often than others. Chickens poop many more times each day than a dog or cat, which is one reason dogs and cats are more popular indoor pets than chickens.

They are not really chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus), even if they look like chickens.

But they definitely are cute!
Ya i know that they just call them chickens probably because they look like baby chicks. I meant to say “they are not chickens” but what came out was “they are now chickens” which doesn’t even make sense. But they are popularly called Rutin chickens even though they are not technically chickens. They would be a fun pet though. And they are quite popular in China and Asia right now. 😍
I meant to say “they are not chickens” but what came out was “they are now chickens” which doesn’t even make sense.
Ah, that makes sense. I had thought you were saying they are chickens now, even though they came from non-chickens in the first place. I didn't think of it being a typo!

But they are popularly called Rutin chickens even though they are not technically chickens. They would be a fun pet though. And they are quite popular in China and Asia right now. 😍
Yes, they do sound like fun pets :)

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