How to check if my unhatched chicken is alive?

A little more detail would really enhance the article.
Never ever put hatching eggs in water unless you want to make sure you kill it.
Article is short and doesn’t offer much info.
Water candling can easily be a deadly practice, it's not recommended for any eggs you even suspect are alive.
I don't know how to describe the procedure in more detail, when it is very simple and there is no need to complicate it.
I don't know how it can be deadly, except to raise the humidity of the egg and make it easier for the chick to get out.
In my many years of practice, I have never had a problem - nor have all my grower friends who do the same procedure
Interesting technique. It would be helpful to give a time frame for people to monitor the egg when they do this. Something like "if it hasn't moved in a minute it's probably not going to" or the like.
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If it is water from the tap, the chicken will start moving immediately. It is necessary to wait about 10 seconds for the egg to calm down on the surface due to our action when we immerse it in water. If the egg does not move after 30 seconds, it is a sign that something is wrong.
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