Recent content by FalseToast

  1. FalseToast

    The Toaster — Coop Blog

    I don’t post here as much as I want to, but I figured to start a post that I update whenever I remember it exists. For now, I definitely want to show off my silkies! Given all—except one—are white, I’ve named them… more generically. The tall boy is Cloud! He’s a little shy and has no idea...
  2. FalseToast

    Herb List?

    Thank you so much! 😭 The both of you!
  3. FalseToast

    Wry Neck Issues

    Thank you! It was all I could do, and was recommended when I looked it up. I’m very hesitant on using human supplements without second opinions, but now I know it’s safe to use. So again, thank you!
  4. FalseToast

    Wry Neck Issues

    I had one chicken with wry neck, and now I have two. I’m not sure what’s going on or what could be going on. I’ve been giving the first chicken sunflower and pumpkin seeds to up her Vit. E intake and it seems to help. She’s been improving slowly, but not at a pace I’m content with. Both chickens...
  5. FalseToast

    Vets in Southern Ontario?

    I live in the very southern parts of Ontario, south of London—in Chatham-Kent. I need a veterinarian, but can’t find any clinics that take in poultry! I cannot go to Windsor, and there’s a slim chance that I can head as far as London. Does anyone know of any vets that see poultry in the...
  6. FalseToast

    2m/o silkie shaking head/wobbly?

    Thank you! I think I’ll be taking her to a vet today if I can find one that handles poultry. She’s eating and drinking on her own so long as she can find it, so at least that’s good. 😅
  7. FalseToast

    2m/o silkie shaking head/wobbly?

    She temporarily stops moving her neck as she slowly falls asleep. Finally checked her ears and I do see lice.
  8. FalseToast

    2m/o silkie shaking head/wobbly?

    She’s scratching a lot. Definitely can pick her head up, she just keeps tossing it around.
  9. FalseToast

    2m/o silkie shaking head/wobbly?

    Click here I uploaded a video to yt!
  10. FalseToast

    2m/o silkie shaking head/wobbly?

    Not sure what’s going on! Definitely urgent as she’s not eating! It’s so sad, because she’s preening herself and yet her head is being thrown around like a rag doll. I will say she does have lice unfortunately, but I’m so unsure what’s going on? She’s moving or trying to and stuff she just won’t...
  11. FalseToast

    Turkey News

    Uh, black! Just kidding! I can’t remember what breed my two girls are! I will have to ask the people I got them from again!
  12. FalseToast

    Turkey News

    Not much of a question post, but a celebration for me! I’ve never raised turkeys before, nor other poultry aside from chickens fully. So I’m extremely excited about today! I went out to check on my two lovely ladies and found these on the ground! They’ve successfully made it to being ~7...
  13. FalseToast

    Turkey Crouch Meaning?

    Ah, I see! I currently don’t have a tom, just two hens! No idea how this’ll turn out eventually…
  14. FalseToast

    Turkey Crouch Meaning?

    What sort-of problems? They hang out with my rooster and hen(chicken). Only have had them for a few months and not their whole lives. Both happy they like me but also, how do I politely reject her offer? When I said I wanted them to love me, I didn’t mean romantically. 😔
  15. FalseToast

    Turkey Crouch Meaning?

    I think I already know what it means, I’d just like confirmation. She thinks I’m a tom, doesn’t she? AKA this is mating behaviour? If that’s the case, this makes two birds who want me. Neither of which being the same gender. I am both a tom and a hen now.
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