Yellow chalky discharge around vent


Aug 2, 2023
Several weeks ago I brought home three adult hens, two Blue Andalusians and a Plymouth Rock. They are all around 1.5 years old and molting. The Plymouth Rock has only layed one egg so far, I assumed this is because she had bumbles on both feet and has been recovering since I removed.

The Blue Andalusians were laying daily for about a week and then both stopped at the same time. Since they are molting I didn’t think much of this at first, but today I noticed how much smaller one of them looked. While examining her I noticed a small ring of chalky yellow stuff surrounding her vent. Looking back on it, I think the Plymouth Rock had something similar when I treated her bumbles. Is this something I need to treat?


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They can go off their food and off the lay when moulting but do keep an eye on them and you can offer high protein food like scrambled egg and tuna to give them a boost.

I agree it looks like dried urates. I have an older hen who can be a bit leaky and sometimes in the morning she has urates dried around her vent and down in a line on the skin below her vent (I have to keep her feathers trimmed because of this). I usually bring her inside and soak a wet wipe or face washer in warm water and press it against her backside to loosen the urates and then wipe it off, being very careful around the vent so I’m not wiping it INTO the vent.

But in your picture it only looks like a tiny bit and it will probably dust off when she has her next dust bath.

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