
Location and Covey sizes:

Bobwhite Quail are normally found in the US's Southern States, creating what are known as “coveys” in groups of 5 to around 20 birds. During their non-breeding seasons around October and till around April. Quail primarily inhabit areas forests dominated by various species of pine, hardwood, grasslands, and lots of herb growth. However, the Bobwhite's habitat varies greatly throughout their range which extends from Mexico through Texas and east all the way to Florida and north into the Upper Midwest and Northeast.



The Bobwhite Quail is a member of the group of species known as New world Quail. The Bobwhite is a small species that is both beautifully patterned and perfectly camouflaged into its forest like environment. Their striped wood like back plus there spotted blackish red and white feathers on their chest, help them blend in to the bushes and shrubs and leaves on the forest floor it lives in. They are about eight or nine inches long, and weigh about a quarter of a pound.

Wait how many Subspecies?

Northern Bobwhite actually have a few subspecies within its families range. Normally when you think about Subspecies you're thinking 2 or 3, but Northern Bobwhite actually have 22, this includes the Eastern Bobwhite, black-breasted Bobwhite, Black Masked Bobwhite, and the Red Tennessee Bobwhite. Though they are closely related, the males of different species vary in color and patterns.

Red Tennessee_______________________Black-Masked____________________Black Breasted


Breeding / Nesting:

During the breeding season, usually around the beginning in mid-April, bobwhite coveys will begin to separate into pairs to look for good nesting sites. One hen will lay about 1 per day, and they hatch after around 22- 24 days, but occasionally will hatch as late as day 30. Both males and females can incubate nests, with most nests usually incubated by females. If the first clutch of eggs is unsuccessful sometimes the breeding pair might will attempt to lay, incubate, and then hatch additional clutches, however this is not always the case and they will sometimes split u and make new pairs or give up for the season entirely. If the clutch is successful, chicks are precocial meaning they can eat and take care of them selves, and will leave the nest approximately 24 hours following hatching.

The roo brooding the nest while mom rests____Normal sized clutch______________________Chicks hatching after day 23

The breeding season continues until mid-October, and successful females can potentially lay, incubate, and hatch up to 3 clutches in one breeding season. However the chicks are cared for by the parent for several weeks before leaving to live on their own. Eggs are normally white in color compared to Coturnix eggs which have larger splotches of black and brown, Bobwhites also have a more pointed end than normal chicken eggs.
Bobwhite egg________Coturnix egg_______________________California quail egg



Explosive quail:

Bobwhite just like many other types of wild quail can fly and every well too, Bobwhites also sleep in groups on the ground during the fall with each and every head facing outward to see danger from a surprising 20 some meters away, because 16 eyes is better than two when your as tasty as a bobwhite in a literal forest of predator that would love a midnight snack. So when they see danger they will all suddenly flying upward into the air creating a feathery explosion of leaves as they all start bursting into the night and eventually regrouping after a few minutes to remake the circle of safety again and hopefully continuing there sleep.


The song of the Bobwhite:

The bobwhite’s song is a rising, clear whistle, bob-Wight! or bob-bob-White! The call is most often given by males in spring and summertime and during breeding to keep away other males or other pairs looking for nesting areas.
this is a link showing the call of a Northern Bobwhite quail


Needed licenses from Fish & Wildlife:

There are several Laws and regulations protecting the hunting\breeding\and keeping of Bob white quail in the US and its very important to follows these rules and laws and to get the needed Licenses. So always be sure to check you're local Fish & Wildlife befor you go hunting, breeding, or thinking about getting any Bobwhite quail. That of course goes for all other types of native or exotic quail, usually excluding Button and Coturnix Quail as they are the most commonly kept and therefor normally don't require a license from Fish & Wildlife. There is a Fish & Wildlife for every state including Alaska, Canada, and New Mexico so you can look online to see where to closest Fish & Wildlife department is so you can ask them any question you may have or get any Licenses you may need.