White Sore on hen's beak?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 10, 2015
My 1.5 year old bantam black Wyandotte hen has a white sore on the lower mandible of her beak (hopefully the picture is below, I'm new to the Forum). She isn't displaying any signs or behavior indicating illness, but she does appear to have a raspy breath and occasionally will sneeze with white fluid coming out of the nasal cavity. Stool looks fine and well-formed, and her weight hasn't wavered from the norm. Comb and wattles are also a healthy reddish-pink color and eyes are alert. She has been eating regularly as well as drinking. There bedding is clean (I just cleaned it a couple days ago). Unfortunately I have no idea how long the sore has been there. My last picture of her was in September and there was no sore then. I just noticed it today as I had brought her in to sit with her and noticed a white bump on her beak.

I did notice that there is another hen in the flock that has a raspy breath (a spangled Old English Game bantam hen), but did not appear to have a sore anywhere. It's been pretty cold where I'm living, between 0 and 20 degrees Fahrenheit, but I'm worried about what the sore is on her beak and if I need to quarantine her from the rest of the flock.
Can chickens get cold sores? I know in humans its caused by the herpes simplex virus, but can the virus exist in chickens, or is it a different specialized virus? Also, if it is simply a cold sore, does she need to be quarantined? Thanks for the quick reply :)
I'm from America, Ohio actually. I just don't see a reason why there shouldn't be a strain of virus that could potentially cause a cold sore of sorts. I just don't know what to do for her, I can't find anything like it on the Forum or from looking up picture.

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