Reviews by happyhencamper

Can Chickens Eat Grass?

BYC Project Manager
8 min read
4.60 star(s) 15 ratings
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I have a ? And a comment about the eating grass article. I used to use my cut grass in their run. It made a nice flooring and gave the girls some thing to dig through and eat. I loved it and helped us get rid of some grass and occupied them as well as made them a nice non muddy flooring. I have read several articles (Chicken magazine) about not giving them cut grass. This was because usually the grass is at least 2 inches long. The articles stated that it was too long and could cause sore crop?

Another thing to consider is that I got a rat infestation and piles of grass are where they live. Most of all the article suggests throwing feed in the run. This contributed to my rat problem. I now feed them treats and scratch in several large dishes in the run and collect the leftovers (there aren’t many). I only feed their food in the coop and in feeders. The automatic door only open at 7:30 so they eat a lot in morning, when waiting to enter a nest box and getting ready to roost in evening.

Just food for thought I was feeding the rats and giving them housing.

We have since been able to fix the problem. As long as I continue to be diligent.

Your thoughts?
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